Cooking for his wife

Upon a dainty dining table, nestled beside the garden pathway leading to the pool, dinner was finally served. Mei Xing's anticipation grew as she eagerly awaited the taste of Yan Feng's delectable creations. Long had she labored as a makeshift cook, but now, a change was in the air.

The tantalizing aroma of the food mingled with the sweet fragrance of the flowers in the garden, intensifying Mei Xing's hunger. She could only imagine the exquisite presentation that awaited her, even as Yan Feng approached with a jar of freshly squeezed orange juice and lemonade. His playful wink added to the air of suspense that enveloped Mei Xing.

"Wife," Yan Feng inquired with a touch of pride as he continued, "you will appreciate my culinary skills, wife trust me?"

"Yan Feng, this will be my first experience in tasting your cooking. I hope it will delight my senses." Mei Xing's response emerged with gentle sincerity, a tactful choice of words designed to avoid hurting his feelings.

With that, Yan Feng retreated once more, disappearing into the kitchen in pursuit of the rosemary-infused potatoes that awaited their moment to shine. Mei Xing seized the opportunity to gaze through the exquisitely well-adorned garden, a tapestry woven with an array of magnificent trees and vibrant blossoms. The twin rows of almond trees stood tall, framing the garden pathway and creating an irresistible allure.

Guided by curiosity, Mei Xing gently rose from her seat deciding to wander among nature's splendor. Her steps carried her towards a magnificent fountain from which pure spring water flowed ceaselessly. As she extended her hand hovering above the water's surface, a soft sigh escaped her lips. Memories of the past flooded her mind, engulfing her momentarily in bittersweet nostalgia.

** ** **

Roughly years back, on a bright and sunny day, the air echoed with the lighthearted banter of two kids and Mei Xing, driven by an overwhelming surge of confidence, boasted about her swimming prowess to her older brother, Lin Hua. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as she attempted to convince him. However, Lin Hua, sporting a skeptical expression, cast a bemused glance her way. "Come on, sister! You always say that!" he retorted, his words laced with playful skepticism.

Sizzling with frustration, Mei Xing's face flushed, her youthful features etching a determined expression. Resolute in her conviction, she prepared to put her words into action, her heart pounding with excitement. With a sudden decisive leap, Mei Xing propelled herself towards the glistening waters, her anticipation mounting.

Before a single word could escape Lin Hua's lips, a startled cry tore through the air as Mei Xing plummeted into the refreshing embrace of the stream. Panic seized Lin Hua's heart, constricting his voice. "Sister! Don't move.." he began, his words swallowed by the rushing water. The realization dawned upon him, filling him with a chilling fear - Mei Xing was drowning!

A desperate plea echoed across the surroundings as Mei Xing thrashed in the water, her voice strained with sheer terror. "Help! Somebody, help!" she cried out, her words laced with an urgency that pierced the air. Lin Hua darted forward, ready to call for assistance when like a guardian angel descending from on high. Lin Jun swiftly sprang into action. With lightning speed, he plunged into the water, his strong arms sweeping Mei Xing to safety.

In the realm of intrigue and unforeseen encounters, another tale unfurls. Mei Xing, still shaken from the recent incident found herself at a loss for words as a cold hand gently cupped her face.

"Dinner is ready Xing'er," Yan Feng bluntly cut her off from her memory lane, his voice succinct. It cut through the air like a sharp blade, jarring Mei Xing from her momentary stupor. Without hesitation, he lifted her effortlessly from the ground, cradling her in his arms as he ventured toward the enchanting allure of the garden. Mei Xing, her heart racing within the confines of her chest, attempted to speak, but her vocal cords were paralyzed by a freezing shock that coursed through her veins. Struggling to find her voice, her mouth opened, yet no sound escaped.

Yan Feng was so concerned seeing her lips moving then his lips captured her lonely lips. Suddenly he was kissing the nape of her neck, her face and lips twitched with a new urgency. Why now? she thought but could not withdraw from his hot lips. After few seconds his lips left hers. Mei Xing found herself engulfed in a sea of timidity, her desires for him swelled to an almost overwhelming intensity, making it difficult for her to meet his gaze. It was a surprising sensation for when she did steal a glance at him, his expression reflected a mixture of love and remorse. "Just one more," he whispered, his words a gentle caress, before their lips met once again, in a fusion of passion and affection. "Let us release ourselves from this embrace and indulge in the pleasures of the evening," he proposed. Mei Xing, enraptured by the pleasures they had shared, willingly obliged, their meal beckoning them.

Mei Xing brought a forkful of rosemary-flavored potatoes to her lips, the tantalizing aroma dancing in the air. As the taste of the roasted beef graced her palate, her taste buds were awakened to a symphony of flavors. The culinary mastery of her husband, Yan Feng, had orchestrated a feast that transcended the boundaries of ordinary fare. Mei Xing's astonishment was written across her face, her eyes gleaming with wonder.

Mei Xing took a bite of the rosemary-flavored potatoes again and ate the roasted beef. Woah? Mei Xing immediately turned stunned by the sweet taste of the food and tasted the mint sauce...Mei Xing was drenched in passion. She tried her best not to compliment him but instead, Yan Feng started feeding her like a sweet groom, Mei Xing didn't act strange at his sweet behavior but instead complied with him.

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Your friendly author 'Purple fantasy & friends'

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