Powerful Disturbance

After we were done with our Extreme Dual Cultivation we headed further into the Thunder Typhoon once again up until the point Huo Lei was incapable of continuing. With our constant Dual Cultivation method having improved significantly this time I was able to tell when Huo Lei was no longer able to continue forward under the pressure the Thunder Typhoon exuded.

"Let's stop here, this place is good. Hou Lei should practice here. There is plenty of Thunder Qi and Sky Qi here for you. I'm certain you will break through to the Saint Realm here." I said, coming to a halt floating in the air.

"Husband is right. I feel like this place will be where I break through. There seem to be some tasty monsters down there as well." Huo Lei said, licking her lips while looking at a small island in the area.

"Don't go overboard alright. If there is something you can't handle, don't force yourself." I said, giving her a kiss.

"I won't get myself into trouble. It's the others that pick trouble with me. It is others who cause problems for me. To think that they have the courage to try laying their hands on me knowing you are my husband." Huo Lei pouted a little, jokingly to push past the incident. Also hinting she wanted to go another round.

"I am going to start performing some more experiments with this Thunder Sphere of mine. I wonder just how much stronger it is now that I am a 3rd Order Saint King." I said, ending the conversation so Huo Lei will practice.

I could tell she wanted to go another round. I had to stop it there. While it was helpful for our cultivation it is best to have a variety of training. I also don't want our love making to become so trivial as just a method to gain strength. I prefer to keep it as an act of intimacy with some added benefits, rather than the other way around.

Huo Lei didn't say anything else and began her own cultivation once again. She may have been eager to have another round of that experience from earlier. However, she knew that she wouldn't be able to get away with forcing me too much. She was weighing her options and thus decided against pushing for it.

My practice began in earnest after Huo Lei started doing her thing. My first goal was to try and shape the Thunder Sphere in different ways. Similar to how Qi attacks work. Like a palm force attack is in the shape of a palm. However, my goal was different. I simply wanted to exercise this part of my strength since it seemed to have potential.

~~9 Months Later~~

I had reached the pinnacle of the Saint King Realm. And now even the world was telling me it was time. My heavenly tribulation was summoned and churned with the might of the world. The already chaotic Storm swept up and became noticeably more dangerous. Seeing this Huo Lei stopped her cultivation and flew as fast as she could to get to safety. Once she was there, she just watched.

Thunder crashed, Lightning struck. The Wind ran, the Sea Churned. The pressure in the area pressed the world, lowering the sea level and claiming the lives of monster beasts in the waters below. It was a truly unusual breakthrough.

~~A room in Blue Sky Pass~~

Yang Kai, Feng Ying and Bai Yi were together at the moment talking about all manner of things.

"Yang Kai? You seem distant all of a sudden, has something happened?" Feng Ying asked, noticing the look of confusion on Yang Kai's face, confusion that didn't fit the conversation they had been having as of now.

"I…" Yang Kai was about to start speaking.

"Did something happen to that adorable boy? No, don't… he… he's okay right? He has to be okay! He is too cute." Bai Yi said, tearing up while shaking Yang Kai. "Spread your Small Universe I Will go and save him if you won't!" She continued.

Yang Kai stopped her from shaking him before speaking. "The thing is… well I think it would be easier to understand if you saw for yourselves. Rather than have me try to explain this occurrence. I didn't think it was even possible." Yang Kai said, spreading his Small Universe to let the other two step inside to see for themselves.

~~Void World~~

Feng Ying and Bai Yi were shown the spot and appeared in the Void World. They, along with Yang Kai, flew over to Huo Lei. Who was watching the Heavenly Tribulation in utter amazement, confusion and awe.

"So he brought you here with him then? Seems you have grown since I last saw you." Yang Kai said, once he arrived next to Huo Lei.

"Ah! Father-in-Law, welcome. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" Huo Lei said, with a very different tune than from before. With a few of her tails wagging in the air.

"I'm here for him! Rather to observe of course. Right now he is doing something incredible." Yang Kai said, patting Huo Lei's head, like a father would. "Hmm, seems like you were able to win him over quickly. Make sure you take care of him in the future." He added, after sensing that Huo Lei had lost her Primordial Yin.

Feng Ying and Bai Yi knew of this arrangement but didn't think it would advance so much so fast. Though what they saw out there in the Thunder Typhoon was quite the sight.

"Yang Kai, little Leiji… what is his current realm?" Feng Ying asked with a look of surprise on her face.

"He is currently at the absolute Pinnacle of the Saint King realm." Yang Kai answered, as a look of difficulty appeared on her face upon hearing I was a Saint King Realm.

"Lei'er, could you explain what has happened since you arrived here?" Bai Yi asked in a sweet voice, with a difficult look on her face. To which Huo Lei detailed everything that happened in order. "That could explain this result… Even still this is not a simple matter." She added after hearing what Huo Lei had to say.