
As the sun began to set, Mei Xing made her way to the garden in the Yan mansion. The air in the garden was crisp and cool, and the sound of rustling leaves filled the silence. Mei Xing's heart pounded in her chest as she approached the entrance to the quiet garden.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from behind a tall tree, causing Mei Xing to jump back in surprise. As she looked closely, It was her mother. Mei Xing eyes widen in suprise as she watched her mother halted in front of her. "Mother, is that really you?" Mei Xing asked, her voice filled with a mix of suprise and amusement.

"Think of it, darling," mother Mei said, with a brief smile adorning her face. Mei Xing was really lost in awe, as she stare at her mother features. She wondered why her mother was looking young despite her age but yes, her mother so much deserves more than that.