Results Of The Bet

~~A Few Days Later~~

"Yawn!" I said stretching as I slowly woke up. "That was a great nap. Hmm…" I said, investigating how long it had been. "I wonder if my father has decided to go after the ink nest directly now? They can hardly do the infiltration on their own… So then. Perhaps he hasn't… But why do I sense a mass of Ink Force?" I muttered. 

"That's because the team leader has brought us near to one of the Ink Nests. And he asked me to inform once you wake up. It's been three days, You must have been exhausted. I can't imagine the struggle it must be to fuel your own, level up as your father called. But I did get a chance to see it, thanks to the team leader showing us. How was it for you?" A 5th rank said, ending with a smile eager to hear the answer. 

"Are you sure you want to know what that felt like? There is only one way to properly experience that pain. And it would kill you. But if I had to try and put it into words. It's like having your body exploding every miniscule instance. And your soul tearing apart. But at the end of it. Once you… survive, the gain is far too immense… I can't even put it into words right now. However, the strength of my Dao is at least a steady 10x stronger! I'd still like to avoid fighting 6th rank equivalents if at all possible. But I will definitely not lose. I'm going to rip the Ink Clan apart and use them for my own growth." I said, standing up and stretching. Going through a whole range of different emotions. 

"Very well, in that case I won't continue to ask. I still have a duty to fulfill. The team leader came by earlier and said he wanted to see you as soon as you woke up. So you go see him." The 5th rank said, leaving the room. 

"Hmm… I guess he wants to have me take a good look at the Ink Nest. Though… It honestly feels like a solid thousand times more energy than a Feudal Lord on his own could theoretically contain. Is it my imagination… or the fact I am not strong enough to fight them that I over estimate it's might." I thought as I walked out of the small chamber. I shortly arrived on the ship deck. Stretching and yawning as I walked. 

"He really is just like you, Husband. Like father, like son." Feng Ying giggled. 

"Did you have a nice nap, Leiji? It's good you woke up since there is a dispute that needs settling. You should deal with that first." Yang Kai said, and then fixed his gaze upon the ink nest. "I really want that nest." He thought. 

"Martial nephew Leiji! Who got more! Check it!" Shen Ao and Ning Qi Zhi said, each of them pushing 7 different space rings in my face.

"Check mine first." Shen Ao begged. 

"No, check mine first." Ning Qi Zhi also begged. 

"I suddenly had an epiphany like I know why my father told me to deal with this instead of him." I sighed, shaking my head. "You must have made a bet with each other, didn't you? I'll count them but I'll go at my pace and not worry about the offenses that might occur as a result. Here we go." I said and began counting the Ink Clan Corpses. 

A short inspection later.

"Hmm… not bad. This will take me at least a few hours to finish refining." I noted. 

"So who brought you more!" Shen Ao asked, clearly excited. 

"What does Martial Uncle mean exactly? By what measure are you considering when you state more?" I asked, forcing them to answer. 

"Who brought the most Ink Clan Corpses?" Shen Ao said, eagerly awaiting a response.

"In that case there is a clear winner and it isn't really all that close. Martial Uncle Ning Qi Zhi brought the most in the way of corpses…" I said, with a slight pause. 

"Ahahaha! Pay up brother Shen Ao! You heard Martial Nephew just now. I brought back the most." Ning Qi Zhi laughed, holding out his hand for the bet's reward. 

"If the words of your bet were how many then it is indeed, Martial Uncle Ning Qi Zhi who won this bet. And one should always pay their debts. Even if it requires a little bit of help. However, Martial Uncle Shen Ao brought me more total value. Meaning there are more higher end corpses. In fact there weren't too many low rank Ink Clan. and those he had were all 3rd rank equivalent. Whereas a significant portion of martial uncle Ning Qi Zhi's count were 1st and 2nd rank equivalents." I explained, as I took the rings and combined their contents together. 

"Ahahaha, you may have won this bet Brother Ning Qi Zhi… But I was the better uncle. Can you even accept this wine?" Shen Ao laughed as he handed over the jars of wine he put up for the bet. 

"Of course I can!" Ning Qi Zhi said, taking the wine. "Here martial nephew, you deserve a drink after what you accomplished recently. It just so happens that this martial uncle was able to win some good wine this time. So here have some." He said, handing me a full jar. 

"Oh! Martial Uncle knows how to make this martial nephew happy!" I said, With a big smile taking over my face. I then put the jar away. "I am grateful but it seems we have some unwanted guests." I said, cracking my neck and my knuckles. "Father, I don't sense any high ranks in this batch of vegetables, that I can not win against. Mind if I take care of them?" I asked. 

"Alone?" Yang Kai asked, raising his brow?

"Of course." I said, and got ready to fight. 

"If you can keep them from leaving and get them all on your own then go for it. Get yourself a warmup." Yang Kai said. 

"With pleasure, father!" I said, summoning forth my Lightning Sphere. Encasing the entire enemy force. And then I took a step, becoming a bolt of lightning.