Chapter 1: Rebirth of the Destroyer

The void was endless, but Alex's wait was over.

After 10 billion years in the dark nothingness, a figure appeared, bright and imposing, radiating a power that was beyond comprehension. This being, a ROB—or Random Omnipotent Being—granted Alex an opportunity: reincarnation with wishes.

The wishes had been chosen carefully. The power of Beerus, the God of Destruction, and the physical potential of a Frost demon and a Legendary Ancient Saiyan. An invincible combination of raw destruction and boundless evolution. He'd also asked for Marcarita as his maid and ally, with a balanced power system in the new world of DxD, and the ability to travel freely to the Dragon Ball universe.

It was an absurd request, but the ROB had only smiled and said, "Granted."

And with that, everything went white.

Rebirth came not as an explosion of sensation, but as a gentle awakening. For a long time, Alex's mind was clouded by the warmth of infancy. Memories of his past life were faint at first, drifting just out of reach, like shadows on the edge of a dream. Yet, as days and months passed, those memories returned in fragments, piecing together the realization that he was no longer the ordinary man who once lived on Earth.

He was now Alex, son of Shiva, the God of Destruction, and Razen, the sister of Rizevim Lucifer, making him part of two of the most powerful bloodlines in existence. His new life began in the heart of the underworld, within the vast palace of Shiva, located in a realm far beyond the reach of mortal devils. It was a place where gods walked, and power was as abundant as air.

From the moment he was born, it was clear that Alex was no ordinary child. Even as an infant, his power radiated like a storm waiting to be unleashed. His father, Shiva, watched over him with a mixture of curiosity and pride. There were few beings who could truly match Shiva in strength or destructive potential, but even he could sense the latent energy within his son.

By the age of two, Alex had already started to show signs of his immense potential. His small body harbored strength far beyond his years. One day, while playing in the palace's courtyard, Alex accidentally broke a massive boulder with a single punch, sending chunks of rock flying in all directions. Marcarita, who had been assigned to watch over him, appeared instantly, her staff tapping the ground to repair the damage as if nothing had happened.

"You'll need to control that strength, Lord Alex," she said, her voice calm but stern, as always. "You don't want to cause a disaster every time you play, do you?"

Alex looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes. "I didn't mean to break it."

Marcarita smiled faintly, kneeling beside him. "I know. That's why I'm here—to help you learn control. Power without control can be more dangerous than anything, even for a god."

From that moment, his training began in earnest.

Shiva, although busy with his duties as a god, made time to personally oversee Alex's education. The god of destruction was a stern teacher, but not without a sense of fatherly pride. He showed Alex how to channel his destructive energy with precision, to focus his ki into controlled blasts rather than wild bursts of power.

"The power of destruction is not just about annihilation," Shiva would tell him during their lessons. "It's about balance. A god of destruction must be able to eliminate threats without erasing everything in sight."

But it wasn't just destructive energy that Alex needed to learn to control. He had inherited the potential of a Frost demon, granting him unparalleled adaptability and ice manipulation. His Saiyan heritage also granted him the ability to grow stronger after every battle, making his learning process faster than most could ever imagine.

Marcarita was a constant presence at his side, guiding him with a calm, measured approach. She was far more than just a maid; she was his tutor, his protector, and in many ways, a friend. Her vast knowledge of the multiverse and the intricacies of god-level power made her an invaluable mentor.

Unlike Shiva, who focused on destructive energy, Marcarita honed Alex's understanding of movement, strategy, and finesse. She would spar with him regularly, pushing him to his limits, yet always holding back just enough to let him learn and grow.

By the age of five, Alex had already surpassed most beings in the underworld in terms of raw power. He could fly, control his ki with frightening precision, and channel the destructive energy within him without it overwhelming him. His Frost demon abilities allowed him to create intricate sculptures of ice with a flick of his hand, while his Saiyan instincts pushed him to seek out stronger challenges.

But with power came responsibility, something Shiva and Marcarita constantly drilled into him.

"Just because you can destroy doesn't mean you should," Marcarita would often remind him. "Remember, balance is key. Use your power wisely."

Alex nodded each time, though the desire to test his limits burned deep within him. He wanted to see how far he could push his abilities, but he respected his father and Marcarita's teachings enough to reign in his impulses—most of the time.

One day, when Alex was seven, Shiva took him to a distant, uninhabited dimension—a place where he could unleash his full power without fear of harming others. It was there, in the vast emptiness of space, that Alex first transformed into his Legendary Ancient Saiyan form.

The power was unlike anything he had ever felt. His body surged with ki, his muscles bulging, his hair glowing with a deep green aura. The sheer force of his transformation shook the dimension itself, causing space to warp around him.

Shiva watched, arms crossed, as Alex roared, unleashing a massive blast of energy that disintegrated a nearby moon.

"Good," Shiva said, his voice booming over the destruction. "But you're still holding back."

Alex, panting from the exertion, looked at his father, confusion in his eyes.

Shiva smiled—a rare, approving smile. "You have even greater potential. But remember what I've taught you. Power is meaningless if you can't control it."

From that day on, Alex's training intensified. Shiva pushed him harder, while Marcarita continued to refine his technique. They were preparing him for the future, for the day when he would surpass even his godly parents.

By the time Alex turned eight, he was already a force to be reckoned with. His strength, speed, and ki control were unparalleled among his peers. He had mastered the basics of destruction and could tap into his Saiyan and Frost demon abilities with ease. But for all his power, Alex still had a childlike curiosity about the world around him—a curiosity that would soon lead him to the Gremory family.

The Day of Rias Gremory's Fifth Birthday

The day began like any other in the underworld, but for the Gremory family, it was a day of celebration. Their youngest heir, Rias Gremory, was turning five, and the most influential families in the underworld had been invited to the event.

Among them was the son of Shiva—Alex.

Dressed in a formal black outfit, Alex accompanied Marcarita to the Gremory estate. His violet eyes scanned the crowd as they entered the grand ballroom, where devils of noble blood mingled and celebrated.

Alex could feel the stares—devils whispering about his immense power, about the boy who was said to rival the gods. He had grown used to the attention, though it still felt strange to him. He was just a boy, after all.

But one person didn't look at him with fear or awe.

Standing near the center of the room, surrounded by other children, was Rias Gremory. She watched Alex with wide, curious eyes, her crimson hair glowing under the chandelier lights. There was no fear in her gaze, no judgment—only fascination.

And that was the moment their paths crossed for the first time.

End of Chapter 1

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