Leaving Together

~~Outside the bedroom~~

When the two of us walked out of our room Huo Dai was waiting outside the room for us. "Ah Young Master, you've finally come… out…" Huo Dai started before she realized the style of her daughter's hair. All of Huo Dai's nine tails started beating the air. Each wagging with excitement that blew winds up around the area. "Lei'er your hair. I'm so happy for you! Oh and where did you get that dress from?" Huo Dai said, her face full of happiness for her daughter's success.

"What do you think mother? Don't I look absolutely amazing in this? Tehehe." Huo Lei said with glee as she giggled and spun around to show off the whole dress. And even striking poses to show off the full allure of the dress.

"The dress matches your eyes and your hair very well. And with that new hairstyle… You really look absolutely stunning. Did Leiji give this to you?" Huo Dai asked.

Huo Lei grabbed me and pulled me into a hug with her and her mother. Huo Lei looked up a little to her mother. "Yes, isn't my husband thoughtful? I love this dress. And I especially love the time we spent together. He is a dragon through and through." Huo Lei said, smiling as her tails kept on wagging happily.

"You have an eye for detail, my new son-in-law. By the way, where exactly did you get this dress from? It is so perfect for my lovely daughter. And the way it shows off her curves would make any man bend to his knees." Hou Dai asked about it, likely in hopes of acquiring one for herself.

"If mother-in-law must know, It was a dress bestowed to me by the senior who entrusted me with this Thunder Temple. However, this is one of a kind. It would be difficult to make another one." I said, catching my breath from a face full of bosom I just dealt with. Well, Huo Dai is Huo Lei's mother, it is only natural for them to have similar body builds.

"I see, then it can't be helped. Anyways, I came to report that the people you have brought back with you have taken to life here quite well. And thanks to the addition of the men helping around the construction we will soon complete one part of additions to the Thunder Temple. Also that Artifact Refiner you brought back…" Hou Dai said, pausing for a moment.

"Did something happen to her?" I asked, curiously.

"Not really her, it is in regards to her little brothers. They seem to have taken a liking to some of the girls around here. Though they were a bit hesitant to act on it. I didn't know if I should push the subject with them. Do you have any plans for them in particular?" Huo Dai asked, releasing me from the boob hug. I swear if she had been lactating I would have been force fed just now.

"I have no plans for them to be with anyone in particular. So you can gently nudge them to become closer with each other. I will have to leave everything in your capable hands for now though. Huo Lei and I are going on an important trip." I said, giving my permission to handle it as well as anything else like that should it come up.

"Oh! I see, you two are going on a date then?" Huo Dai asked.

"Not so much as taking her to a place where Huo Lei can cultivate within the power of the Sky. She has innate talent with the Dao of Thunder. And I know of a place that will aid in her cultivation. Though I guess you could consider it a date…" I said.

"You're quite thoughtful. But I have to ask. How is Huo Lei going to get there? And how will she be safe?" Huo Dai asked.

"Until Huo Lei is able to fly on her own I will of course take care of her." I said, without revealing the power that lay within the dress I had given her.

"Good! Then have a safe trip. We will do our best here. As to not disappoint you while you are gone. And thank you for taking care of my daughter." Huo Dai said, pleased by the answer I had given her.

"I'd like to leave as soon as possible. So if there is nothing else, Huo Lei and I will be taking our leave now." I said, ending the current discussion.

Huo Lei whispered something to her mother. And a look appeared on her face. She was now deep in thought about something. I didn't pay it any mind and decided to let it be. Since if it was from a whisper in my presence then it would make sense for it to be about me in some way. And if it was about me it's best not to show any interest in what it is that was mentioned. So there was no good reason for my interjection thus I left it alone.

"I wish you both a safe journey!" Huo Dai said, with a smile.

"We will return in time. Thank you for taking care of things here while we are gone." Huo Dai and I said.

I took my dragon form outside and let Huo Lei get on top of my head. With a wave we flew off in the direction of the Thunder Typhoon. With the intention of returning far stronger than when we left. I surged my strength and wrapped the two of us with power and shot off. One moment we were in the air above the small settlement and then the next moment we were gone.

Huo Dai turned around with her usual confidence. "Alright everyone, Young Master Leiji has gone on a cultivation journey. Let's work hard to not disappoint him when he returns in the future." She said smiling.

"Miss, did I see it right? That Huo Lei went with the Young Master?" Someone stepped up and asked.

"Ah yes, I'm excited to see how much stronger their relationship will be when they return. Oh they might even give me grandbabies once they return." Huo Dai said her tails did not allow her to hide her emotion.

"I saw Huo Lei's hair. Congratulations!" The person said, with a happy smile and a slight tilt in her neck.