Lovers Meal

After finishing our couples flesh dance, we went back to cultivating and comprehending the power of Thunder & Lightning. And with seemingly heightened abilities once again. Even my own Cultivation had reached halfway to the 2nd Order just from the few days I had spent making love with Huo Lei.

~~3 Months Later~~

I had been comprehending the power within this Thunder Typhoon for some time. It's been a year and 3 months. It was at this time I had begun to cultivate while honing my Spear and Hammer Dao's. Going as far to suffer some slow moments in my own growth for the simple sake of perfecting a single motion with my Spear or Hammer. I was not about to let either of these two Dao's fall behind. I must master both of them to have the highest effect on the Ink Clan in the future.

"You're preparing to fight the Ink Clan? Why not the 'Evil Shadow Sect'?" Fang Qing asked, opening one of her eyes out of her own meditation.

"Simple. If I am ready for the fight against the Ink Clan. What do I have to fear about a mere 'Evil Shadow Sect'? At the end of the day even their supposedly freakish Supreme Elder is nothing more than my stepping stone. At least, that's what that rat bastard will eventually be. I'll make sure his soul suffers a fate so terrible he would beg for even his soul to be destroyed." I said, with a narrow look of conviction on my face as I made a simply perfect strike of my lance causing the 'Thunder Typhoon' to clap in approval.

"You're still some distance from the 2nd Order Saint King realm if taking into consideration your strength before." Fang Qing mentioned. "Though your Spear Dao seems to have improved a great deal. Where do you think you are at in terms of the level of the weapon Dao's you practice?" She added.

"In the end this training will be worth it. And if my Saint Qi fills to capacity while I lay with my wife this time. I will compress it and divert some of it to urge my Dragon Cultivation some." I said while pondering Fang Qing's Question. "If I had to put a level to them. My Hammer Dao is on the cusp of becoming level 1 and my Spear Dao is about half way to level 2." I added, answering Fang Qing's question before turning my attention to my wife's pestering.

The two of us after this session of Enhanced Dual Cultivation we both had managed to improve by leaps and bounds. Huo Lei had developed her Monster Race Cultivation to the 7th Order this time. Along with her reaching the pinnacle of the 'True Element' Realm. I reached the pinnacle of the 1st Order 'Saint King' Realm and even hyper inflated my 'Saint Qi' In a similar fashion to before I broke through to the 'Saint King' realm. The remaining benefits went towards my 'Dragon Core' Which was now hovering in the middle of the 9th Order Monster Race. Along with it showing signs of advancing further.

~~3 Months Later~~

I decided to go beneath the surface of the water and hunt for some food. I figured it would be quite rare to not find something good down here. After all, not many ships let alone people would be able to handle the tumultuous ocean waves. I only dared due to my body being far tougher than any regular cultivator's body.

This hunt had another objective. To be able to move normally underwater as if I was in the air above would be a challenge. After all, water was thicker and thus provided more resistance than air. So it would naturally take more effort. And being able to hunt under the water in such turbulent waters is a great challenge for anybody.

"You really are weird aren't you?" Fang Qing said, as I delve beneath the surface.

"You call it weird, I call it using my resources effectively. Besides, there is likely to be some tasty game down here. It should provide for some good training and then good food." I retorted.

Sure enough there were several big game that tried their best to hunt me instead. In the end I managed to scare off everything else after I had claimed a CrabDeer of close to the 11th Order. That Monster Core was surely going to be a wonderful thing for Huo Lei and myself.

"I think I might do this hunting more often. The strength of the Monsters down here are fairly high. And they seem like they will be tasty." I said, grabbing the carcass of the CrabDeer and resurfacing before flying up to see Huo Lei with some drool coming from her open mouth, as her eyes sparkled at the sight of the CrabDeer I had hunted.

"Did you hunt that just for me?" Huo Lei asked.

"Oh I intend to indulge in some of the feast as well. But yes, I thought it would liven up our time together if we fed each other something delicious." I smiled holding her with my other arm.

"What does husband have planned for this Monster's Monster Core?" Huo Lei asked as her tails beat the wind back.

"I was thinking of using it to improve our Cultivations. Perhaps if we place it in such a way that the energy from our own cores slowly strips the power away. We might both be able to improve drastically in a really short time." I answered, gently Caressing her back as I spoke.

"Then, let's have ourselves a good meal!" Huo Lei smiled as she started to fly up into the clouds.

This time we had a good meal rich with energy. After eating I broke through to the 2nd Order 'Saint King' realm on the spot. As for Huo Lei she, well… she broke through to the 'Immortal Ascension' realm after a heavenly tribulation. One that was effectively nothing to her since She had a connection to me through Our Cultivation method. I was able to regulate the Surging flow of energy which allowed her to handle the abnormal tribulations here.