Victory Wrap Up

The murmurs in the hall began. Such a thing was truly an odd thing to hear. However the Masters of each Sect heard a special whisper from my father Yang Kai. Upon hearing that they all stood up slightly behind me and declared their support.

"We have all discussed this among ourselves and the Elders. We agree to make our cooperation more united. From this day on." They said, resounding the words through the Hall.

"This boy of mine really does think of some crazy things. To think that he already had that much planned since before he tested that Domain of his against the Ink Force. I wonder… If those red threads that have slowly started to permeate my Small Universe were his doing as well." Yang Kai muttered.

"He says some odd things from time to time. But for some reason or another everything seems to run far more smoothly. Perhaps he knows more than he is letting on?" Feng Ying said.

A couple in the Dao Source Realm stood up and walked before me. They were slightly pensive about the words that had just been spoken. However, after hearing their Sect Masters Agree to form this union was enough to get the two of them to step forward.

"Sect Master, this disciple doesn't mean to question you. But, is what you said really true?" The man asked his Sect Master from Unabsurd Pavilion.

"Indeed! From this day forward we are all Void Temple! Together we will form a single entity to train our disciples with the best possible outcomes. Naturally such a thing would lead to other things becoming easier." Unabsurd Pavilion's Sect Master said, unbothered by the question. Since it helped to establish a bit more detail in the end.

Hearing this the two people before us got quite excited. "Then we would like to marry!" The two said in unison.

"Ahahaha! Leiji! You really know how to provide an opportunity to make people happy." Yang Kai said, appearing next to me. And placing his hand on my head. Then turned his attention to the two. "Then let you be blessed by Void World." He said softly.

A truly comfortable feeling of warmth and acceptance fell over the couple. And once they felt that, it was like they had learned something. Then they realized that it was a truly powerful method. "We thank the Supreme Elder for such a wonderful gift! We will not disappoint you in the future." The two said happily and with a glint in their eyes.

After the party was over I went back to my village with Huo Lei. And all of the people inside my small realm. The masters from each of the other Sects were quick to begin post war plans. As well as take the city development plans I had accidentally created in the Night-Love City several years ago. As the… Results spoke for themselves.

~~Thunder Temple Village~~

When heading back to the village I of course used my Thunderport ability. And as a result I and Huo Lei arrived quite quickly.

"The Young Master has returned! He is victorious in battle!" Someone exclaimed after sensing my presence.

"I have returned! The Enemy is no more! And I have brought the last of those enslaved in all of the Undergrounds that vile group had constructed. Let's welcome them to their new home." I said as I landed on the ground. Huo Lei was quite clingy and riding piggyback.

I opened a portal like door and let everyone inside my Small Realm outside. Once everyone was out safely Huo Lei got down from my back. To help me with the next step to my plan. Like everyone else before it was time to give them an even greater sense of security. I walked forward a bit stretching as I closed the door to my Small Realm. And I transformed into my Dragon form.

"So long as you live in my village. You will be protected by the power you see before you now. Let this place be your haven for a new start. And a new life. For as long as this place is my home you will be safe." I said, in my dragon's voice. My image, coiling in the air.

"We are willing to serve you the Young Master. The man who saved us from the darkness. From here until the end." They said, kneeling in reverence.

I transformed back to my human form for one last address. "That's good! When the day finally comes for me to leave this Void World and ascend to a higher stage I will offer you all the chance to come with me. For now though, live here in peace and soothe your worries. Many of the people living here have been through similar incidents. And everyone here knows what happened and will treat you warmly with open arms. Now then, I must go and do husband's duty. My mother in law Huo Dai will be taking care of you from here." I said, before leaving the area and entered seclusion with Huo Lei, my wife.

~~1 month later~~

I left seclusion and was immediately besieged by Bai Yi and Feng Ying.

"Little Leiji is finally free to spend some time with us mothers. Let's go have some fun." Bai Yi said, smothering me.

~~Blue Sky Pass~~

We went to a little food place in the Mountain Pass. The two of them really wanted to show me off. Like I was some sort of display trophy. However, the food that had been prepared was great.

~~1 month later inside Void World~~

I reappeared in the Thunder Temple Village. First I received any reports and then shortly after I could be found floating in the lotus position. Cultivating with numerous different resources. Anything that I couldn't handle would be divided up and sent to others or into the Void World itself to help aid in my father's cultivation. Even if only a little.

~~10 Years later~~

I had been cultivating for most of this time. Though I did have to intervene in a few squabbles between the Elders. Usually about whose Disciple would marry whos or matters related to the development of the numerous cities in the Void World. That said, I have also reached the peak of the Dao Source Realm.