Partnered Seclusion (3)

~~1 Month Later~~

My internal True Yuan Qi was quickly turning into Saint Qi. Though even at this rate it was going to take some more time. I had reached a point I could only say was roughly between 5 and 10 percent. Any more specific than that would have been difficult to determine.

Huo Lei had broken through to the 5th order monster race. The influx of energy she got as a result of my direct influence was not small. She was still eager to continue taking more in and growing stronger. However, the amount I sensed she could handle for the moment. Well… that limit was rapidly approaching.

~~1 month later~~

"This is my limit for now. Thank you so much Leiji." Huo Lei smiled and wrapped herself around me.

"It was nothing to thank me for. It's only right that I help my future wife grow stronger." I said, as Huo Lei's face came ever closer. I could feel her breath on my face and she felt my breath on her face.

"You're so silly Leiji, let me thank you properly." Huo Lei said, kissing me with full tongue. "There, now let this future wife cuddle." She smiled as she pulled back and licked the saliva off her lips.

"Of course we." I said, wrapping her in my arms and laying down. I held her close and comfortably. "With me here I won't let those nightmares bother you anymore." I said, in the hope that my words would be enough to wash over her and cause the nightmares to fade into the past.

"Yes! You're too good to me, Leiji. I… I am… I… I love you." Huo Lei said, giddily and embarrassed as she looked into my eyes.

"What are you embarrassed about?" I asked, then kissed her gently. She was acting so cute I couldn't help myself.

"Wha… you kissed me?" Huo Lei said, her face grew even brighter.

"You've kissed me just before and even teased me about doing more than that. Why? Can I not kiss you?" I asked, still a bit oblivious, well… I was acting. I knew that kiss had more personal meaning than the time before.

"Those times were me thanking you. But, this is the first time you kissed me. And you did it right after I said I loved you. So… this means… uhm…" Huo Lei said, as happy tears welled up.

"It means that I love you. And won't let anyone else take you from me." I said, giving a small squeeze to go along with my words. Another way to assure her that I was telling the truth.

"I… I feel safer? All he did was hold me tighter. This boy is perfect for me. I knew I had a connection with him." Huo Lei thought, as she nuzzled in close and fell asleep.

~~Inside my Knowledge Sea~~

"Young Master, even though this girl is a few years older than you. Looking at the two of you now. You are indeed a cute couple." Fang Qing said, with a look of approval on her face.

"Master! Mother is right. The two of you really do look so good together! When is the wedding? Will there be food? Oh! And snacks too?" Shandain said excitedly swimming up close to meet my soul face to face.

"Yes, yes. I understand and thank you both for your words. However, there is no need to rush things for now." I said, patting Shandain's head as she smiled with content. She really liked these kinds of things.

"Why not go and make this girl yours now, though, Master? She is pretty and loves you." Shandain asked, rolling her head around with the satisfaction of the head pat.

"I believe that my father is testing me. There is no benefit to be had by doing such things so early. However, it is a good thing we came into this room together. I have now given others enough reason to think I have made her mine. This will help to keep other hands off." I said, pulling my hand back.

"Eh… You thought that far ahead already? That's impressive. What would you do if it wasn't a test, and your father wanted you to go all the way?" Fang Qing asked.

"Then I'll tell him to wait some time. My cultivation is more important than such trivial matters. Besides this, if I start having my own kids… then… well… my unconceived siblings would also be aunts and uncles." I said, poking my fingers together.

"It's also disrespectful since you haven't met your mothers yet. You should finish that first before you have your own kids. Now go and rest, remember to have your fiance start her human race cultivation too. Since she would likely be stagnant at monster races' peak." Fang Qing reminded me.

~~3 months later~~

"Oh, dear Leiji! I Broke through to the initial foundation realm. Your human race cultivation is weird though. Why is it that the type of Qi changes when you reach higher and higher realms?" Huo Lei asked, dancing around and practicing.

"I couldn't explain it well if I tried. Though it does seem to provide a noticeable gap between people of these realms. Perhaps it acts as a talent barrier. So that way not everyone could cultivate." I said. I still haven't reached the Saint Realm yet. Moreover, my Qi has still not completely changed.

~~6 Months later~~

~~Outside the Thunder Temple~~

"Senior, it's a beautiful day." A woman said, walking up to meet Huo Dai.

"It is a good day indeed. And we have the Young master to thank for these days. The children that survived seem to have come around little. And we have a great place to cultivate." Huo Dai said, as she sat underneath the World Tree Subtree cultivating.

"Yes! We must make sure to thank him." The woman said, after hearing Huo Dai speak.

"I have been thinking on how best to do that. I can't come up with anything at the moment." Huo Dai said, opening her eyes and tails fluttering around as if Huo Dai was in deep thought.