Chapter 2.3 - Study Group

[Warning: Brain damage]

"Haaaaaaaaaah~" I gave the biggest yawn ever.

Last night, I couldn't get a single blink of sleep, mostly due to me trying to become a nocturnal being. After I returned to my room, I decided to 'research' the contents of the playlist I saw on his laptop. Surprisingly, most of the tips they gave me were indeed useful, from a loner's perspective to say the least.

More importantly, I was trembling in dizziness because I was that tired. It was hard for me to hold back all of my yawns. In order to not make my tiredness any more apparent, I slapped myself in the cheeks... which ended up landing more eyes on me. I, therefore, heard some chuckles.

With the pace slower than a sloth, the lunch period finally came. No sooner had the teacher left, I immediately collapsed on my desk, using my bag and my arms as a makeshift pillow. Forget about lunch I need rest, badly. I closed my unexplainablely heavy eyes.

Ah, sleeping feels nice~

"Levent-kun... Umm, Levent-kun?"

Unfortunately my slumber was short-lived. Someone decided to pull me by my shirt as soon as I closed my eyes. By the sound of the voice, it didn't take long for me to understand the person behind that voice.

It was Kikyo.

"What is it, Kikyo-san?" said while remaining in a sleeping posture.

"Ah, sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to ask you one thing, Levent-kun."

"Yes?" I already know the answer to that question.

"I want to participate in the study group, too."

I raised my head.


"Yes. I want to study with everyone. Will it be a problem if I join?"

I internally sighed. Although I pretended not to understand her request, Kikyo was fooling everyone but me. I knew exactly what she was truly after. She wanted to get close to Horikita in order to gain her weaknesses so she could use it against her.

So you're finally making your move, eh?

"I don't see a problem in doing that, but... why are doing this? If I remember correctly, you are one of the top few students."

"I suppose that's true. But you see, I want to be friends with everyone. That's why I've been trying to befriend Horikita-san. But sadly she had been acting distant towards me ever since we met."

"So that's why you want to use this opportunity to get close to her, correct?"

"Right you are~."

Under normal circumstances, I honestly wouldn't mind helping her with the disposal of Horikita. But, now that I've finally managed to entrap Horikita in all of my strings, the options had drastically changed. In other words, I simply did not approve of her termination.

I nodded in affirmative.

"I guess I can see where you're coming from."

"So then, when do we start?" she asked.

"We plan on starting tomorrow."

"I see."

Then an I was hit with an idea.

"Kikyo-san, can you persuade Sudou into joining us? I'm concerned about his grades."

"Ah, I understand. I feel the same to."

"Who knows what might happen if we leave him be."

"In that case I'll have talk to Sudou-kun later this class. I'll contact you later, okay?"

"Oh, do you need the his contact information?"

"It's okay. I already have it. The only people whose numbers I don't have are you and Horikita-san, actually..." Kikyo pondered for a while.

"This might be too forward, but are you two already dating?" she asked.

That was... interesting.

"What gave you that impression of us?"

"It's a big rumor among the girls in our class, you know. They say that even though Horikita-san is always alone, she only seems to get along really well with you, Levent-kun. And you guys eat together, after all."

Teenage rumors are truly adorable. I'm sure they would gossip and blush on this subject. I couldn't help but wonder how they would react if they knew just how twisted our relationship was.

"And what's your opinion on this?"

"Um.. Well, you two do seem to get along very well. It's not that hard to imagine you two going out. Is it true then?"

"I'll have to say 'NO' to that."

"Oh... I see."

"So there's no problem swapping phone numbers, right?"

"Ah, right. Here's my number."

After we were done sharing each other's contact information, she parted, finally giving me a chance to sleep. I fell upon my arms slowly closing my eyes.


But then again, 'the creator' certainly hates me for some reason.

Horikita came back from the cafeteria and sat next to me. On her hands, there were two beautiful sandwiches with extra ketchup. The amount of mayonnaise between the perfectly cut bread, along with lettuce and tomato. And there was two of them!

Is she going to eat both of them, right in front of me? Was this revenge for touching her legs?


She raised her arm in front of me. The sandwich I was eyeing on for a long time was now floating in front of me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"This is for you."

"Hmm? For me?"

"Isn't that obvious? Just take it, I have to finish mine too."

That situation gave me a flashback that never happened. Horikita's unfair food

"I'll pay for it."

"There's no need."

"I insist."

"It's my treat. You don't have to pay for it."

"Show me your id. I'll transfer points to you." I ordered.

"Hah~ Do whatever you want."

With a frustrated sigh, Horikita pulled out her phone. After scanning her QR code, I continued with the transaction process. That was when she noticed the six digit numbers.

"Wait. Levent-kun. How much points do you have?"

"Seven hundred and thirty-eight thousand one hundred thirty-one points to be exact. Why?"

I replied in a matter-of-factly manner, which expectedly threw her off.

"Do you.. really have that many points?"

"Yes, I received it from a few third year 'friends' not too long ago." I said while taking one of the sandwich from her hand.

"You're lying to me, aren't you?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you don't have friends aside from me and Ayanokouji-kun." I accidentally bit my tongue while taking a bite of the sandwich.


"Honestly, just tell me how did you get that much point?"

"I dunno. Lucky I guess?"

"You're annoying."

"Listen, I am not obligated to give you a disclosure of my methods. However, I will tell you this one thing. None of the points were obtained via illegal means."

"Did you perhaps blackmail them with some dirt?" she was sharp as usual.

"Maybe.. I'll leave the answer up to your imagination."

This world is nothing but an unfair simulation. We all live in a society. Most of them include a rational respect for the law conveyed to us by the government. These things are available to us whenever we make a choice to behave one way or another.

If we disregarded these legal concepts we would therefore be culpable. This dovetails into the legal tradition that asked whether or not a person actually knew right from wrong, and whether the person had the maturity or the cognitive wherewithal to choose right over wrong.

However, the biggest flaw this society will always have would be the law itself. If a subject is not specifically stated within the constitute, then it's safe to say the action related to said subject would be considered neither legal nor illegal. Moral concepts are hardly recognized when it's a battle of laws and wits.

Like a Japanese society, Ikusei Kyoudo was also like a simulation of a society. It was a school that strictly enforced it's laws and order. However, things such as blackmailing were far from being mentioned in the rulebook. I admit what I did up until now were indeed morally questionable. But according to the 'rules', as long as they don't get reported, none of it ever happened.

I gulped the last bit of the sandwich. After I was done, I simply returned to being in power saving mode.

"So, are you going to join the study group today or what?"

"Don't worry. I will join there, to keep an eye on you."

"I don't think the last part was necessary."

"Who knows what might happen if I leave everything up to fate?"

"So you're saying that you don't trust me?"

"Of course I do. I believe that you will do a great job teaching those dull students."

"Then why are we doing this?"

"I know what I'm doing. Don't worry, this is for the best."

"But that's what I want to know. What are you able to see that I don't?"


"Why are you silent?"

"Horikita, please refrain from asking any further questions." my tone sharpened.

Horikita's expression immediately stiffened at my sudden forcefulness.

"Don't misunderstand. This isn't me helping you. This is you following my orders. You will efficiently do what I told you, unquestioned. That's all."


"Curiosity killed the cat, Horikita."

"Sigh... Fine. Do whatever you want."

"Do you remember what I asked you to do?"



She decided to stop pattering me with that subject. As I was finally left alone, I cuddled up in my arms finally getting the nap I deserved.

That was, until...


I hate you, 'creator'.


The classes had ended for the day. I, along with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, were headed to the library where Horikita decided to hold the study group. On our way, we stopped by the third year's dormitory to collect the test papers. They were generous enough to donate their exam sheets for free. Lucky~

"With this, we wouldn't need to brainstorm about ways to ace the exam." I remarked.

"What is your reason for not sharing this immediately?"

"If I did that, then no one would work hard for the exam. They would simply cram the night before, which is counterproductive."

"So that's why you want to share it right before the exam..."

"Currently I'm more concerned about iHorikita's superiority complex. Is there any way that we could eliminate it entirely?"

"Ego is a trait human beings can never be detached from, no matter what you do. You can lower the value to a certain extent, but not erase it entirely."

"Does that also imply to yourself?"

"Of course. I'm also a human, regardless my background, I'm a perfectly healthy boy." he seemed to be pondering about something. After a brief pause, he spoke.

"Actually there's something I've been wanting to ask you, if you don't mind."


"Earlier last month you had revealed your knowledge about my identity. Although you assured confidentiality of that information, which is something I'm grateful for. But then again I've been wondering, just how exactly did you manage to get my information?"

I could see the point he was trying to make. White room was a secret organization completely hidden from the normal eyes. The files of white room are not something that should sit on a teenager's hand. My knowledge about that place was comparable to an anomaly. It was no wonder why he was curious about my methods.

But things were complicated. He was a fictional character, at least I think he is. Everything that's been happening around me was part of a story. No matter how irrational you are, you have to be an absolute idiot to believe in my explanation.

However for some reason, something tells me that Ayanokouji would actually believe me if I told him.

Should I take the risk?

"I've read it in the papers. That's all." I chided.

I needed to be careful, otherwise this will turn out to be a tragedy.

"How did you get the papers?" He asked.

"I bought those papers."

"That is unbelievable.'

"I know this sounds like a fool's joke but, believe me. This is the truth." I said while looking straight in the eyes.



"I guess I'll have to accept your answer."

That was the furthest I was willing to reveal. Exposing myself any further would indeed make me a fool. My role as a background character needed to remain solid. If I ended up spoiling the story too much, there was no telling how much the plot would be affected.

However, there was one last thing I wanted to make sure...

"I've answered what you asked. Now, in exchange let me ask you a question."

"If it's something I can answer, then I will."

"What do you think of Arisu Sakayanagi?"

"Sakayanagi? Isn't she the leader of class A? I suppose she's intelligent? What about her?"

"I agree. There is no doubt that she's a genius. Not only that, she's also the daughter of Professor Sakayanagi, the chairman of ANHS. But more importantly, she's intelligent enough to have already found out about your existence." I said with a calm voice.

He stopped mid-way. With a voice filled with intimidation he asked,

"Are you for real , Levent?"

"This is not an empty threat, Ayanokouji. That woman would inevitably confront you. That's exactly why I thought I might as well warn you before the events unfold."


His silence was understandable.

"Do you hold doubts?"

"How do I know that you're telling me the truth?" I sighed.

"See it for yourself I guess? Again, let me remind you that it's up to you to decide whether I'm trustworthy or not."

"Given that everything that you've told me up until now came true, I suppose your informations are indeed credible to some extent."

"I'm glad that you think that way."

We finally got upstairs to the library where we found Horikita and the others waiting for us. Even Sudou was present, as expected of Kikyo.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." I waved.

"What took you so long?" Horikita asked.

"We were stopped by some upperclassmen."

"Why did they stop you?"

"I'll tell you later. Let's begin the study session."

I wonder how things will go...


"Kushida-san, did Levent-kun not tell you? You-"

"I'm also worried about getting a bad grade," Kikyo said.

"You...didn't score badly on the small test."

"Yes, but to tell you the truth, I was lucky. There were lots of multiple-choice questions, you know? So I guessed about half of them. In truth, I just barely passed. So I want to join the study group to avoid getting a bad grade. That's okay, right?"

"Fine," Horikita growled.

"Thank you." Kikyo smiled, bowed, and took her seat. Bringing Okitani had probably been part of her plan all along. She'd effectively used him to justify joining the group. Not bad, Kikyo.

"Scoring lower than thirty-two means failing. Do you fail if you get exactly thirty-two points, though?" Sudou asked.

"No, you're safe if you score at least thirty-two points. Sudou, you can manage that, right?" Ike said.

Even Ike was worried about Sudou. Of course those guys would want to know the exact threshold.

"It doesn't really matter. My goal is for everyone to be safe during this exam," Horikita said.

"Gah, isn't that going to be too tough?" Sudou sighed.

Horikita wanted to say something, but after glancing at me, she stopped her words on her throat.

"I included most of what will be covered on this test. We only have about two weeks left, but I plan to thoroughly walk you through everything.

If you don't understand something, please ask."

"Hey, I don't understand the first question." Sudou glared at Horikita. The first problem was like this;

"A, B, and C collectively have 2,150 yen. A has 120 yen more than B does. Also, after C gives B two-fifths of his money, B would have 220 yen more than A. How much yen did A originally start with?"

The answer was simple. A had 710 yen, while B had 590 yen and C had the largest value, 850 yen.

"Try thinking about it. If you give up right at the beginning, you won't get anywhere. Do you understand, Okitani-kun?" Horikita asked.

"Let's see... A plus B plus C is 2,150 yen. So, A equals B plus 120.

Then..." Okitani started writing out a series of equations. Kushida, seated next to him, glanced over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, that looks right. Then what?" she said.

"Then... umm.. I can't really relate to them."

"Ugh, I don't get it either." Ike, equally bewildered, scratched his head.

"Listen up. This can be easily solved using a system of simultaneous equations." Without hesitation, Horikita picked up her pen and got to work.

Unfortunately, it looked like only Kushida and Okitani understood.

"What even are simultaneous equations?" asked Ike.

Horikita's pencil lid broke. Things were not looking good for the group. I had to step in.

"Basically you have to deal with multiple equations at the same time." I looked at Horikita. I gestured her to 'calm down'. She seemed to receive my signal. After a sigh she regained composure.

"As you can see, A has 120 yen more than B. So, A = B+120.

But on the other hand, C gave two-fifth of their yen to B, for which B now has 220 yen more than A. So, (B + 2/5C = A + 220)."

"Oh! So that's how it is.." Okitani, no, even Ike and Yamauchi understood her explanation. Judging by Sudou's expression, he was in the middle of both understanding and not understanding.

"Right. Now, on the second equation you have to use the first equation. Yamauchi-kun, what should we do next?"

"Uh, well A equals (B+120), so I guess we write down the amount?"

"Correct. Good job, Yamauchi-kun."

"Eh? W-well as you can see I'm not that weak in math. Trivial problems like this doesn't hold a candle to me." He puffed his chest in pride.

"Ike-kun, what happens next?" Everyone completely ignored Yamauchi's existence.

"Umm...ugh so uh.. you.. negate B from both sides? (B + 2/5C - B) = (B + 120 + 220 - B). Is that it?"

"Good job, Ike-kun!" Kikyo cheered from the sidelines. A blush formed around his cheeks. Although the session started with a tense air, soon it was replaced with a relaxed environment.

"Now you divide and multiply to cross out the 2/5, that's how we get the C value." Okitani got it.

C= (340 x 5) / 2; equals 850 yen. Deduce it from the total and what remains is 1300 yen.

"Now that we have the amount of money C, we just deduce it from the total amount, which just leaves A plus B. In that case, (A + B) = 1300. From here on, you would use the value of B to determine the value of A." I explained.

"Sudou-kun, do you know how to do it?" Horikita asked him. Here it comes.

"Well, uh... It's um, y'know, if A has 120 yen more than B, then that also means B has 120 yen less than A. So uh, put B = (A - 120) in there, then we get A, right?"


What the hell did this madlad just do?

"Wow, you're actually correct."

"Huh? Whaddya mean by that?"

"Well done, Sudou!" I clapped to ease the tension. Surprisingly everyone else also clapped, excluding Horikita.

"Shh! Don't make noise. This is a library." I frantically stopped them.

"Anyways, now we have, (2A -120) = 1300. You just add the 120 yen and divide it by 2. That's how you get the value of A, which is 710 yen. Do you have any questions?"

"Wow! I think I understand now. This is easy!" Ike crowed.

"Yeah. You're really good at explaining, Horikita-san." Okitani remarked.

"Yeah, I think I'd be able to do it now. Teach me more of these!" Sudou was fired up.

"I'm glad that you all understood. Let's move on to the next problem."

In the end, the study group did not collapse like it did in the novel. I succeeded in protecting the group from falling apart. Although I noticed that Sakura was the only person to not speak during the entire session. I truly felt bad for her.


"What exactly did you do?" As soon as I was about to call out to Sakura, Ayanokouji cut me off.

"I calmly threatened her to act calmly and explain everything like an elementary school teacher."

".... Must've been hard for her."

"That goes without saying."


B + 2/5C = A + 220

B +2/5C = (B+120) + 220

B - B + 2/5C = B - B + 340

2/5C = 340

2C = 340 X 5

2C = 1,700

C = 850 —(I)

A + B + C = 2,150

A + B = 2,150 - C

A + B = 2,150 - 850     [(C = 850) From i]

A+ B = 1,300 —(ii)

A + (A - 120) = 1,300

2A - 120 = 1,300

2A = 1,300 - 120

2A = 1,420

A = 710 —(III)

A+ B = 1300     [From ii]

B = 1,300 - A

B = 1,300 - 710     [(A = 710) From iii]

B =  590

(A + B + C) = 2,150

(710 + 590 + 850) = 2,150

Current balance: 737, 831 ¶¶