Seconds Before Hell Descends (part 3)

"So you can place pieces of the demon beast in multiple bodies?"

"No, not like that. It's probably easier to explain it in mathematical terms.


Let's say the chance of a single 'A' class individual to absorb the demon beast is close to impossible. Almost 1%, for example. If another person of the 'A' class level attempted to tame the demon beast's life energy after that, then the chance will be higher for that person. Let's say… 2%. So it's a 1% increase in chance.


If you keep on going, then the chance will eventually reach 100%. But, that's only if there's 100 'A' class individuals, and it's only if the chances increase by 1% every time. I expect the more attempts we make, the lower the chance can increase. If it's like that, then the amount needed for a 100% chance will just become too many to count.