Forgive me

"Rex, you can't keep doing this! I thought we had long separated, even since our childhood, and yet here you are, disrupting the peace of my marriage," Mei Xing's voice rang out with a fiery passion, her frustration palpable in each word she spoke. She released a deep, exasperated breath, hoping to find solace amidst the brewing storm of emotions. Above them, the sky mirrored Mei Xing's inner turmoil, dark clouds rolling in like a turbulent sea, ready to unleash a torrential downpour.

"Ahh... I know," Rex stammered, his voice trembling with a mix of regret and longing. He understood that he was the reason Mei Xing had chosen to marry another man, and now, as he observed her closely, he could see the walls she had built around her heart. She was not willing to surrender to any chance of love. Rex was haunted by the weight of the past, his own grievous mistake gnawing at him relentlessly. The significance of that mistake had seemed insignificant at the time, but now, as he stood on the precipice of marrying his childhood sweetheart, he couldn't help but feel a heavy sense of regret.

Perhaps, their paths were not meant to intertwine? Or maybe, just maybe, they were fated to confront the possibility of love at the eleventh hour of their present lives.

However, Rex could not bear the shame of watching three men take away his intended future wife. No matter the struggles that lay ahead, he was determined to fight for her. He was willing to risk it all, even if it meant facing death, to claim her as his own and seize the opportunity to make her accept him for who he truly was.

It had been years since he had made a promise to marry her, back when they were young and naive, knowing little about the complexities of marriage. But their words had been sincere, spoken with utmost honesty. All their plans had been shattered when Rex's silence reigned supreme after they parted ways due to his family's insistence that he attend business school. With that silence, the connection between them was severed.

Despite their differences and the paths they had chosen, there still remained a profound bond between Mei Xing and Rex, nurtured through their shared upbringing before life led them astray.

"Humph!" Mei Xing let out a deep, heartfelt sigh, a mixture of compassion and frustration welling within her. Beads of sweat trickled down Rex's face, his once captivating eyes now tinged with a devilish glint, casting an aura of danger that permeated Mei Xing's presence.

"Rex, it's late now. I must go and meet my husbands," Mei Xing declared, turning to leave, but Rex's hoarse voice halted her in her tracks. "Wait, Mei Xing, can I ask you something?" he pleaded, his eyes pleading for a moment of her time.

"Certainly, but please, be quick and direct," Mei Xing responded, her gaze locked with his. As she turned to face him fully, Rex nodded hesitantly, mustering up the courage to speak his mind.

"What if I were to suggest that you leave your three husbands and marry me? How would that fare for you?" Rex's words hung heavy in the air, Mei Xing's eyes narrowing as she scrutinized him. A wicked smirk curled across his face, adding a sinister edge to his wild appearance.

Mei Xing glanced away, realizing the futility of responding to such a question. She took her first step forward, intending to leave, but to her surprise, Rex seized her hand, pinning her against the wall. His voice, laced with darkness, whispered enticingly into her ear. "Tsk Tsk, my beauty, you're in deep trouble now!" The velvety timbre of his voice sent a shiver down Mei Xing's spine.

Scanning the empty street, devoid of any passersby, Mei Xing struggled to free herself from Rex's tight grasp. But all her attempts were in vain; his hold on her remained firm and unyielding. Frustration burning within her, she mustered all her authority and power, her voice cutting through the air like a sharpened blade. "You b..." Mei Xing's voice trailed off as she demanded to be released from his clutches. Rex, taken aback by the force in her words, stared at her in shock, momentarily speechless.

"If you refuse to marry me, then one of us will surely meet their demise," Rex declared, finding herself trapped in a dangerous, life-or-death encounter. Her heart raced, a potent mixture of fear and determination pulsating through her veins as she fought against the vice-like grip of her captor, Rex. The dimly lit alleyway seemed to conspire against her, its shadows morphing into sinuous dancers, casting eerie silhouettes around them.

Mei Xing's black hair cascaded down her back, shimmering like a waterfall in the moonlight. Her almond-shaped eyes, usually filled with warmth and kindness, now blazed with an unwavering resolve. She was a woman of power and authority, and she would not be silenced.

The winds whispered an eerie harmony, carrying Mei Xing's words across the desolate street. The moon, a silent witness to their encounter, gleamed with an ominous light, as if lending its ethereal power to her plea for freedom.

Rex's lip curled into a malevolent smile, a testament to his twisted satisfaction. But Mei Xing's words had ignited a spark within herself and no longer the damsel under his control.

With a voice that rang like a clarion call, Mei Xing continued, her voice laced with defiance. "You, the embodiment of shame, get your shit body away from mine."

Rex's grip began to tighten even further, a silent threat that threatened to crush her spirit. But Mei Xing stood unwavering, refusing to succumb to his oppressive hold. Her eyes blazed with defiance, daring him to challenge her resolve.

In a swift motion, Mei Xing gathered her strength and surged forward, her body transforming into an instrument of resistance. Every muscle, every fiber, screamed with determination as she fought against the vice-like grip that held her captive. But Rex held on, his grip unyielding, his face twisted with a maddening mix of rage and desperation.

The moonlight bathed the scene in a surreal glow, casting long, eerie shadows along the street. The moment was suspended in time, as if waiting for the final release, the climax of this struggle for autonomy.

Mei Xing's voice rose, resolute and fierce, echoing through the desolate night. "How do you expect me to marry a fool that can kill me..." As her words hung in the air, a smirk was formed on his lips.

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