9th Order Monster Cultivation

~~3 Months later~~

I had not realized the degree of efficiency this Dual Cultivation method had before we started using it. Had I known earlier I may have postponed my initial trip and thought of ways to abuse this method to its absolute limit. Such an improvement in speed from something this simple. Surely there wasn't a person among the Monster Race who wouldn't have wished to aid in this manner. My 8th Order Dragon Race Monster Core was rapidly improving to a point I might experience a breakthrough. It would be fine if I didn't need to worry about how Huo Lei would fare. She still can't fly on her own yet. The damage those "Evil Shadow Sect" bastards did was too much. Absolutely unforgivable.

~~3 Months later~~

"Husband, my Core, it's better now. The damage has been fully repaired. Thank you." Huo Lei said, now feeling even more comfortable with everything.

"No need to thank me. I am doing this because I want to help you. Maybe I can find a way to give the others a similar effect to their own Monster Cores." I said, now adding a new thing for me to ponder about away for later.

"No, I have to thank you. This is a lot of effort on your part. I know you suppressed your own Core's advancement to the 9th Order just so it wouldn't interfere. You are kind and loving. And I love you. So what problem is there in thanking you? Besides, I'm your wife now, remember, I would feel bad if I held you back for my own sake." Huo Lei said, and even changed the flow of energy in the circuit we formed to convey the feeling on an even deeper level.

"Then I will accept my wife's thanks. However, this is my duty. 'Provide and protect'. So it is only natural that I protect the woman to whom I am married. As well as love." I said, conveying a similar sensation through our circuit, to her.

"Tehehe, once I recover my original strength I should be able to fly again. I feel like this dress you gave me has a hidden power. Did you know about it?" Huo Lei asked, having discovered the fact the dress was really a powerful multi-type Artifact.

"I did, when you learn to control some of the power in that dress of yours, you will be able to fly on your own." I said, confirming I knew some about that artifact.

"Amazing! Then I will focus hard and cultivate so I can allow my darling husband to break through." Huo Lei said, now with more vigor than before.

With her Monster Core repaired it would now be far easier to manage the Dual Cultivation method we were using. Since this was the case I was able to up the intensity of the energy circuit. Thus increasing her recovery speed. Though it also filled me with a far greater degree of power than before.

~~1 Month Later~~

"Dear wife, I can not hold it back any longer." I said, struggling a great deal.

"Alright, then let's stop the Dual Cultivation for a moment." She suggested.

"No, that won't be enough. I need you to try and fly even for… Oh! I know." I said, with a realization.

A solid cloud appeared in the air. It was one of the ones I used for my Thunder Port Skill. What I did to make these was to freeze the Air Particles in a single moment in time. This created a cloud-like looking structure as the air around it collided and went around. The center was solid as stone though. But because it was frozen in time. There was no movement whatsoever.

"Stand on that for a little while I breakthrough. I'm sure it will take a little time." I said, flying over to let her off.

"After you're done can I still Cultivate curled up on your head?" Huo Lei asked, cutely putting her finger on her chin.

"If you can not fly by that time then yes. But answer me this, Why do you want to rest on my head?" I asked, still experiencing difficulty.

"Because I like riding my husband. And being near you is a great feeling that can only be expressed through actions of love. Now I wish you luck, my love. May you advance safely." Huo Lei teased, as she struck a confident pose and puffed her chest out.

"Thank you." I said, before I flew away, looking a little redder than my usual sky blue color.

Once I was far enough away my Monster Bead began its promotion trial. This was far more difficult than anything prior. I had always been able to fight well above my realm. However, it came at a steep cost, the likes of which few could believe and even fewer could understand. Each and everyone of my breakthroughs had been ones that would have left the Cultivator dead or dying in the worst cases. And in the best case the person would be left alive and unable to cultivate properly for quite some time.

It was entirely thanks to my unique physique. The 'Lightning True Body'. However, this time… it was different. My physique had evolved from the last time. And now was noticeably far stronger in every way. Save for one… I could now feel the overwhelming power that the Heavenly Baptisms bathed me with. However, it wasn't a bad feeling. It sucked at first of course. But just like the Baptisms themselves, my new Sky Saint Body grows with it. So I only feel a small tingle while the Baptism strikes me. So it is best for me to advance as soon as possible. Since it actually hurts less.

This Monster Core Baptism was something else. It combined its strength with the Thunder Typhoon to create an immensely more powerful Baptism. After a flurry of lightning strikes each of which would have instantly killed any Saint Realm. My Monster Core was now at the 9th Order.

"Did you finish that because you like having your wife ride you?" Fang Qing laughed.

"Of course I did." I said, and Fang Qing laughed even harder.

"Good, you two look great together." Fang Qing said after a laughing fit.