Phase 3 (7)

Shen Ao, Ning Qi Zhi, Qi Tai Chu and Ren Zhi Bai all promptly made their retreat. It wasn't too difficult even without the protection of the Lightning Sphere. They had the token and had seen the anomaly of the three colored bolts combining together and striking one place rapidly. They took this as a means of saying something was amiss and would already be called back anyways. So it didn't take them too long to finish this retreat. 

"Hey what happened?" Shen Ao asked immediately upon arrival. He was then shot 2 piercing glares. "Okay, okay, I'll ask…" He said, turning to see me, heavily injured. "Miao Fei Ping, let this Martial Uncle take care of him from here. Your aura is too unstable now. Feel free to rest. I'll make sure my martial Nephew recovers promptly." He added, as he took over the task of circulating my qi. 

"Thank you." Miao Fei Ping said, breathing heavily and sitting up against the inside of the ship. "I'll just be over here… recovering." He added, and then focused on recovering his own strength. 

The other 3 7th ranks aside had returned and saw the same scene. Opting not to ask any questions, they quickly went to their three man defensive positions. It was likely the Ink Clan would be emboldened after seeing the Lightning being removed from the equation. So it was necessary to be prepared for defense. 

"How… How… HOW DARE… HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BABY!!!!" Feng Ying and Bai Yi yelled out with their auras flailing and flaring. Both of them activated the earrings and necklace that Yang Kai had made for them. It was clear that they were about to go on a rampage and stampede through the battlefield. They now had the capital to do so… But moreover they had a driving purpose. An extreme bloodlust filled the air putting all others to shame. 

Then the rampage began. Bai Yi fired off dozens of arrows up into the sky all of which curved back down in different directions, splitting apart and forming a net of sorts. There was once again no escape for the Ink Clan. 

"Don't worry it will end soon! We can escape once the explosions end." A High rank Ink Clan said, trembling in fear. 

~~Several Moments Later~~

"It hasn't stopped yet…" The High rank thought. As a terrifying presence seemed to appear from behind him. He swallowed audibly. And then his world was turned upside down and slowly rising with a small twisting motion.

Feng Ying had sliced his head clean off the shoulders and proceeded to chop up the ingredients. She was cooking a meal of revenge. Once done she disappeared without a trace, and the high rank had a final thought. "Fear… A Warrior's mother most…" Before falling into the forever nap. 

Bai Yi had been teleported to a Feudal Lord. appearing above and behind it. She aimed her bow sideways and fired off two arrows. Each went straight through the Feudal Lord's shoulders, torso and legs. 

"What!" The Feudal Lord shouted out in shock. "I'm still alive… Even Territory Lords wouldn't be this skilled. I would have died already…" He whispered. And looked up. 

A shining arrow was pointed directly at his head. And a cold sinister gaze, filled with blood lust was on the other side pulling the string back. In a moment of reflection the Feudal Lord could only think one thing. "A mothers wrath is truly the most terrifying thing." The arrow let loose, taking the Feudal Lord's head with it. The end of its flight, exploding on impact killing dozens more Ink Clan. 

This all occurred while Yang Kai intercepted the Territory Lord. However, due to Rendering Claw Territory Lord being in a suppressed state, he was absolutely no match for Yang Kai. let alone what was about to happen. 

"Damn Human! Let go of me. I'll kill you a thousand times for this! How dare you oppose my Ink Clan! You will suffer for this in the future! MARK MY WORDS!" Rendering Claw Territory Lord cursed. And continued to curse many more times. 

"If you don't speak, nobody will mistake you for a mute! YOU DARED TO ATTACK MY SON! THIS IS JUST TEACHING YOU A SMALL LESSON BEFORE SENDING YOU OFF TO THE KING OF HELL FOR FINAL JUDGMENT!" Yang Kai yelled in return. He was beyond pissed. "If I had acted sooner, Leiji… He wouldn't have been hurt. I won't let this happen again. If it does… I might just lose it… and snap even worse than them." He thought. 

~~A Few Moments Later~~ 

Feng Ying and Bai Yi appeared next to Yang Kai, covered in the blood of the enemy but completely unbothered by it. Both staring death daggers at Rendering Claw Territory Lord. And it was in that moment that everyone learned something new about the Ink Clan. Rendering Claw Territory Lord felt the sheer bloodlust to such an extent that he pissed himself. 

"So you're the kind that bullies the young and weak, while fearing the old and strong." Feng Ying mocked with a sinister smile, as the Territory Lord cowered in fear. 

"This won't be quick. And it won't be painless. That I promise you!" Bai Yi said with a similarly sinister smile. 

"With no more helpers here it's time for your punishment. Before we're done with you, you'll be begging for death." Yang Kai said with an abject bloodlust. 

"WISHFUL THINKING! DO YOUR WORST!" Rendering Claw Territory Lord grinned. 

Yang Kai snapped his fingers. Rendering Claw Territory Lord was now stretched out, forced to form an "X" like shape with an elongated center. With his new prisoner-like situation laid out it was time to begin. Yang Kai, Feng Ying and Bai Yi all began punching Rendering Claw, just strong enough to hurt but not do any real major damage. This was on purpose.

"FUCK! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" Rendering Claw Territory Lord cried out in pain and agony. 

"NO! You will suffer this until you die from the pain." The three parents said in unison. 

"FINE! INK IS ETERNAL!" Rendering Claw Territory Lord yelled… "What! Why didn't I go boom?" He said confused. 

"Do you really think I'd just let you suicide out of the suffering you deserve? Hmph! Wishful thinking." Yang Kai said.