Hunting The Lightning Leopard

I went to the Contribution hall and looked at the requests for help. Many of them were things even I would say were beneath me. Things like helping with a large harvest. This had 100 open slots but the minimum requirement was a body tempering. They even decided to put a limit on the max realm at the initial element. Likely because the field was already… Yep there is a quest to defend the fields… Damn that one stops at the separation and Reunion Realm. Looks like it really is going to be a hunting mission.

I took one that seemed like it would be extremely beneficial to me. The job was to hunt down a Lightning Leopard. The limits for the quest was you had to be at least a True Element Realm. I just barely met the requirements in my cultivation base. But this quest seemed to give me the shivers. Was I afraid or was I excited I couldn't tell. That was until I saw myself in the reflection. I was grinning ear to ear. So I went to register that I was taking the mission.

Thankfully the Senior didn't try to say otherwise. I left to head out for the area where it had been spotted. A creature like this even if it was equivalent to a peak Immortal Ascension Realm would likely pose no threat to my life. Hopefully this will have good effects. I was already gone when the Seniors manager saw the request.

"Did… someone just take this request?" He said, grimacing.

"Yes, someone just registered a few hours ago. Why does the senior ask?" she said now a little curious about the situation.

"I just received information that this Lightning Leopard is far stronger than we had anticipated. A peak True Element and 2nd layer Immortal Ascension Realm barely made it back alive." He said, shaking. "I'm afraid this is something we should have sent a Transcendent Realm for such a dangerous mission." He added.

"Uh no! What do we do? I'm afraid if he is already there only a Saint Realm could catch up." She said, looking at the manager scanning the room for someone who would be fast enough.

This manager's eyes wandered. None of the people would be able to catch up let alone help out. Just as he was about to get ready and go himself a pair of Saint Realm Disciples walked in. Each was a 2nd order and one of them was clearly closing into the 3rd order.

"These Two disciples prepare to leave at once. I'm issuing an urgent rescue mission!" He shouted at the two of them.

A small beam of light was sent to them with all the details. Their eyes widened as they realized the likeliness of the disciple they were going to retrieve was alive was slim if at all. "We Disciples will depart at once!" The two blasted off with great speed. Compared to the cultivators there this level speed was simply ridiculous. Though they did see another fly out quite fast himself.

I arrived at the location and found the place where the Lightning Leopard was nesting. It didn't take long for me to find it. With my True body resonating with the lightning strength it wielded it was simply a matter of time for me to find it. Or… I should say it found me first.

I felt a change and dodged just in time. Now that it was right in front of me this was indeed a worthy foe. This will be a legendary fight. I smirked, pulling out my brand spear. I caressed the blade.

"Today will be the first blood you draw my dear weapon." I whispered to it. "Though this is definitely not something an average True Element Realm can handle on their own. Was there a mistake in management?" I wondered as I stared down my new foe. "Nah couldn't possibly be a mistake with the management. That would be ludicrous and stupid." I chuckled sarcastically.

The Leopard growled at me as it stared right at me. I laughed and began the fight with a spear charge. The Leopard seemingly laughed at this prospect and then waited for me. I closed the distance and just when I was about to stab it in the head, it pounced to the side.

The Leopard Slashed at me with its claws and went to take a bite. Both attacks only hit air. I had rewound the time of my attack just enough to make corrections for the new position of the Leopard. My spear landed a hit and took off one of its ears entirely. Blood rolled from the wound slowly turning its bluish white fur to a reddish color. "Hmm this reminds me of something… Red, White, and Blue." I snapped out of that state quickly since this was clearly not the time to worry about it. I was fighting a powerful beast.

The Leopard was furious and roared. This roar was laced with the Dao of Lightning. Something quite beneficial to me. And also I had a damn near perfect resistance to the attack. I noticed that as it went on longer and longer my body began naturally resisting more and more of the energy. I smirked and wiped the small amount of blood from my mouth away. It looked sort of like there were boots of silver contained in this blood. I ignored it for the time being since it was stupid to worry about anything else aside from this match.

Once the Roar ended I began my assault once again. Trying to refine my moves more each and every time. I didn't pull out the hammer as well since I had the feeling that someone might be coming to retrieve what they think will be my body. Thankfully the hammer was not needed. Instead I supplemented a cloak of lighting around myself and my spear.

"Alright, Let's see how long you last now." I said to the Leopard.

The Leopard roared back and I felt a new level of offended. I wasn't sure why but this monster beast daring to roar at me made my blood boil. My Aura flared up and then the lightning leopard looked terrified. Like a cat that saw something move quickly.

"Time to put this monster to rest. Say good night." I said, my eyes glowing with a pale ethereal and erratic light. "Call of Thunder!" I shouted the name of the attack and slammed down with my spear.

The spear went right through the Lightning Leopard's head. Its blood spurted out like a plaza fountain. Of course I manipulated it all into a giant pot. Since this blood could be used to make many different things and thus was an excellent material worth a lot of money.