Origin King!

While Feng Ying and Bai Yi were grilling Huo Lei, Yang Kai watched intently at the situation with my breakthrough. He knew that this wouldn't help him at all, that wasn't the reason he was intent on observing the situation. Rather it was the speed of which I had broken through. It was astounding to say the least. "I wonder just how much stronger Leiji will be in the future. Also what is this odd connection I sense building? Hmmm, I'll have to wait and see what the future holds either way." Yang Kai thought, and clearly looked like he was deep in thought.

"Yang Kai, is something wrong?" Feng Ying asked, having noticed the look on Yang Kai's face.

"Oh it was nothing serious. Merely my own curiosity. I gave him a test several years ago. I wonder if he has passed it now, that was all it was." Yang Kai said, covering up the situation.

"Father is talking about the Crystals and those other weird resources correct?" Huo Lei asked, happily calling Yang Kai father as she was being smothered by Bai Yi.

"Indeed, do you know of the progress he has made with it? I'd ask him but he seems a little busy at the moment." Yang Kai said jokingly.

"Leiji hasn't done anything with it as far as I know. But I don't think he would be unable to do the Source Crystal at the very least. He is far stronger now than he was before after all. And he has improved his Lightning disk to… something far more exhilarating." Huo Lei answered, getting hot and bothered remembering what that feeling was like.

"I see. So he was preparing to complete it on the side. And strengthen himself first. That or he was planning on advancing to a certain point before doing it. Hmmm, I'll force him to try after he is done. I'm too curious." Yang Kai said, pondering his thoughts.

"Leiji is a great man. I'm sure he will be able to pass the test. Though I did get to see those rank materials… Those might be difficult even for him as he is now." Huo Lei said, being released from Bai Yi's hold.

"He is indeed great. There are a couple of young women back home I intend for him to meet. Both are quite talented and I doubt anyone else could handle either of them. Apologies in advance for forcing the situation." Yang kai said, finally revealing his hand.

"Yang Kai you intend to make your son just like you!?" Feng Ying raised her voice in a slight anger. Though she did understand.

"Come on Sister Feng, it's alright it's because oh little Leiji that we were able to get our way. And he is quite talented as well. Should his ambition really be limited? Besides he forced his father's hand to take in 2 wives. It's only right that the situation is reciprocated." Bai Yi said.

"But think of what that does for little Huo Lei. Think about how she must feel." Feng Ying tried to retort the situation.

"I'll have to enjoy him just that much more before that happens then. My mother had already said she suspected as much would happen. And Leiji is quite powerful. He is worthy of multiple wives. Besides that, the senior Fang Qing who taught me a few things mentioned some things only possible if I have a sister or two to help. I'm excited to try those." Huo Lei said, her tails becoming more vigorous.

Just then a powerful burst of energy washed over the area. The epicenter was me. "The 2nd Order Origin Returning Realm? He really advanced that far that fast?" Yang Kai said surprised. Since even he couldn't compare and he was a genius of his time. "The difference between a direct 7th rank and a direct 8th rank truly is a massive difference." Yang Kai mentioned.

~~Back to me~~

I had taken this opportunity to cultivate mostly because I had no choice. Even still this was quite the challenge.

"Are you sure about this Young Master?" Shandain asked after I had broken through to the 2nd order.

"Indeed, with the power of this tribulation I will advance far more than I did before. Moreover, my dragon's body can withstand far more damage than a normal person. Besides, after waking up from that odd slumber of mine before… I feel complete and stronger than ever. I will succeed. And that is that." I said, as my Knowledge Sea continued expanding as it was being filled with knowledge from some unknown source.

In a moment absolutely gigantic bolts of Lightning appeared and began to coil. Each taking the shape of a Dragon. "ROAR!!!!!!!!" I let out a resounding roar that made the air tremble. The monster beasts that were within range bowed down in response. Those that didn't were met with an electrifying experience as the entire area became filled with the Chaotic destructive power of lightning. Bolts struck everywhere seemingly endlessly.

Another wave of power burst out revealing something else. "The 10th Order Monster Race Dragon. This is quite the upgrade. With this… I should be able to advance further without worry or constraint." I said, clenching my fist.

Another burst of power went out in all directions, 3rd Order Origin Returning Realm. After this the Tribulation grew in its intensity even more. The Thunder Typhoon shrunk in size as a result. The power began to coarse through my body at an incredible pace. I had previous understanding of Shi and Domain. I even possessed my own pseudo sort of Domain. So this energy was simply a supplement for my strength. And with a constant source of power… and a sudden final push the Tribulation forced all of the energy into my body. And a moment later a final significantly more powerful burst of energy radiated.

"This is what an Origin King feels like? Hmmm, it seems I have a few strands of Source Qi as well. Interesting. Very interesting. With how I am now I wonder just how strong I truly am." I said, inspecting my condition and realizing that just like every time from before I had no need of consolidation as my Realm was beyond stable. Almost frightfully so.