Ink Nest Siege! (7)

~~Daybreak's Deck~~

Yang Kai, seeing me return completely exhausted to the point of passing out, checked my Knowledge Sea. The Dragon inside my Knowledge Sea was currently the only one that was even remotely conscious. But you'd have to stretch that definition a great deal to reach this point. But it was more than enough for Yang Kai to know what happened in detail, when combined with the sheer number of passed out oh cultivators. 

"Feng Ying, you and Martial Uncle stay here. Keep the ship fully protected at all times, even if we have to reveal Martial Uncle. I'm going out for a walk." Yang Kai said, with a smile on his face, attempting to conceal his true thoughts as his spear came in hand. "I won't be but a moment, I… promise…" He finished saying and then vanished. 

"Yang Kai must really care deeply for his son. He is even breaking his own rules to go and annihilate the enemy personally." Qi Tai Chu spoke, saying his thoughts aloud. 

"No need to worry, with Yang Kai in that state I doubt an army of feudal Lords would have a chance to do anything to him. Leiji suffered a loss this time. I don't know exactly what happened but to be able to slam a peak High Rank on the verge of becoming a Feudal Lord, up that high… It was definitely not a small price." Feng Ying said, gritting her teeth, also wanting to take some vengeance for herself. "Everyone take care of the rescues, and make sure they are alright. And be vigilant for enemy attacks." She ordered, waving her hand and a twist of her torso. Her earrings swung about as a resort. 

~~The Battle~~

The Ruling Feudal Lord went to the treasury and found out that he had been robbed blind. "DAMN YOU YANG KAI!!!!" He roared out. And then went to his room. "WHAT THE FUCK! I WAS SAVING THAT FOR SIR TERRITORY LORD! HOW DARE YOU STEAL SIRS GIFTS!" He roared again. "What the hell happened here?" The Ruling Feudal Lord cursed. As he saw that the Ink Nest had suffered some irreversible damage. Upon his return to the fighting area. 

"I guess you were too slow. You wanted to flee, but now you've returned." Shen Ao glared at the Ruling Feudal Lord, a look that even death would fear. 

"What did the two sirs do to my domain?" The Ruling Feudal Lord recoiled in abject fear, pissing himself as he felt that gaze landing on him. 

"They did none of that! We were going to just have them take this place on their own. But I'm quite angry now you see. And I am in need of some therapy. Sorry Brothers, but I'd be grateful if you'd retreat this time." Yang Kai said, cocking his back with that same smile masking his true anger. 

"If Feng Ying hasn't come then we don't have any business being in the way either." Shen Ao thought, angry but understanding. "I will fall back and leave the rest to you brother Yang Kai." He continued and then hurdled himself out of the way. 

"Happy hunting brother Yang Kai." Ning Qi Zhi said, cupping his hands and darting out of there as well. 

"Good… Now that it's just us here. I'd be saddened if we were to part ways so I'll make it impossible for you to leave this area." Yang Kai said, snapping his fingers.

"Sir Feudal Lord! Something happened! The space feels heavy. I can barely move!" A High Rank called out. 

"What did you do?" The Ruling Feudal Lord asked. 

"I locked the surrounding space down. None of you are leaving this spot alive today." Yang Kai explained with a sinister glare and smile. 

"Wait, I'm sure we can work this out. We don't have to fight today… We can relax and fight another day. Perhaps I can offer some resources to make this go away." The Ruling Feudal Lord said timidly, pissing himself again. "If he says no, then today is the day I die. I'll have to take down Yang Kai to avoid dying in shame." He thought gulping. "If Yang Kai is removed out of my Ink Clan's way then it will be easier to defeat the Human Race. But if not… my death here will mean nothing." He continued thinking as he waited for Yang Kai's response. 

Yang Kai disappeared. Causing the Ink Clan forces here to become filled with worry. "Who was the first one on the chopping block?" Was the only question on their minds. 

"You're going to help me one way or another. So I'm going to use you as practice dummies." Yang Kai said in a deep booming voice, as a golden dragon flies around picking the Ink Clan off one by one.

No manner of attack was off the table. He needed to get the practice anyway. "I'll take a page out of Leiji's playbook. Getting used to this body will undoubtedly prove useful in the future. Why have I never fought full battles in this form? Was it really for the sake of keeping it a secret? Doesn't matter now, all my enemies already know of it. So it would only end up as a curse if I don't learn to harness its power fully." Yang Kai thought. 

"Sir Feudal Lord help…" The Ink Clan were screaming out around the whole of the battle… slaughter zone. 

"DAMN YOU YANG KAI!" The Ruling Feudal Lord roared out. Burning his own Ink Source to inflate his strength. 

"Idiot, Don't you know that this type of method is useless against me? All you've done this time is become an easier target." Yang Kai said, while he was on the other side of the area cleaning shop. 

"OH YEAH WHAT WOUL… BWAGH!" The Ruling Feudal Lord yelled out, stopping after his body was split apart. Half floating there in the void bleeding out, while the other half was in a golden dragon's jaws, glaring at him with a confident smile.

"I warned you. And you didn't listen. How does it feel? To be killed in the same manner your kind used to take advantage of ink disciples. I'm almost certain that there is a special place in Hell just for your kind of vile disgusting creatures." Yang Kai coldly stated as the Ruling feudal Lord bleed out, dying. "Good, now I'll deal with the rest of you quickly." He sneered, then turned the void into streaks of brilliant golden light. Leaving Ink Clan body parts strewn about to collect later.