Encounter with trouble ---2

The bag had been reserved by the most renowned lady in the modeling industry. She was famous not only for her unruly temper but also for relying heavily on makeup to enhance her beauty. Observing Mei Xing's apparent gullibility, the director believed that if she could make a breakthrough in this situation, it would be a good sign for Mei Xing's future.

"I apologize, Miss. I'm truly sorry, but this bag was actually reserved by another Miss five days ago. Currently, we don't have any available stock. However, we've already arranged for new deliveries, which should arrive within a day. Could you wait here, please?" Mei Xing was taken aback by their rudeness and harsh attitude towards her purchasing a seemingly ordinary popular bag. She put away her gold card and stared at the director, her expression blank, and asked, "What are you looking at?" she roared.

"..Would you be willing to wait for a day?" Mei Xing felt a newfound sense of superiority as she stood there, observing the three staff members who were now staring at her. Without hesitation, she immediately replied, "No, I have already paid for the bag!"

'Me paying for it and receiving the bag is a reasonable expectation. There's nothing questionable about it,' Mei Xing reassured herself in her mind. She gently rubbed the scented bag and almost burst out laughing. Then, from her own bag, she retrieved a deodorant and sprayed it on the newly purchased bag. "Wait, no!" the director was about to continue persuading her when a tall woman entered the scene.

Clad in seven-inch high heels that issued a clacking sound on the tiled floor, she wore heavy makeup, reminiscent of a TV show star. However, the excessive makeup nearly made Mei Xing feel nauseous. "Ah, put down my bag!" the woman roared in anger. Unfazed, Mei Xing lifted her head and stared blankly at the sudden intruder. "Her bag?" Mei Xing instinctively clutched the bag in her arms, adopting a vigilant stance, similar to a snake preparing for a fight. Fixating her gaze on the hand touching her bag, Mei Xing uttered in a calm but emotionless tone, "You won't be able to afford it if you dirty my bag, bitch!"

"Oh my, this is mine!" Mei Xing exclaimed in a shocked manner, overly dramatic. "Miss Xiaomi, the noble Miss," Xiaomi groaned in frustration, cutting off the staff's attempted intervention.

"I came here for a high-end luxury experience. How dare you allow someone poor like her to be here. She's ruining the ambiance!" I'm telling you, I won't return to this place. Just wait and see!" Xiaomi angrily pointed at them.

"If it wasn't for the bag he gave her, she wouldn't even want to share a room with a poor person." Upon hearing Xiaomi's words, the American director frowned. Unlike the staff, she was sent here directly from the head office. Being a foreigner, she didn't adhere to the local customs.

While she couldn't argue with customers directly, she didn't have to be polite either. "Miss, this lady has settled the bill. We are in negotiations with Miss Mei Xing."

"That means you can keep quiet and leave now." Mei Xing watched as the unhinged woman continued to bark like a mad dog.

Gazing at her condescendingly, Xiaomi remarked, "She settled it? Just look at this poor creature!" When Xiaomi heard that the stock in her shop was sold out, she added, "I don't care. Everything should be handled on a first-come, first-served basis."

"Do you know what? Women like you, concerned only with commercial matters, should spend years in rehabilitation centers until you gain some sense in that empty head of yours." Mei Xing retorted, while the well-mannered staff silently chuckled.

"You didn't even give me a discount, and I paid the full amount. So who was the first to pay?" Mei Xing interjected in a cold tone. She questioned whether the so-called reservation was made through a phone call from an acquaintance like Xiaomi! "You!" Xiaomi was so infuriated that she wore an evil smile and retorted, "I paid the full price? No wonder I misjudged you, thinking you were the mistress of a wealthy man.

In this city, the number of people who can afford a high-class standard can be counted on one hand! Did you use a card for these purchases?" She said, landing a kick on the packaged bags.

Mei Xing touched her head and thought to herself that this woman must be insane! She had no idea what the woman was talking about. Did Xiaomi forget to take her medication before leaving? Was it really that difficult for her to understand that the goods were delivered and the bill was settled? Look at her face, it's bright red! Such an ugly face hiding behind a mask of makeup. Observing Mei Xing's puzzled and disdainful expression, Xiaomi grew even angrier. "You little bitch, I advise you not to put on a false façade. Otherwise, your man will be terrified of you! If the wealthy man runs away, you'll have to find another one. How troublesome!"

"Who are you calling a bitch?" Mei Xing questioned.

"You, bitch!" Xiaomi replied.

Upon hearing that, Mei Xing responded with a shrug and a sly smile on her face. She turned to the director and remarked, "Things are getting quite peculiar these days, aren't they? Some individuals have taken to calling themselves rather unsavory names." Mei Xing acted as if she were genuinely concerned about the situation. Her words had barely escaped her lips when a fit of coughing erupted throughout the entire shop. The faces of the staff turned red with embarrassment as they struggled to contain their laughter.

"Ah, please assist me in packing these items and have them delivered to this address," Mei Xing calmly instructed. She never bothered to engage in a major confrontation with these people. With that, she simply pushed open the glass door and walked out. "Oh my goodness! You're such a bothersome woman!" Xiaomi, who had never experienced such insult before, lunged at Mei Xing, vowing to rip her mouth apart. Her rosy fingertips were on the verge of touching Mei Xing's delicate face. A glint of malice flickered in her eyes. If she disfigured Mei Xing, she would see how the woman before her would dare to attract men after her face had been destroyed!