Chapter 12: The Meeting of Titans

The tension between the Gremory and Phenex families had reached a boiling point. Word of Alex's erasure of Riser Phenex had reverberated through the underworld, causing a stir among noble families. As power dynamics threatened to shift, Sirzechs Lucifer, the Maou and leader of the underworld, decided it was time to take control of the situation before it spiraled into open conflict.

A meeting was called—an attempt to defuse the growing tension before war became inevitable. The Gremory and Phenex families would meet under Sirzechs' direct supervision. But it wasn't just about diplomacy—this meeting would reveal truths long hidden, truths that would forever change the balance of power in the underworld.

The grand hall of the Gremory mansion was filled with an ominous silence as the two factions gathered. Lord Phenex stood with his eldest son, Ruval, at his side. They were accompanied by several high-ranking members of their family, all glaring with quiet fury. Riser's erasure had wounded their pride deeply, and they were here not just for answers, but for justice.

On the other side of the room stood Sirzechs, his aura calm yet commanding, alongside Grayfia, ever composed. Rias and her peerage were present as well, watching anxiously. And then, there was Alex—leaning against the wall with his usual air of nonchalance, arms crossed, looking utterly uninterested in the formalities.

Lord Phenex was the first to speak, his voice laced with barely concealed rage. "Sirzechs, we are here under the pretense of diplomacy, but let me make one thing clear: the Phenex family will not stand by while our son, Riser, is erased without consequence. This act cannot go unpunished."

Sirzechs nodded calmly. "I understand your frustration, Lord Phenex, and I've called this meeting to resolve the situation peacefully. We must avoid a conflict that could tear apart the foundations of our world."

Ruval Phenex stepped forward, his eyes narrowing at Alex. "That boy—Alex—is the one responsible for my brother's destruction. I demand he be held accountable for his actions."

At this, Alex raised an eyebrow but remained silent, letting the room simmer with tension. The weight of his mere presence seemed to agitate the Phenex family further.

Finally, Alex stepped forward, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. His eyes met Ruval's without a hint of fear or hesitation. "You demand accountability?" he said, his voice steady and clear. "I did what I had to do. Riser was a nuisance, and he made the mistake of challenging me. I gave him a chance to back down, but he didn't. That's on him."

Lord Phenex's face turned red with fury. "How dare you speak so casually about the destruction of my son! Do you even understand the consequences of your actions?"

Alex's expression remained unfazed as he slowly turned to face Lord Phenex. "I understand the consequences perfectly. The Phenex family prides itself on being invincible because of your regeneration ability. But there's a limit to everything—and Riser found that out the hard way."

Ruval clenched his fists, his anger barely contained. "You speak as if you're above us. Who are you to think you can challenge one of the most powerful families in the underworld?"

A smirk crept onto Alex's face, and it was then that the air in the room shifted. Something dark and ancient seemed to stir around him, an energy that made even Sirzechs pause. "Who am I?" Alex asked, his voice carrying a quiet power. "Since you're so curious, I'll tell you."

The entire room seemed to still as Alex stepped into the center of the grand hall, his presence overwhelming. He straightened, his gaze piercing through the Phenex family, and then, in a voice that echoed with authority and power, he revealed the truth:

"I am Alex, the son of Shiva, God of Destruction, and Razen, the sister of Rizevim Livan Lucifer. That makes me the grandson of Lucifer himself. I am far beyond anything you or your family could ever comprehend."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Shock rippled through the gathered nobles, and even the Phenex family, proud and arrogant as they were, faltered in the face of such a revelation.

Sirzechs exchanged a glance with Grayfia, both of them processing the implications of Alex's confession. It wasn't just that Alex was strong—his lineage placed him directly at the intersection of immense power. Shiva, one of the most feared deities in existence, and Lucifer, the fallen king of the devils—Alex was the culmination of both those legacies.

Lord Phenex's voice wavered slightly as he spoke again, clearly trying to regain control of the situation. "You… you're claiming to be the son of Shiva? And the grandson of Lucifer?"

Alex nodded, his eyes unblinking, his expression deadly serious. "That's right. And it's because of who I am that your threats and demands mean nothing to me. If you want to continue down this path, then be prepared to face the consequences. I won't hesitate to erase anyone who challenges me."

Ruval looked pale, the weight of what Alex had said clearly sinking in. "You… you can't be serious. There's no way the son of Shiva would lower himself to involve himself in underworld politics."

Alex's smirk returned, cold and sharp. "Lower myself? You're the ones playing petty games. I don't care about your politics or your status. I'm here for my own reasons, and I won't be dictated by any of you."

Lord Phenex gritted his teeth, his anger battling against the fear growing in his heart. "You think you're untouchable because of your lineage? There are limits to your power, Alex, just as there are for everyone."

Alex's eyes gleamed dangerously. "I've already erased one of your sons. Do you really want to see if I have any limits?"

Sirzechs finally intervened, raising a hand to silence the room before things escalated any further. "Enough," he said, his tone carrying the weight of authority. "This meeting was called to avoid further bloodshed, not to escalate it."

He turned to Lord Phenex, his gaze firm. "The truth is out now. Alex's lineage places him outside the normal bounds of underworld politics. You would do well to recognize that pursuing this vendetta would lead to nothing but ruin for your family."

Lord Phenex remained silent, his face contorted with a mix of rage and fear. Ruval, too, seemed to have lost his fire, standing beside his father in silence.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lord Phenex spoke, his voice low and bitter. "This isn't over."

Without another word, the Phenex family turned and left the hall, their departure filled with the heavy weight of defeat and lingering resentment.

As the room emptied, Sirzechs approached Alex, his expression more contemplative than angry. "You've made a powerful statement today, Alex," he said. "But you've also painted a target on your back."

Alex shrugged, his nonchalance returning. "Let them come. I'm not afraid of any of them."

Grayfia stepped forward, placing a hand on Alex's arm, her touch grounding him. "You should still be careful. The Phenex family won't be the only ones watching now."

Alex glanced at her, his smirk softening into something more genuine. "I'll be fine, Grayfia. Besides, with you by my side, what do I have to worry about?"

Sirzechs watched the two of them for a moment before nodding. "Very well. But remember, the underworld is full of enemies who thrive on opportunity. Don't give them a reason to strike."

With that, the meeting was concluded. But as Alex and Grayfia left the hall, the weight of what had just transpired hung over them. The truth was out now, and the world would soon be watching closely to see what Alex, the son of Shiva and grandson of Lucifer, would do next.

In the shadows, unseen forces began to stir, and the underworld braced itself for the gathering storm.