One With The Dao Divine Body

"You're the son of the Team Leader! No wonder. After experiencing Young Master Leiji's strength first hand I knew you had to be from an excellent background. Young Master, with that kind of strength you will most definitely go far in this life." Qin Wen said, with a smile and cupping his hands. 

"Ahahaha! Senior doesn't need to be too polite with me. I'm not one that cares too much about ceremonies. Only for particular things will I not yield to ceremony. We have exchanged blows in single sparring and I gained quite a bit just now. So be at ease around me." I laughed heartily. "Take this as my thanks for helping me." I added, sending a giant ball of pure World Force to him. 

"Many thanks, Young Master Leiji! With this… I might not only recover, I could potentially break through!" Qin Wen said, accepting the gift. 

"Ahahaha! Good!" I Laughed and then turned my head to face the others. "Anybody else willing to try their luck? I have enough for… 6 more people to fight me. But that's all the extra energy I can spare." I said. 

The next several moments were people attempting to step forward first. It was a bit chaotic until Ding Yao intervened and simply chose the ones he felt like picking. "Ahahaha, with these 6 others their fighting spirit is still locked up tight. Perhaps we will gain similar results." He thought. I glared at him knowing what he was doing. Ding Yao simply winked and laughed. "I look forward to the results!" Ding Yao laughed. 

~~5 Fights Later~~

"Hmm, it seems as though Little Leiji is about to have some kind of development. I wonder what it might be? Perhaps this is what he was truly after." Ding Yao though. 

"Senior, please instruct." I said, assuming my stance once again, with the slightest difference from the one before. 

"Begin!" Ding Yao said, with another wave of his hand, the seventh and final wave. 

This time the distance between myself and the 4th rank seemingly hadn't existed. The speed at which I closed it was magnitudes faster than before. So fast even I stopped to wonder what happened. 

"Young man, you shouldn't stop like that just because you're a little fast." The 4th rank said, landing a heavy blow. 

I did get sent back a bit of distance but not too far instead there was something different. Markings slowly emerged on my body. "Stay back!" I yelled. As lightning converged and thunder rumbled with myself being the epicenter. Lighting marks appeared all over my chest, back and arms. "I can feel that my whole body has gained these markings." I thought as the event died down. 

"ONE WITH THE DAO!" The 4th rank exclaimed. While the others were still stunned. 

"Mother Feng… Do you know what this is? I feel… very different now." I said, flying over slowly. 

"Leiji… This… Your father is going to be surprised beyond measure now. When one gains the One with the Dao Divine Body, their strength with the dao they practice flows as water through a river or wind in the air. Smooth and effortless." She explained, after she stopped giggling. 

"The tattoos on your body are the main feature of this change. What you had experienced in your breakthroughs before is likely what started this change. I wonder how fast you can dissolve the Ink Clan now." Bai Yi explained. 

"And achieving one with the Dao is not easy. It requires a firm understanding of the Dao, an excellent physique and a matching Knowledge Sea. Once one attains these things it is possible to gain this special physique. Since you have it… that explains a lot about how you were able to fight so far above your realm." Ding Yao laughed. 

"Hmm… I'll test the limits of this after this match. But I should see this one through as well." I said, preparing to fight. 

"Oh no! I yield. I know my limits and there is no way I could be your opponent without the aid of an artifact. Especially since you've won 6 out of 6 fights in a row." The 4th rank said, terrified. 

"Damn. Is there anyone else that wants to fight then? I'd like to give this a bit of a test run." I asked, looking over at the other onlookers. 

"I'll spar with you. If you don't mind fighting a 5th rank or a woman." A 5th rank woman said, stepping forward. 

"Then I'll have to trouble the senior. I look forward to a good exchange." I said cupping my hands and preparing. 

"Ahahaha, I go away on a little excursion for a bit and I come back to see my son having made some gains." Yang Kai laughed, stepping out of a void crack. "Begin!" He said. 

What started was a rather interesting event. I was put on the back foot. I received 3 blows for every blow I dished out. 

~~5 Hours Later~~

The two of us finally stopped. I was exhausted. 

"Not bad Young man. But 5th rank is still a bit out of your reach." The woman said, with only a slight rasp of breath. "That said, if you were using your dao strength… It would be my loss." She added. 

"Ahahaha, that was a good exchange." I smiled and laughed. "It is my loss. I thank the senior for her time. Once I break through to the 3rd Order we should exchange again." I said, now unable to laugh. 

"I'll take the Young Master up on that, provided I don't break through first." The 5th rank woman giggled. "Team Leader, your son is quite strong. There will undoubtedly be many women seeking a place beside him." She said, cupping her hands and bowing to Yang Kai slightly. 

"You have no idea just how true your words are. I've already had to deal with so many requests from the young women in my small universe practically begging for it." Yang Kai sighed a heavy sigh. 

"Such women are definitely undeserving of such a young man. To be honest if he was fighting a 5th rank man I don't think it would be 3 for 1 but a 5 for 2. He is strong but gentle. Any woman would be quite fortunate." The 5th rank said with another giggle.