"Kitsune, you don't look fine today are you sick?" asked Akira.

"Am fine, I've just been having these headaches that's all, they come and go."

"You should see a doctor, it might be serious."

"Maybe, . . . do I look that bad though?" asked Kitsune placing her palm on her head.

"Don't worry not that bad."

On the set of winter in Japan, the students had to adjust to the changing weather conditions fast. Most girls would switch to tights and sweaters while the boys would just go heavy on the blazers. Akira and Kitsune walked along the corridor talking away, when someone tagged them.

"Maybe it's a conception," came Adam's voice.

Both girls turned with disgusted looks on their faces. Adam smiled nervously.

"That's gross," said Akira, and don't just butt in.

"I see, then it's that time of the month then," he added.

"Dude!" shouted Akira punching him in the stomach which did not even make him flinch at all.

"OK, am sorry, don't get mad,"

"What do you want Adam?" asked Kitsune, "I thought we had a deal, after I set you up with Cain you leave us alone."

"Well . . . Umm . . . you see I don't have plenty of friends, so I was hoping . . ."

"You have a swarm of guys and girls around you all the time, not having friends is an understatement," cut in Kitsune coldly.

Adam was speechless for a while. 

"If you don't have anything to say, then I would appreciate it if you stayed away. Come on Akira."

Kitsune walked Akira following closely behind. 

"That was brutal," said Akira, "I kind of feel sorry for the guy."

"I can't reciprocate the feelings you're having," said Kitsune.

Outside Akira's phone rang, she picked it up and stepped aside. After a while, she came back.

"Sorry Kitsune but we won't be going home together today, my brother came home from university."

"I see, then I'll see you tomorrow. Say Hi to Kohske for me, "

"Ok, bye," she said hugging her.

Then she ran off. Kitsune exhaled noticing the mist. She pulled her red scarf up above her nose. She was about to take another step when she felt dizzy, then her head started pounding. Unlike the headaches she had experienced in the past, this one was different. It was as though someone was pulling her brain apart from her head.

"Shit, what is happening to my head, was I this bad? I am going to," 

It was as though she was about to collapse on the pavement when someone caught her. She lazily looked up only to come to a blurry image of Adam. 

"Kitsune, are you okay?" he asked.

"Am fine," she said backing off from him.

"I don't think you are, it looked like you were about to collapse,"

"I told you am fine,"

Her headache has subsided. And before long it was like it was not there. She sighed with relief, it was just like the others. She started walking away. Behind her, she heard Adam's footsteps. She sped up slightly, then he too sped up.

Suddenly she broke into a run. Behind her, Adam also broke into a run. After a while of running, she stopped completely out of breath. Adam was not at all out of breath, he wasn't even panting.

"Okay, what do you want, to kidnap me again?"

"That's not it,"

"Then what?"

"I was just worried, you seem to be sick," 

"As you can see am fine now, so buzz off." 

"Kitsune, are you still angry,"

"Of course, am angry," she said trying to catch her breath from running, " you tried to kill me, that is not something I can forget,"

"I am sorry," he said, " I know it's cliche, but I am. I would do anything to take it back." 

He looked different, unlike before, now he spoke with some awkwardness in him. Often stumbling, startling, as if he was younger than her. The facade of confidence was gone.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a black Roles Roys pulled up beside them. The car drew the attention of the two, one looked at the car, and Kitsune's eyes were filled with fear. The door opened and a tall, good-looking young Japanese man stepped out.

He wore an expensive full suit, and an expensive wristwatch was dangling from his hands. He also wore black shades and brown brogues. He walked over to them, Adam looked at the man suspiciously. He was more puzzled when he felt a tight grip on his shirt.

He turned back only to notice Kitsune holding it. Her head faced down, but from the grip, one thought crossed Adam's mind. Help me.

"How are you," said the man.

His English had the Japanese twang in it. He was addressing Adam directly.

"Am fine," replied Adam in Japanese. 

The man marveled at the way his accent seemed so original. 

"I see you speak Japanese, this should make things easier, my name is Ohashi Shinsuke, and I am Kitsune's big brother. Are you, her friend?"

"Ohashi, that is Kitsune's last name," thought Adam, "could they be related, doubtable, clearly Kitsune is not full Japanese."

"We are classmates, I am Adam Hermit."

"Well Adam, I hope am not being rude but, would you mind if I took her from here."

Before Adam could respond he felt Kitsune's grip tighten. All the while she had stood behind him not saying a word, and when Shinsuke tried to make eye contact she ducked behind his back.

"Am afraid I can't allow that," said Adam, his confident persona returning.

"I see, are you her boyfriend then."

"Am not."

"I see, then Kitsune, come along, Father wants to see you,"

Shinsuke was about to stretch his hand to take Kitsune when Adam caught it to the man's surprise. For a moment he was startled, he wondered how a boy like Adam's grip could be so firm. He was no stranger to the gym, but that grip was unlike any he had felt.

"I thought you said you were not her boyfriend," 

"Am not, but that doesn't mean I can allow you to just take her, for some reason she doesn't want to come with you."

"Kitsune, don't you think you are disrespecting our family by clinging on to a foreigner like this," 

Adam released the man's hand and looked seriously into his eyes. For a moment was surprised, he looked as if he had seen a ghost. But in a moment, he recovered.

"I see, that's how it is? Fine I will leave for now, but Kitsune, you don't want to make Fathe angry, do you?"

They watched silently as he entered the rolls roys and drove off. It was at that moment that Kitsune released his shirt. Her hands trembled, not from the cold, but fear evident in her eyes, she was seen gritting her teeth hard.

"A . . . Are you ok? It looked like you had seen a ghost just now," asked Adam reverting to the awkward persona.

"Am going to be fine," she said.

"Would you allow me to walk you home . . . in case he tries to follow you . . . not for any ulterior motives," said Adam fumbling for words.

"It's fine," she said walking past him. Her tone was slightly composed but still shaky.

He followed her a deep silence ensuing between the both of them. 

* * *

Akira waved at Kitsune and started running home. She ran about skipping from side to side in her mouth humming a blissful tune. Across the street a young man suddenly stopped, he sniffed through the air and turned to watch the young girl skip about.

"She smells nice," he said. He turned and followed her.

Akira's family was well off. Loving parents, a younger in elementary sister, and her eldest brother who was in university. The father was an office worker, he earned enough to support the whole family, and always made time to get home quickly. Her mother was a housewife, and it was safe to say she had a normal background growing up.

They had a small family reunion since her brother lived in Tokyo. He rarely came home, mostly when he was broke, he was a studious fellow though.

"Kohske, come and help me clean these dishes," said Akira.

"What, but am just visiting,"

"I said get over here you lazy bum!" Akira snapped.

Alas! Kohske had to help her stubborn little sister.

"By the way, Kitsune said hi,"

"What? She did, that's cool. By the way, what do you think are my chances,'

"With Tsune? Zero."

"Damn, you know how to break my heart, wouldn't you want her to be your sister - in law,"

"You have no chance at all,"

"Is there another guy?"

"I guess so," said Akira.

"What? Don't leave me hanging tell me about him. Is he more handsome than your Big brother?"

"He is leagues above you, and he has big biceps unlike your scrawny ass arms,"

"Aki!" shouted the mother from the living room, "no cursing in front of Minami."

"Sorry Mom," said Akira, she stopped washing the dishes for a moment, " he is also kind, and warm."

"Warm! Have you, you know!"

"Shut up you pervert!" returned Akira.

"I see, it seems you may like this guy too,"

"That's not it," said Akira in an almost low voice.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she said, and they continued washing the dishes.

"This guy, if he hurts my sister, I will kill him with my bare hands," said Kohske as he rinsed the dishes, "anyways, don't let him come in between you and Kitsune."

Akira went to her room, turned the PC on, and checked the player log. He wasn't there, lately, he was never online, she looked frantically at the call button and felt tempted to press. However, like a fleeting thought, she pushed it aside. 

"Yeah, riding along, I suppose that is what I've done my whole life." she thought out loud. "I wonder if I was Kitsune would he . . ."

Just then she put a pillow on her face and screamed out loud. Her voice was muffled by the pillow. 

"Curse you Akira, how dare you entertain such thoughts, you deserve to go to hell!!" she said as she hit the pillow.

She lay on the bed and cuddled her feet. A breeze swept past her, and she noticed the window was open. She rose and went to close the window, as she was about to a shadow shocked her and she stumbled back falling on her ass.

At first, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but then, the shadow moved. It was shaped like a man, no, a boy. She then heard the sound of boots landing on the floor. The boy pulled the curtain open revealing himself.

He was about the height of a freshman high schooler, still taller than her. Black hair with some red bangs and patches. He had emerald, green eyes, and with the smile he pulled she saw his extended incisors.

"Hello there . . ." his voice came. Slow and sinister. 

Before she could move, or react, the boy moved and pinned her down all in the blink of an eye. The sound of stumbling on the board was heard throughout the house.

"Were you about to run? Don't let's have some fun instead." said the boy.

Her eyes were full of terror, and she swallowed hard. She could feel the tip of his nose touching her neck, he took in the scent, but she was too scared to move her body was paralyzed and her heart pounded.

"Aaah, you smell good, especially now," said the boy, "I can't hold back, mind if I have a bite?"