Sorting things out

Yan Feng gently set Mei Xing back on her feet, and she stood there, her hands clasped in front of her. Mother Mei's eyes flitted between the two of them, a knowing smile playing on her lips. She looked at Yan Feng, "Let be going, it getting too late," Mother Mei said, turning towards the door to outside. Yan Feng nodded for Mei Xing to follow him. They both headed outside, together with mother Mei.

"I really don't want my boss to be worried about my lateness." Mother Mei said looking a bit nervous. She knew people who were working in her working place were kind of jealous of her, and for her to go late like this, without the boss saying anything about her lateness, it will look like an unfairness to the other workers because they all know their boss as a ruthless and harsh person.