Partnered Seclusion

With the two other souls doing as they pleased in my knowledge sea and Huo Lei slowly becoming more and more daring, I was quite overwhelmed and sighed slightly in my heart. I just wanted some meat filled steamed buns at this point. Which was an odd feeling since I hadn't felt hungry. Rather it is more of a craving than a desire to satisfy hunger.

"I'll take some time and practice with everyone. This way everyone can begin their cultivation journey again." I said, and Huo Lei looked at it with puppy dog eyes. "Yes, that means you too Huo Lei." I said, patting her head before she nuzzled up close.

"Yay! I get to spend time with Leiji! I won't waste it." Huo Lei said, getting really intimate. Going as far as playful nibbles.

"I didn't mean like that, Huo Lei." I said, quickly standing up.

"What does future husband mean? Perhaps he is teasing me? I can take you first." Huo Lei said, sitting their legs off to the side and seductively licking her lips.

"Take a closer look, I'm 12 so I haven't reached the marrying age yet. It's only my body that has." I said, frantically looking for a reason I could use to go back and continue cultivating.

I was at the peak of my human cultivation but that didn't mean I couldn't go to that Thunder Typhoon again. I might be able to refine my dragon cultivation leaps and bounds. Be it my dragon bead or vein didn't matter. That place would be enough for me to advance by at least 2 grades. Once that happens… Well, I'd like to see who they send next to stop me.

"Awe. I like this side of my future husband. I'm getting all sorts of feelings welling up." Huo Lei said, pouncing back onto me, like she was in heat.

"Young master, the two of you have a deep connection. Why not just use that room for a while? Oh, if you're worried about your age. You should check the other message your father left to you. Hehe, I think you'll find it informative." Huo Dai giggled.

I checked the message Huo Dai was talking about. My face went blank. He even asked me to try using a special cultivation art. Haiz, I can't wait to see mothers and tell them all about this one.

~~Inside my knowledge sea~~

"Young master, just go for it, stop holding back. The two of you are married already aren't you? Besides, mother and I are learning from your memories. This memory of the Evil Shadow Sect meeting is priceless." Shandain said, stuffing her face with what looked like a mess of different snacks.

"With how many snacks you're eating, can you even watch the show?" Fang Qing said, also… stuffing her face with snacks.

"Alright, I'll let the two of you snack eaters do your thing." I said to them both.

"Woo Hoo! Turned into mist!" Shandain said enthusiastically.

"Let's watch it again!" Fang Qing said, rolling it back so they could continue.

~~Back outside~~

"I guess that's what we're doing. Though I would prefer to go somewhere else. It's a really good place to cultivate. Called the Thunder Typhoon. I think it would benefit you as well."

"No! I want the special room here! I wanna… play… with Leiji." Huo Lei nodded and wagged her tails excitedly, giving rise to a wind forming.

"As her future husband you should learn to cherish these times. Now go and have fun, Young Master." Huo Dai said. "Go and give this Huo Dai some grandbabies." Huo Dai giggled.

"Oh, sister Huo Dai, I wonder how large your daughters' litter will be." The woman holding a baby said, blushing.

"Hehe, I wonder too. With a husband like the Young Master, I'm certain it will be at least 3." Huo Dai said, counting on her fingers.

"Wonderful! 3 more potential males in the next generation. We should be able to recover soon then." The woman with a baby said excitedly.

"Mother, seniors, you're embarrassing me." Huo Lei said, as she paused her playfulness. "I love it!" She added, pouncing on me again. And playfully nibbled.

"Alright, after this though I'm taking a trip to the Thunder Typhon. So I want everyone to be prepared for the day when we come out of seclusion. We will pack up and take away the Thunder Temple. Then I'll take you all away from here and search for more monster races. Because even with my offspring It won't be enough." I said, walking to the open door.

"Oh, Young Master, doesn't know this but, monster beasts that have sufficient advancement can attain human form. We will try to teach these ones how to do it. Perhaps there will be a few." Huo Dai said, eyeing a particular one that seemed capable.

"What about that child there? Is it not born in human form?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Of course this little guy was. Since I and his father had both attained the human form it was naturally passed down to him. Isn't he cute?" The woman said, starting to nuzzle her baby.

"I see, then I'll leave it all to you. Don't worry about any bandits coming. None of them pose a threat to my father. Also no one can get close to this spot if they harbor ill-will. So everyone is safe here." I said with a smile as one of Huo Lei's nibbles hit a very sensitive point.

"What if they do find a way in, Young Master?" Huo Dai asked, it was the questions everyone had. And rightfully so.

"If my father doesn't think I can handle it he will send someone here before anything bad happens. Or he might snap his own fingers and end the problems before they begin. He is… powerful, no one in this world is his opponent." I said, tossing back a token. "If someone does come from my Void Temple or Purple Phoenix Palace just show that and they won't make things difficult for you mother-in-law" I added.

Huo Lei and I go inside the Dual Cultivation chamber. It was similar to the one senior brother Xiang and Senior Sister Xun had gone in. I didn't use that one since it had yet to recover its strength fully.