Chapter 9: Ripples in the Underworld

The dust had barely settled after Alex's casual destruction of Riser Phenex. The courtyard was still deathly quiet, the shock of what had just occurred rendering everyone speechless. The world seemed to slow down as the reality of Riser's complete and utter erasure began to sink in.

Grayfia remained standing rigidly in the center, her calculating gaze flicking between Alex, Rias, and the rest of the group. She had seen a lot in her time as the Queen of the Underworld, but to see a Phenex—an immortal being—erased so effortlessly? This was unprecedented.

Rias finally broke the silence, her voice trembling slightly. "What happens now?" she asked, more to herself than anyone else. The weight of what Alex had done for her was hitting her all at once. She had been free from the engagement, but at what cost?

Grayfia's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. "There will be fallout from this, Rias. The Phenex family will not stay silent after one of their sons was destroyed."

Alex, however, remained as nonchalant as ever. He sat back down on the bench near the courtyard, his posture relaxed, as if what he had just done was no more than swatting away a pesky fly. "If they want to cause trouble, let them. I'm not really worried."

Grayfia's frustration, though restrained, was palpable. "Alex," she said sternly, "I understand you are powerful, but this isn't just about your strength. The political landscape of the underworld is delicate. What you've done could spark a serious conflict between families. Are you prepared to deal with the consequences?"

Alex looked at her, his calm demeanor unshaken. "I've dealt with worse. Trust me, if they come after us, it'll end before it even starts."

Issei, still reeling from what he had just witnessed, finally found his voice. "Y-You really just… erased him… like he was nothing…"

Alex glanced over at him with a lazy smile. "He was nothing."

Issei shuddered slightly, realizing just how powerful Alex truly was. He had known Alex was strong, but this was on another level entirely. Even the concept of immortality meant nothing to him.

Rias, though still shaken, began to collect herself. She looked over at Alex, her heart filled with gratitude and uncertainty. "You really did it… I'm free."

Alex simply nodded, his gaze softening a little when he looked at her. "Like I said, I made you a promise."

The Underworld

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Phenex family's grand estate, the news of Riser's sudden destruction was already spreading. The Phenex family, proud of their regenerative powers and status within the underworld, had never encountered a situation like this.

Lord Phenex, Riser's father, slammed his fist into the armrest of his throne, the room shaking with the force of his anger. "Riser… erased? Impossible! The Phenex bloodline is eternal!"

His wife, Lady Phenex, placed a hand on his arm, though her expression was equally shocked. "The reports are true. There was no regeneration… no trace left behind."

Riser's older brother, Ruval, stood silently by the side, his calm demeanor hiding the storm brewing within him. He knew that this situation required more than just brute force; it needed careful political maneuvering. "Father," he spoke quietly, "we need to act, but rushing into this blindly will only weaken our position. We need to gather more information about this… Alex."

Lord Phenex's rage simmered, but he recognized the wisdom in Ruval's words. "Very well," he growled. "We will gather information. But I will not allow this insult to go unanswered."

Back at Kuoh Academy

Back at the school, the group slowly began to disperse, each member lost in their own thoughts about what had just happened. Issei was deep in thought, trying to reconcile his emotions. On one hand, he was grateful to Alex for protecting Rias, but on the other, the sheer destruction he had witnessed left him unsettled.

Kiba, always calm and composed, walked beside Issei. "This changes things. The Phenex family won't take this lightly."

Issei nodded absently, still processing everything. "Yeah… I get that. But I've never seen power like that before. Alex didn't even hesitate…"

Kiba looked ahead thoughtfully. "That's because he doesn't see things the way we do. Power to him is just another tool. It's not something he fears or holds back. We have to be careful how we handle things moving forward."

As they walked away, Rias remained behind, her gaze fixed on Alex, who still sat casually as if nothing had happened. She approached him cautiously, her mind swirling with emotions.

"Alex," she began softly, "I can't thank you enough for what you did. But Grayfia is right… The Phenex family won't stay silent. I don't want you to get dragged into more trouble because of me."

Alex opened one eye lazily and smiled at her. "Trouble? This was barely worth waking up for. Don't worry about it. I've got it covered."

Rias shook her head, her expression serious. "It's not just about fighting. The Phenex family has influence—politically and financially. They could target you in ways that don't involve combat."

Alex finally sat up, his expression still calm but more focused. "Rias, I knew what I was getting into. I made a choice, and I don't regret it. If they come after me, I'll deal with them in my own way."

Rias sighed, unsure how to respond. She was grateful—beyond grateful—but the weight of what had happened was pressing on her. For the first time in her life, she was free from the engagement, but now a new threat loomed.

Before Rias could say anything more, Grayfia approached them once again, her expression more composed but still stern. "I've sent word to the Gremory household about what has transpired. There will be discussions with the Phenex family, but for now, we must be cautious. I will remain here to ensure that no further incidents occur."

Alex gave her a bored look. "You're really overthinking this. I can handle whatever they throw at us."

Grayfia frowned slightly. "This isn't just about you, Alex. The Gremory family is involved now, and by extension, the underworld. Your actions could lead to widespread consequences."

Alex shrugged. "I'll deal with it. You don't need to babysit me."

Grayfia's eyes narrowed. "This isn't about babysitting. This is about protecting Rias and maintaining the balance in the underworld."

Rias, sensing the tension between the two, stepped in. "Grayfia, please… Alex has done enough for me already. I trust him."

Grayfia gave Rias a concerned look but eventually nodded. "Very well. But I will remain nearby, just in case."

With that, Grayfia turned and left, leaving Alex and Rias alone once more.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over Kuoh Academy, Rias turned to Alex once more, her expression softening. "I don't know what's going to happen next, but I want you to know that I'm grateful. Truly. You've given me a freedom I thought I'd never have."

Alex smirked, standing up and stretching lazily. "I told you before, I made you a promise. No need to thank me."

Rias smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and relief she hadn't felt in a long time. Whatever came next, she knew she could face it with Alex by her side. The threat of the Phenex family loomed, but for now, she would savor this moment of freedom.

But deep in the shadows, the rumblings of the underworld's response were beginning to stir. The destruction of Riser Phenex would not go unnoticed, and the repercussions would soon reach their doorstep.