Night-less City (3)

"Hey boss, should we stop her? This is going to be difficult to explain to the City Lord." The stupid guard asked.

"No you idiot. Can't you see that brat there? He likely has a powerful background. Which means there is probably a master around here. So don't act carelessly. Save we invite destruction." The smart guard whispered back. I of course heard this and smirked, they really are a bunch of goons.

The woman came back with a saint level spear. It was forged by her own hand. I could tell that at a glance. While she had no real talent to speak of. The blade itself was definitely really good, and the pole was even better. Though it was because of this the weapon would never be as good as it could be.

"You made this artifact yourself. I can see it is indeed a good spear. However, it will never reach its full potential. You must make every part of the artifact be in harmony. Otherwise the task on the cultivator is too high." I said, still ogling the spear in the light of the sun.

"Ahahaha, We told you boy she is selling shotty equipment and you called us liars." The 'smart' 'guard' laughed out loud.

"Ahahaha! You're coming with us, lady!" The dumb 'guard' said, moving forward.

"I suggest you two idiots grow a brain instead of thinking with that snake. When did I ever say that this weapon was shotty? It is far better than anything you have on. If you'd like to bet that. I'd be happy to take you on." I said, holding out the spear blocking them.

"Oh so now you're going to fight us?" The 'smart' 'guard' said, with a grin.

"I'd rather not since you'll die. If I go all out. But if it's just a test with the spear in my hands it will be fine. Now then, miss, are you available for hire? If you accept I will take you away from this place along with everyone you care about. The work will be hard, but I need someone who can refine some things for me. Are you willing to work for me?" I said.

"Yes! If you really can take me away from this forsaken city then I am willing to call you, young master!" The woman fell to her knees and pleaded. It must have been incredibly difficult for her all this time.

"Good! Then now you are under my employ you will be protected." I said, in a calm and gentle tone with a warm smile. "Now then as for you two goons let's play a game I'll call it break the artifact. You win if you can break my Saint Level Spear, I win if I break all of your armor and weapons." I smiled, confidently.

"You must be crazy if you think you can win against us! You haven't even refined that shit spear. I'll break it in one blow." The dumb 'guard' roared, attacking at once. Thus accepting the challenge like an idiot.

With his rush I stepped out of the way and swirled my spear. The blade went straight through the sword he had pulled out. The sword was cut in half for a moment before the weapon disappeared into nothing. Then came a pound of the spears pole landing flat across the dumb 'guards' shoulder blades. Instantly shattering his armor and putting him in a daze.

"How dare you! A rugrat disrespect your elders! I'll teach you a lesson today!" The guard roared angrily and activated his domain. This went against the rules set forth since it was a competition of artifacts and not power.

"You really are an idiot. I expected so little and you still disappointed me. HOW DARE YOU COMPARE YOURSELF TO MY ELDERS. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A BANDIT DRESSED UP IN GUARDS EQUIPMENT!" I shouted out, my aura bursting and releasing me from the control of the domain.

Then with a quick flash of light and a perfect execution of moves. I stabbed my spear through the 'guards' neck. Bracing myself close to the ground and lifting my spear up. The body of the man came up off the ground and swung over head slamming into the ground.

"You dare to kill a city guard!" The 'smart' guard shouted, preparing to fight as well.

"He started the fight. Then insulted my master and my elders. And even used lethal force. If I didn't have a profound method to ignore the effects of Domain temporarily I might have died. At that point I can promise you would most certainly die a horrible death. If we speak frankly then I saved the bandit a lot of pain. Now why don't you go and tell your Vice-City Lord, you failed in the mission to bring beauties for him to ravage and release his lust upon." I said, removing my spear from the corpse.

The guard took off in a fit and rage. I mobilized my strength to loot the corpse of the terrible man. Sadly there wasn't anything good on him. It was quite annoying. I spent so much effort and there wasn't even an origin essence crystal. Well not that I expected one from a 1st order origin king. "Trash!" I said kicking the bandit's corpse into the wall nearby. It left a noticeable dent in the stone.

I walked back over to the woman. "A saint realm shouldn't be on their knees to anything but their parents, master and the heavens. So please stand up again." I said, helping her to stand up.

"Thank you, young master. For getting rid of those guys. Did they really want me for my body?" The woman asked.

"Of course they did, but not for themselves. That Vice-City Lord is behind everything. I suspect he is… well, nevermind that. Take this and go find your friends and family members." I said, handing her an item that will let me know exactly where she is, for safety.

"You are quite an impressive young man. I'd like to talk with you about something." A beautiful woman said, walking up with her very own guards and a man that was clearly her son.

"May I ask who it is I am addressing?" I asked, plainly it didn't matter who she was, she snuck in and approached me first so it was her turn to introduce herself.