Phase 3 (2)

"I've got news for you! I'VE BEEN HOLDING BACK TILL NOW!" Yang Kai yelled as his spear collided with Rending Claw's claw. 

A huge burst of energy radiated outward and sent Rending Claw flying back. As the wave of energy rushed through the Void it killed many Ink Clan. And even shook the ship a little. 

"Brother Slicing! We must work together to get rid of this killing god. We can't allow him to break through again! It would spell disaster for the Ink Clan!" Rending Claw said spitting up blood. 

"This really is going to be a problem… All Feudal Lords hear the order and destroy that battleship at all costs!" Slicing Claw Territory Lord said, rushing in to attack Yang Kai. 

Yang Kai teleported away from the attack to behind his new attacker. With a quick sweep of his spear blood began spurting out of the Territory Lords back. And the battle had truly begun between them. "I hope you don't mind, there was a bug on your back. Don't worry though, I scratched it for you." He chuckled.

"You damn bastard! I'll kill you for this humiliation!" Slicing Claw Territory Lord yelled, swinging his arm behind himself, while twisting his body to attack Yang Kai. It hit! "What! An after image!" Slicing Claw said in shock as the image of Yang Kai dissipated. 

"Oh! You were looking to attack me? It's a good thing you're not an archer. You'd never hit your mark with aim like that. I'll give you a demonstration of good aim then." Yang Kai said, raising a hand up into the sky. "Golden Crow Casting Sun!" He said with a smirk. 

In the void the image of a golden crow appeared. It was the size of a small mountain range and grew to the size of a small world with its wings in full spread. With a "CAW" The Crow lunged its head forward, a ball of fire… a sun appeared in front of it. The sun grew faster and faster… Until it was 5 times larger than the Crow itself. 

Yang Kai's eyes were cold and filled with bloodlust. With a smirk and a flick of the wrist Yang Kai sent the crow into the sun. The Divine Ability Manifestation began crashing down towards the Slicing Claw Territory Lord. 

"What the hell is this!? Even if I was at my peak strength I would still suffer a loss if I was hit with this attack!" The Slicing Claw Territory Lord thought, trembling in fear. "Shit… I have to run!" He spoke his thoughts out loud, in a panic. 

"Want to run! IT'S TOO LATE!" Yang Kai said, with a purposeful smile. 

The space surrounding the Territory Lord became highly unstable and constrictive. "This? I only have one way out now. Did he do it?" Slicing Claw Territory Lord thought in a panic. "I guess my only option is to break through the attack. This must be some sort of illusion. So there has to be a weak point somewhere." He said frantically looking for an out.

"So you think I'm using some sort of illusion? Heh, wouldn't it be nice to live in your world? Discounting the strength of others. If you think my power is an illusion you're sorely mistaken. But feel free to test that theory. I'm quite eager to see whether you live or die." Yang Kai said, in a cold tone. "In other words. Be a good grind stone and let me see just how strong I truly am. I'll kill you either way. But at least this way you can die with some dignity." He added. 

"You damn brat! I'll show you! THE POWER OF A TERRITORY LORD!" Slicing Claw Territory Lord roared out. "HOW DARE YOU USE ME FOR PRACTICE!!" He roared again, furious. 

Slicing Claw put his hands forward readying himself to meet the attack head on, in an attempt to catch it. His Ink Force fluctuated violently and with a ferocity unlike before. 

"So that's a Territory Lord? Hmm… Interesting. I won't be able to deal with that level until after breaking through." I thought, sensing the battle from a far. 

"Leiji! Are you ready?" Feng Ying asked. 

"I'm ready! Lightning Sphere up! Dragon War Drums Go!" I said, summoning my Sphere around the ship and placing drums in various places within the sphere. 

The first round of 5th ranks who operated the attack arrays rotated out and pulled out a few drum sticks. Flying out to each of the drums and their respective spots. 

"Then begin heavy bombardment level 2!" Feng Ying ordered. 

The relative silence was immediately halted by the sound of booming and rolling thunder from each drum. And the explosions of attacks hitting their mark. Sounds of Ink Clan dying could be heard from all around. 

With every 3rd to 7th drum hit a bolt of lightning would fire out and kill several more Ink Clan in an instant. The 7th ranks on the ship began their preparations while Bai Yi continued to fire powered up shots out and directly killing a Feudal Lord every once in a while. 

"Heh heh, seems like there won't be any issues with the plan. Good, good, good." Feng Ying snickered with satisfaction. "You four know what to do once level 2 bombardment finishes. You too Leiji." She asked for reassurance. 

"Yes! Rest assured, it will be done according to the plan." The four 7th ranks and I said in unison. Then all let out a laugh. 

"Good, once that Territory Lord falls we will begin. I don't think that Yang Kai can entangle two Territory Lords at once. And it's for the best if it doesn't come this way." Feng Ying said, with a piercing glare. And with a swift motion of her sword, she killed another Feudal Lord. 

The Slicing Claw Territory Lord had made contact with the Sun coming to take his life. A thick Ink Force wrapped his whole body. It was slowly being burned away under the intensity of the Sun's heat. "If this goes on much longer… Even if I don't die, I won't be far from it." He thought, gritting his teeth in struggle.