Meeting Dawn Team

~~In Void World~Yang Kai's Small Universe~~

I had been mesmerized by my increase in strength along with contemplating the massive changes that had occurred. I stood up and looked at my hands and hands. Then I started to give my body a once over. Of course I had taken my shirt off and looked in a mirror off to the side. It was a rather beautifully ornate vanity. It was just right for me. Though I felt a similar wave come over me, one I had definitely felt before. Just then the scene before me shifted and changed.

~~In Blue Sky Pass~~

"You've improved quite a bit this last year, Son." Yang Kai said, placing his hand on my head. As if approving of my progress.

"Father praises this son too much. I simply found several good things." I said, with my head rolling slightly.

My father did this for a few reasons. Firstly because he was actually indeed proud of such advancement. But even more so than that he wanted to take a good look to make sure I didn't have any hidden dangers. He could have done this before While I was inside his small universe. However, it was always best to give the son some bonding time.

Yang Kai's eyes widened. "Son, you have a dragon source monster bead now. I'll give you some things to help with its advancement later. For now though I brought you out to introduce you to these people. They are part of my team, the Breaking Dawn." Yang Kai said, lifting his hand from my head.

"Oh! So it's my fathers friends! Say, where is Smiles? Is she here too?" I asked after cupping my hands and bowing slightly to the uncles.

"No this is not Yin-Yang Pass. This is Blue Sky Pass. So Smiles is not here. Now then This is Feng Ying and she is… Well go ahead and guess who she is." Yang Kai began speaking.

"Is… she? Fathers wife? If that's the case… I have another mother! Then this son greets mother Feng Ying." I said, with a bright smile coming across my face. I was so happy that I had a mother again. There was, after all, absolutely nothing that could compare to a mothers hug. It had been a very long time since I had one.

"Ahahaha, Team leader, your son is one funny boy. Sorry no, I am not married to your father Yang Kai." Feng Ying shyly chuckled before patting my head to comfort me, knowing that hearing the negative response would not feel good.

"Wang An Leiji, are you trying to cause trouble for this father of yours?" Yang Kai sighed out, relieved that it ended with a bit of laughter, though his face was indeed red. It wasn't like he never entertained the idea. Feng Ying was an absolutely gorgeous woman and powerful to boot. She was worthy.

"Oh, don't be too hard on the boy. He was just curious about whether the Vice-Leader had been his mother. Team Leader, you did tell him to guess." Another beautiful woman spoke up in my defense.

"Bai Yi! Ahh, well.. This… Still though. He shouldn't have just declared Senior Sister Feng Ying his mother like that. I could cause too much confusion." Yang Kai said, backing down slightly after hearing this retort.

"Oh! If father, has two beautiful women in close proximity, and one isn't his wife. Then the other naturally must be! This son greets mother!" I said turning to Bai Yi now, with a smile returning to my face. All I wanted was a mothers hug. Was that so hard to ask for?

"Ah… sorry little Leiji, I'm also not married to your father." Bai Yi said, with a little difficulty.

"What's going on Father? Why is it zero for two? Where are my mothers? I overheard you say that it would be difficult to explain to them. So where are they? I haven't had a mother since shortly after I was born." I said, slightly annoyed. I had vague memories of these two women but not enough to know their positions when it came to my father Yang Kai. Side effects of my soul traversing different realities.

"This, my wives are in the 3000 Worlds. One day I will definitely find a way for us to go home. You need to meet your grandparents too." Yang Kai said.

"You know little Leiji makes an excellent point. Not having a mother for so long would certainly be difficult." Feng Ying said, pondering her own experience.

"Ahahaha, I know! Either my father hasn't pursued such matters. Or these beautiful women haven't tried hard enough. It's understandable. This is the battlefield that determines whether the human race and all of life continues to live on. Or will fall only to be trampled upon by evil. Allow me to make it easy." I said, then prepared myself to release my full strength.

"Ahahaha, Team Leader's Son is going to be his wingman!" A seventh rank laughed holding his sides in.

"Ahahaha. This is too funny and too good." another seventh rank laughed as well.

The laughing stopped quickly with a glare from Yang Kai. Though since Yang kai's face was a bit red with embarrassment. The members of the Dawn team just looked at each other in a pause for a moment. Then started laughing even harder. Even Feng Ying and Bai Yi were laughing at this.

I released all of my restraints and exploded my own aura. Then looked at the two ladies individually back and forth. As if I was getting ready to say something. However, everyone was now surprised at what they saw. That is everyone save, Yang Kai.

"Will you be my mother? Or will you be my mother? Oh! I know, how about I call you both my mothers?" I said with a great degree of excitement.

Feng Ying and Bai Yi both had a similar feeling. Even similar thoughts. The sight they saw before them was not something ordinary by any stretch of the imagination. Not only that there was plenty of time before the next big battle. More than enough time for them to try and have a kid of their own. In other words they were now actually thinking about it. Meanwhile the others' jaws had dropped, leaving their mouths wide open.