Thunder Port

A brief moment of shock had befallen the Senior Brothers and Sisters, before they also urged their own strengths and began flying as well. All of them were still in shock at seeing a legendary Temple being taken away just like that. Though this was more of a newfound degree of respect for their Junior Brothers ability.

"Junior Brother will achieve great things in the future!" The Senior Brothers and Sisters all said, with a content smile appearing on all of their faces.

"This Junior Brother can only try his best!" I said.

"Palace Master is going to have a hard time finding a good marriage partner for Junior Brother! Junior Brother is mighty and completely invincible within his realm and even one beyond." Senior Brother Xiang said.

"If the Senior Brother says such things, how is this Junior Brother supposed to take it?" I said, though I was quite glad to hear these words.

"Perhaps the Palace Master will have to trouble the Void Temple to find Junior Brother a suitable wife." Senior Sister Xun giggled and shot a glance over to Senior Sister Xia.

"Senior Sister jokes too much, speaking of such things. I'm still too young." I said, as my face flushed. "Achem, let's pick up the pace. I want to see my home again." I said, urging myself forward even faster. Doubling the pace.

I had to stop though since some of the Senior brothers were not able to keep up. This was to be expected but I never realized that even at such a slow pace they wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Alright, since it's difficult for the younger Senior Brothers, I'll just carry everyone back." I said, as my eyes sparked and a solidified cloud appeared. "If you get on this I can take you along. I'm afraid only Senior Brother Xiang and Senior Sister Xun will be able to keep up from her on." I said, in a humble tone.

"Junior brother, wouldn't that put too much strain on Junior Brother's strength?" Senior Sister Xue asked, worried not just for me.

Though it was better for her to ask it like this. Being that it was quite a blow to the Senior Brothers seniority and manliness to receive this much help from a Junior. The Senior Sisters didn't have such scruples though. To them it was as if I was treating them well.

However The Senior Brothers just submitted and hopped on more than willing. They knew they were holding me back and thus didn't fight back. I believe being the Palace Masters Direct Disciple had some sway with it. That or they just gave up trying to be too masculine. I did have to save them from life and death earlier. So what did this even amount too? Tantamount to nothing.

"Isn't this a surprise." Senior Sister Xun said, teasing the others. Of course she also decided to take a ride even going as far as pulling Senior Brother Xiang on as well.

"Junior Brother Wang, let's see just how fast you can take all of us back. Or is this too much?" Senior Brother Xiang said, giving a look as if he was asking me to get him out of the hold he was in.

I chuckled a little at the sight. "Senior Brothers and Sisters can sit back and relax. This Junior Brother will take you back. Oh and Since Senior Brother Xiang has said this, everyone only needs to relax. This Junior Brother thanks Senior Disciples for this moment of training." I said, with a glint in my eyes, and a wink.

They were all shocked at my words. Senior Brother Xiang was about to say something but then realized it would be useless. As such he gave up and sat down cross legged on the cloud.

I smiled and turned around. I'm gonna play a trick on him. I urged my strength to a large degree and then made it look like I was pulling. Only to move very little.

"Junior Brother must be tired." Senior Brother Xiang laughed, preparing to get off the cloud.

"Alright! We will return to the Palace in half a day's time. Get comfortable." I said, pulling myself into a typical pre-superspeed stance.

*WOOOOSHHHH* *Crackle*

Senior Brother Xiang lost his balance and tumbled into Senior Sister Xun's chest. The latter then held him there on purpose, enjoying the rare moment of 'boldness' he just displayed.

"Woohoo!" I exclaimed as we continued to pick up speed.

"Junior Brother wang is fast!" Senior Sister Xue laughed.

"Indeed he is. We will have to inform the palace master of Junior Brothers' powerful strength. So why not show off a little for us Junior Brother Wang." Senior Sister Xun said, knowing what my intention was.

A smile came to my face. As I had been taking them along with me I couldn't help but think of this as some sort of training. It wasn't maybe the time it takes for half a cup of tea. Then I touched upon something. It was what I had been searching for. My attainments on the Dao of Space were limited. I had some but it was best for me to think about how to manage this situation in another matter. The power of thunder also has a wide variety of uses. If I could use this to travel I could magnify my speed several times over.

My power wrapped us all together. From the outside we looked like a lightning bolt that stretched the sky on a cloudless day. However on the inside it was different. While everyone outside saw a lightning bolt that traveled through the sky. We actually traveled several hundred times faster than that. At the end, to those of us inside we arrived at the Purple Phoenix Palace in a flash. And an extremely loud thunder clap resounded through the area. It was a truly fast and loud method of travel.

We all arrived and landed each on our own. Aside from the weaker senior Brothers. They sort of just fell. And were caught by fellow disciples. However we were all a bit dizzy. I was undoubtedly the least Dizzy.

The Palace Master Feng came rushing out wondering what happened. "Who came and caused this ruckus?" she shouted as she flew in close then saw it was me.

"Master Feng, This disciple has come to visit and has brought home the senior Disciples that were with me." I said, recovering and cupping my hands.