Night-less City (5)

It was clear to me that she didn't know what to do. The amount of pain of a 'Forced Soul Search' is not small. It was thought to be the most unimaginable pain one can feel. She didn't know what to do. Thankfully it was at this time a butler came in. He was at least a peak 3rd order origin king. Likely a slight bit higher than that.

"Young man, are you truly able to heal the City Lord with your ability?" The Butler asked, focusing his gaze on me.

"Since I have said it. I naturally can do it. I'm not like many of those other Young Masters that just spout useless nonsense." I said, changing my face to show utter and complete confidence.

"Haiz… Then may I ask for what reason it was you stated the level of pain? One might take it to mean that you don't have the ability." The Butler asked, after confirming I was not lying.

"Two reasons. First, I want everyone to be prepared for the blood curdling scream they will hear beforehand. Second, this poison is a specialty of the Evil Shadow Sect. In fact if an absolute peak and invincible origin king were to ingest this they would die in a single breath or less. Even if they are a dao source realm it will certainly keep them down for a long time. It is a terrible crime to use this kind of thing." I said, showing my disgust at the mere mention of that sect's name.

"That name! How do you know it?" The Butler said, forcing his aura.

The gust of force that came with it lifted up the cover I had over my purple phoenix palace token. The moment the butler saw that token and the inscription… well… he retracted his aura immediately. And even hid it again.

"Ahahaha, do forgive me for acting rashly. I had no idea that you were such an entity. So then how confident are you that your treatment will work?" The Butler chuckled nervously and then changed the subject.

The look on everyone's face was too funny. Most of them hadn't seen the token so they were quite surprised when the old butler changed tones instantly. The ones who did see the token knew immediately that if they weren't careful it wouldn't matter how much they apologized their city would have been destroyed. Left to be nothing more than ruble. Of course I would never do something so petty unless… I had no other choice. Senseless murder never appealed to me, unlike other young masters.

"So long as you keep my visit to the city a secret I will forgive you for that rudeness. Now, then let me get to work. Sir butler. I'll need you to be there as well. No one else." I said, stretching slightly, and cracking my neck.

"Yes, I understand but how sure are you that it can heal Sir City Lord?" The Butler asked, panicking slightly.

"I said I can heal him so naturally I can. So what do you think? All I need is approval and in a few hours your husband will be awake again. You'll be able to eat together again." I said, as my mind drifted slightly towards food.

"Please heal him. My husband is strong enough to last this long. I'm sure he is tough enough to last through it. No matter the price we will pay it." Ah Tao said frantically.

"Very well! Then Senior butler, please stay here with me. I only need you to keep everyone else out of the room. That will be your task." I said, before walking closer to the City Lord.

The butler escorted everyone else out of the room. He even set up the restriction so sound would not be easily perceived. This Butler knows what he is doing. That was the action of a Dao Source realm. Seems like he is hiding some strength as well. Good thing too since he might prove helpful later.

"Sir City Lord, I know you can hear me. I have been hired by your head wife to heal you. And Heal you I shall. However, you need to be prepared. You will soon experience a degree of pain unlike any other. Wiggle your finger if you are ready." I said, calmly sending the words directly to his soul.

The City lord's finger wiggled. I put a clench protector in his mouth just in case. It was going to be excruciatingly painful to get rid of this stuff. After I summoned one of the thunder discs and made it large enough to encompass the City Lord's body. This time I spun the disk around me. I began the process. Without missing a breath, the City Lord started screaming in utter agony.

This scream was expected. After all, the pain was akin to being refined. It is unfortunate but that's what this poison does. It relentlessly coats everything and seeps into every part of the body. Hence why it was so painful. I didn't use the pure energy I had refined it into instead I slowly returned it to the City Lord.

~~3 Hours later~~

The process was complete. The poison was completely removed and the City Lord was using the now pure energy to restore himself. While I stand there monitoring the situation. I was making sure there were no longer any other issues. Then it happened. The City Lord opened his eyes again, his aura returned to his peak. A 3rd Order Dao Source Realm. I felt a massive pressure as that energy washed over me. He was a half step away from being an Emperor realm Master. This meant he also had a small amount of Emperor Qi.

"If I hadn't had Emperor Qi from the start I might have died. Thankfully you came in time. Tell me, have you treated the other Vice-City Lord?" The City Lord asked.

"You are the first to recover. He will be next. However, I suggest you don't reveal that you have been healed for a while." I said.

The City Lord Nodded. "Indeed, go and heal the Vice-City Lord. I will make sure you get the reward befitting of your deeds." He said, returning to cultivation.