Apologetic Husband

~~1 year later~~

Huo Lei and I have been here for 3 years now. Over that time we slowly moved closer and closer to the center of the Thunder Typhoon. As we creeped ever closer the strength of Thunder Qi and Sky Qi magnified. Where we were now was a place that would generally kill those that don't have the ability to control these energies themselves. That said there were obviously exceptions. Either way we hit… well… Huo Lei's limit for now.

"Husband, I… can not move any closer to the center from this spot." Huo Lei mentioned now showing signs of struggling.

"Hmm… I see, then we can stay here for now. There are a few things I'd like to test out anyways. Let's practice here for a while. I doubt anyone can reach us here anyways. So it should be safe to bathe in the energy here for a little while." I said, calmly and straightforwardly.

"I'm sorry husband. For holding you back. I know you want to go further in." Huo Lei said, worriedly. Nervously crossing one Arm over to grasp her other. Her tails hung down a little.

Seeing that she was worried I flew over to her and kissed her until she loosened up out of her worried state. "You have not held me back. Rather having you with me has helped me to grow leaps and bounds more than I would have before. So you shouldn't be worried about things like this. I have a few things I need to practice and now is a perfect time to practice them." I said looking into her eyes while holding her close to my body, letting her know she is precious regardless of this small matter.

"But, I know my darling Leiji wants to break through to the Origin Returning Realm soon. And it will be easier to do this further in. It isn't right for a…" Huo Lei tried to retort until a pair of lips stopped her from talking.

"Don't say that last part, I will never blame you for holding me back. Nor will I ever think you have done this. You are precious to me, and I love you. Besides, if anyone should apologize… It is, I." I said, with the bead of saliva still hanging between our lips.

"What does the husband have to apologize for? He has saved me from the bandits. Gave me a safe place to live and even accepted my feelings. This wife was even able to gain a small amount of revenge for her father's sake." Huo Lei said, in a state of confusion because I had indeed done quite a bit for her. "You even made me your woman like I wanted at that time. Having physical intimacy with one's lover is something that helps immensely with my race's cultivation growth. On top of that you took in my people and gave them a home. Even now you're on a warpath to destroy the enemy that attacked us." She continued, finding all of the reasons why I don't have to apologize.

"That may all be true. However, you skipped over something important." I sighed, having not wanted to bring this up so it was a bit difficult.

"What is it I am missing? Husband is too great to be apologizing." Huo Lei smiled.

"A simple reason, for not being able to give you what you have desired since even before we first laid together. I am not comfortable having children of my own right now. I haven't been able to greet my own mothers properly. It would be wrong of me to make my wife a mother without first having introduced her to them." I said, gently brushing Huo Lei's hair.

"Husband doesn't need to apologize for this. I understand completely. I'm also anxious to meet them myself. I bet they are beautiful women." Huo Lei smiled and kissed me again.

"Forgive this husband for not granting his wife the children she desires." I said again. Still holding this over myself.

"It's not the husband's fault that he can't meet his mothers now. And I understand it would be improper for a child to have their own before even greeting all of their parents. So since I married you, it is also up to me to greet my Mother-in-laws first." Huo Lei said, comforting me.

"You know how to make me feel better. Now, let's get to practicing again." I said, giving Huo Lei a warm embrace.

Huo Lei began to cultivate there and I made a small distance between us so as not to cause her any harm even by accident. As some of the things I wanted to try were quite dangerous to anyone inside a given area.

"So, are you going to practice with that Lightning disk of yours?" Fang Qing asked.

"Indeed, I want to try something… special out. If it works I should be able to deal any Dao Source Realm from the 'Evil Shadow Sect' with confidence. And potentially their 1st Order Emperors. Though I wouldn't dare to say that last part is a certainty." I said.

"Indeed, those in the Emperor Realm are quite powerful. Freakishly so even. Anyways since you aren't going to be actively taking the energy here mind if I take all of it this time?" Fang Qing asked with great anticipation.

"As long as you don't cause any trouble for Huo Lei then you may help yourself." I said, leaving it at that.

Fang Qing began sucking up the Thunder Qi and Sky Qi like a hungry fat man at an all you can eat buffet. Or like a kid in a candy store with limitless money. Or like how I am around meat dishes. "Hmmm… I'll have to find a good cook that knows how to make those meat buns… Otherwise I wouldn't be able to bring them with me once I leave this place." I thought. "Oh well, time to give this a try. If it works as intended… well… we shall see." I continued. Summoning my Lightning Disks.