Arrogant Daughter

The two brothers, Yan Bei and Yan Xun were well aware that if their eldest brother, Yan Feng, commented on anything, it meant that thing was undoubtedly perfect. There was an air of distinction that surrounded his judgment, making it highly valued among those who knew him. On this particular day, the aromas wafting from the plates of red and tender pork, combined with the enticing appearance of the noodles, caused a surge of envy among other customers in the restaurant.

One customer, unable to ignore his desire, approached Madam Mei, the management of the establishment, with a sincere look of longing on his face he asked, "Madam Mei, this food looks so tempting. Can I please order three plates of noodles and pork like theirs? I am willing to pay two hundred dollars!" The customer's sincere request revealed his eagerness. However, Madam Mei, remembering a previous conversation, furrowed her brow and expressed her surprise. "Really? But didn't you mention that you are allergic to fatty and oily foods? Why, then, this sudden change, dear Mister Lu?" Disappointment washed over Mr. Lu's face as he turned his gaze forward, attempting to conceal his embarrassment.

Just as Mei Xing, the object of their attention, was preparing to serve fruit juice to the three men, a familiar hoarse voice called out to her, beckoning her to return. "Wife, join the table and eat with us," Yan Feng, the eldest of the Yan brothers, said in a tone feigning kindness. Mei Xing couldn't help but feel revulsion at the audacity of this shameless boss. She wondered what new devious plan he had concocted now, as his previous actions at the cafe had been nothing but a short cruel. It was clear that his fishy behavior permeated every aspect of his life.

Inwardly, Mei Xing could not help but contemplate the unchangeable nature of Yan Feng. "He can never change, not in a million years," she silently uttered. The memory of his true malevolence, displayed during their time together at the office, enveloped her thoughts. Alongside he was Yan Feng, the eldest brother, who shamelessly sought her hand in marriage. Mei Xing's initial inclination was to escape from this absurd predicament. A young woman of twenty should not have to contemplate death due to the actions of three shameless men. All she desired was peace and a life free from unnecessary complications.

The thought of these three brothers desperately trying to make her return and become their wife once again filled Mei Xing's mind. However, she staunchly refused to entertain such an idea. Instead, she vowed to become an outcast, leaving this city behind without their presence.

Poor Rex, who had always believed that she would eventually marry him, found himself entangled in a situation that seemed to escalate beyond control. Even Rex's father expressed his desire for Mei Xing to marry his son, but it had been eleven long years since she had last laid eyes on him.

"How could that wretched man expect me to become his son's wife?" Mei Xing pondered deeply. "If I allow Rex to join forces with this group of three wolf-like men, I will undoubtedly transform into an old and miserable aunt accompanied by four wretched men. It would be an unbearable fate." The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Mei Xing's mind.

Caught in her contemplations, Mei Xing suddenly realized that the Yan brothers' gaze was fixated on her. She needed to respond promptly, lest she attract more unwanted attention. "Oh no... I am allergic to roasted pork meat and noodles!" Mei Xing lied convincingly while maintaining a forced smile. Yan Xun began to interject, but Mei Xing cut him off abruptly. "Mr. Yan, no more questions, please! I am tired of your incessant inquiries!" Her voice resounded, drenched in frustration.

Remaining composed, Yan Xun decided to address his question calmly, mindful of his surrounding brothers and the inquisitive customers eagerly observing the exchange. Mei Xing's mother, Mei Ling, couldn't contain her disapproval. "Ugh! How dare you cuddle my shameless daughter? What use are you, girl?" she said before turning her gaze to Mei Xing.

Mei Xing responded with a mix of disappointment and defiance, "Mother!" However, Mother Mei Ling silenced her with a stern command. "Shut up, sit down, and eat!" Those six words echoed in Mei Xing's head as she reluctantly sat down and picked up a spoon from the cutlery set, engaging in the meal with the three brothers.

Mother Mei observed the couples' interactions during the meal, relishing the sight of her daughter in the company of these young men. However, Mei Xing, wearing a dissatisfied expression, only nodded slightly in response to any question thrown her way. As the delicious food, once a feast for the senses, diminished, Yan Bei rose from his seat and offered to help Mei Xing with the arduous task of washing the dishes. His query about the location of the kitchen was met with a somewhat disinterested glance from Mei Xing. Nonetheless, she redirected him to the appropriate area, where he diligently began to clean the dishes.

After completing the task, Yan Bei turned to see Mei Xing, who had been staring at his fair and handsome face. Emboldened, he spoke with a smile, "Wife, can we talk about ourselves?" Mei Xing responded bluntly, "No!" Her direct answer momentarily disarmed him. "Don't be so mean, my dear wife. I am a gentle dove, unlike my cold and playful elder brothers. First, allow me to introduce myself properly." Mei Xing offered a slight nod as Yan Bei continued, his voice calm and comforting, filled with an almost ethereal quality. It was as though his voice possessed the power to awaken the dead.

Yan Yan Bei, noticing Mei Xing's gaze upon him, shyly scratched his brown hair, feeling a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. He was always a bit introverted, and her sweet and lingering look made him feel both flattered and self-conscious. Sensing his unease, Mei Xing broke the silence with concern in her voice, "Are you okay?" It was at that moment she realized Yan Bei's reserved nature. "So cute," she thought to herself, her heart skipping a beat. "Yeah... as I was saying," Yan Bei continued, his voice slightly faltering, "I am the third son in the Yan family, Yan Bei, twenty-one years old. How about you, wife, I already know your name so, How old are you?" His gentle inquiry revealed a genuine interest in Mei Xing's life.

She couldn't help but let out a small smile at his endearing manner. Mei Xing playfully sighed and answered, trying her best to match his lighthearted tone, "I'm twenty." As Yan Bei smiled, his pearly white teeth shining like a beacon, Mei Xing couldn't help but admire his effortless charm. "We're the same age, huh? Pretty cool, wife," he remarked, his smile growing even wider. With that, the couple left the kitchen together, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes upon them, silently watching their every move as they settled into their seats.

Once they were seated, Yan Xun couldn't help but tease his brother. "Brother, you took quite a while in the kitchen. Were you two busy stealing kisses from each other?" he joked, eliciting laughter from Yan Feng and Mother Mei. The jovial atmosphere surrounding them made the tension slightly more bearable.

"Damn Yan Xun," Yan Bei said, with a brisk smile.

"Alright, now, let's move on to the next step," Mother Mei interjected, her voice brimming with eager anticipation. She pulled out a document that bore an uncanny resemblance to a marriage contract. Passing it to Mei Xing, she exclaimed, "Well, my daughter, what do you think?"

Mei Xing examined the paper, her eyes scanning the details. Despite the familiar format, she couldn't shake a flicker of resistance. "Mom, why don't we go to the city courthouse? It's a more secure way to solemnize our marriage," she suggested, her voice filled with a hint of practicality. Mother Mei's face lit up with a smile as she proudly held Mei Xing's waist. "There's no doubt about it – my daughter speaks wisdom. To the city courthouse, we shall go!" Mother Mei Ling's authoritative voice echoed, signaling the beginning of their journey toward a harmonious union.