Saint Realm Breakthrough (2)

Now the only problem is how to get it so that his son's small universe would be able to support the living creatures. "He might just be able to use his control over the Dao of thunder." Yang Kai thought to himself.

The Heavenly baptism was growing in both size and density while everyone was talking. Powerful fluctuations generated in the sky. There were many shuriken-like phenomena. The center was like a powerful spinning hurricane. Along the edges there were tornadoes weaving with them. Lightning dashed across the sky as if to build up the strength in the center.

~~Above the nearest city~~

A few Dao Source realms could be seen floating above the city. They would speak with each other out of sheer curiosity of the fluctuations they were feeling. The most senior among them could even see a portion of the edge of the storm.

"Well Senior brother, can you see who it is?" The other two asked.

The senior shook his head. "I can only catch a small glimpse of the baptism from here. Judging by this I can't make a good determination about it. Though it seems like someone is breaking through to at least the Origin Returning Realm. That is if I am seeing the strength of the edge correctly. But it is quite far, I'm lucky to even see it. That's more like Emperor Realms vision to see any more than this." The Senior said.

~~Back to me~~

The thunder clapped loudly, resounding through the air. Lightning began striking down on me repeatedly. After a moment I realized this was not going to be satisfactory for me. So I pulled a… my dad.

I flew up into the center of the storm where the world energy was at its absolute strongest. I wasn't entirely certain just how powerful this storm was. I knew one thing though. That was, Even with my Lightning True Body and Supremacy Sparked Knowledge Sea, it was incredibly difficult to bear. Even still I ascended into the core of this storm. I was not going to fail.

Reverberations could be felt coming from the center of the storm. They would wash over everyone, then follow the sound of bloody screaming.

~~Inside the center of the storm~~

"My physique is not strong enough to handle the weight of this storm. Will… will I die here? Of the things that take me down… No! I REFUSE." I thought to myself.

~~A few breaths later~~

"My body, has it changed? Something is very different. I haven't used the Dragon body. But the pain has all but disappeared. Now it just feels like an annoying sting." I thought, balmy hands up and opening them up again.

~~outside the center of the storm~~

The reverberations grew more rapid and the cries of pain I made turned into more like muffled roars. Everyone knew something had changed. But the storm was still there. Thus everyone knew I was still alive, at the very least and that I had yet to break through to the Saint Realm.

Hours passed and seeing the sight of this storm the ones who were studying the power of lightning all grew by quite a bit. Some even promoted to the next aura. Their faces filled with excitement as they realized it was thanks to me that there was such a good opportunity to learn from. Such powerful and domineering lightning was rare to find in all the Void World let alone the tiny village they had in the woods. Woods that lay in a small corner of said Void World.

"The Young Master is powerful. None of us would have been able to handle such powerful energy. Much less for this long." A woman said, collapsing after realizing this. She soon had improved her Cultivation by an entire Order. This was a different case for her though. She was not one who practiced lightning in any way. The others then all began cultivating as well.

"Of course Leiji is powerful. He not only destroyed the bandits, he even saved all of us from death. He might as well be called a fate changer." Huo Lei snapped, defending her man from low praise.

Yang Kai heard Huo Lei's words and had a small headache when she said a word in particular. This was his own small universe so it was only natural that he had a powerful link between the small universe and himself. It was created from his own life experience. "Fate? Huh, I wonder why that gave me a headache. Almost like shackles I haven't felt have loosened. I'll have to ask about this at a later time. Perhaps Smiles knows, she might tell me without having to pay." Yang Kai pondered.

The Storm picked up speed and power. Many powerful tornadoes formed. Small hurricanes formed. It was an attempt to build up the storm's power for the final push.

I was prepared. My physique has improved a great deal. It was now at the point I wasn't even sure I could still call it the Lightning True Body.

The world energy gathered for a few breaths. The storm itself condensed magnifying the strength of the next and final trial. Onlookers watching gulped as they saw this. Only Yang Kai remained unfazed and vigilant.

The energy formed a massive semi translucent sphere around me. Then I was struck by the power from all directions at once. I let out a low grunt at the beginning. And then I let out a conqueror's cry. Pulling the energy inside my body and using it to improve myself even further.

I burst my aura out taking control of the energy, making it my own. My baptism was over. My energy from before was nothing compared to what I have at my disposal now. I could defeat dozens of myself from before my break through. My breath was totally different.

"Congratulations son. You have successfully broken through to the Saint Realm! Nice work." Yang Kai said, clapping as I landed on the ground in front of him.

"Thank you father! I will continue to do my best and strive for higher." I said, cupping my hands.

"Ahahaha, En… Good! Take this as a reward, let me know when you are able to break it down. Once you are, that is when I'll take you out again to those two mothers of yours." Yang Kai said, dropping a space ring in my hand and patting my head.