Lay returned home at 5:30 and ate eggs for breakfast. Like last night, he drank a cup of coffee while waiting for his body to digest the food.
Afterward, he lay on the sofa and put on the VR helmet.
Light filled Lay's eyes as the helmet opened like an old TV model coming to life.
It first displayed the company's logo followed by the flags of Alliance and A Nation as an indicator of the two nations' collaboration.
The scene once again changed as an image of the Celestial Treasure World appears on the horizon.
Zooming in, the camera followed the movements of a person wearing Wild Westeque style of clothes complete with two guns on his side.
Opposite him, a person clad in leather armor with a bow on his back is also walking forward.
Soon, the two sides met and started fighting without a word.
Their fight lasted for a few moments and ended with no clear winner. It was followed by other classes fighting their 1v1s and ended with a group battle.
The scene captured the charm of the game as resplendent lights filled Lay's screen from the characters' exchanges.
However, Lay wasn't dazzled and instead kept his eyes peeled to take note of the different classes' skills, skill effects, and usage.
By doing this he would be able to skip a few lessons on the different classes and subsequently learn more about the class he wants to take.
Soon the group fight was concluded and the scene changed into a majestic hall.
Lay looked at his body and noticed that he didn't have a corporeal form: a bundle of light would be the most accurate way to describe his appearance right now.
_Please choose your class_
A screen appeared in front of Lay's with those same words followed by a character model.
Scrolling sideways, the model changes its appearance based on the corresponding class.
Finally, Lay arrived at Gunner and tapped confirm without any hesitation.
_Customize Character_
Lay changes the appearance of the model into a forgetful face. He was confident that no one would be able to pick his character out amidst a crowd.
This arrangement could be considered a hidden effect. The more eye-catching he looks, the more easy it is to spot him which will be unfavorable in some situations.
_Enter character name_
Lay: Hitman
_Username already exist_
Lay: Hitman1
_Username already exist_
Lay: Hitman21
_Username available! Confirm username?_
Lay: Confirm