Golden Phoenix

"As much as I would like to… Sir Dragon Emperor is in the middle of some matters. Prime one being that…" The Ancient Dragon started saying. 

"What are you blabbering about! I am not so busy as to turn the Human Race's 9th rank's away. Bring her into the meeting room. And send someone to tell the Phoenix Clan that the boy has arrived." The Dragon Emperor said, his voice resounding in the Pass. "I'm quite curious to see just how impressive this young genius is. Could you take him out now?" He continued. 

Smiles opened a door, Yang Kai stepped out first. "This… You have the 3rd generation Dragon Emperor's Source!" The Ancient Dragon said, with a slight stutter in surprise. 

"You must be that Yang Kai that your human race's Elders have been sending reports about." The Dragon Emperors Voice said. 

"Yang Kai greets Seniors. I did indeed obtain my dragon source through an inheritance when I was very young. However, my son is… a bit different." Yang Kai said, and then I stepped through the portal. 

"Wha… What is this feeling? Mother? Is here? That can't be. Why do I feel so different…" I thought, immediately showing signs of struggle. "This feeling… I… Can't ignore it. It just grows stronger and stronger." I continued. 

"Leiji! What's wrong!? Speak to me." Yang Kai said, as he tried checking my condition. 

"I… Know… Isn't here… But, I can't… Help it…" I managed to speak. I was sweating profusely, and radiating an unnatural heat. My heart pounded with an audible rhythm. Growing louder and stronger. 

~~Inside My Knowledge Sea~~

The constantly expanding storm had grown to a level words would have difficulty describing. It didn't matter what aspect of this storm one would describe… Each one on its own whether it was pressure or speed, didn't matter. If either of these things happened to the average cultivator, they would have died on the spot. 

The creature that kept itself hidden this whole time had finally revealed itself. Letting out a regal cry, announcing its awakening. As if to not only make itself known, but to show its true prestige and might. And it began swirling in sequence with the Dragon inside. Like synchronized flying. And a wealth of energy flooded both my body and spirit.

~~No-Return Pass~~

There was a single strand of Phoenix Qi that had been the cause of the situation. However, it only got worse because I wasn't giving into the feeling. It was like something was calling me home. 

"What's going on? Why is Little Leiji like this? He was fine until he stepped out." Smiles asked, confused. 

"Could it be… Senior, what is that tree over there? I feel… it might have something to do with that tree." Yang Kai asked in a panic. 

"That? That's the Parasol tree. And it is the home of all Phoenix Clan. Why do you ask?" The Ancient Dragon responded in a confused calmness.

Having heard that was the Parasol Tree and it was the home of all Phoenix Clan. "It… Makes Sense…" I muttered. 

I flew up high into the sky. "My human body is not strong enough to handle this. I have to transform." I thought. And I surged my strength to transform but… This time was different. Instead of A blue silverish light. A shining golden colored light radiated out. Usually there is a Dragon's roar that pairs with my transformation. Instead the sound of a Phoenix Cry sounds out. The light dissipated, revealing a golden phoenix. 

"WHAT! Yang Kai! How is your son a phoenix!" The Ancient Dragon yelled in shock. 

"Smiles, I thought the boy was a dragon. What is the meaning of this? How is this boy a Phoenix?" The Dragon Emperor asked in a confused and stern voice. Clearly showing his intention to demand an answer. 

In the next moment on instinct I flew directly to the nest of my mother's source. And disappeared inside of it. Out of all of the individuals in the No-Return Pass. Only one person has the confirmed ability to freely enter and exit the nest of a phoenix. And that would be the Empress. Yang Kai probably could pull it off for this particular nest. But that was unlikely. 

The Phoenix Empress arrived at the transfer gate. "What exactly just happened? Where did my clansman come from? And why did they suddenly fly straight to the Nest of the 3rd generation's Empress?" She asked, in a soft but demanding tone. 

"We should have plenty of time to talk about it. I'm sure the boy's father here can give us some answers." The Dragon Emperor said. 

"A boy, looks like there will be a fun event in the near future then. You hear that ladies. You should prepare to participate in the Husband Catching Games. I'll decide who will be allowed to participate later." The Phoenix Empress said, then turned her eyes to Yang Kai. "For now I want answers. And I'd like them to be good ones. But, bringing a male clansman back to us is a good deed, one that will definitely not go unrewarded… Wait, you're a half dragon… how?" She said, widening her eyes. 

"It seems like we are going to have an interesting discussion for a few days." The Dragon Emperor chuckled, and stared at Yang Kai. 

"Seniors, It might be for the best for Leiji to speak on it. But since it can no longer be hidden, I suppose I can shed light on the situation over tea perhaps." Yang Kai said with a bead of sweat dripping down his cheek. "Leiji, when you get out, I hope you know, you're on your own for that game they are going to hold." He thought. 

Yang Kai and Smiles go to sit down with the Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress. And Yang Kai began a long talk about the situation with him, his source, his wife and her source. As well as the circumstances of my birth. 

~~Inside The Ice Empress's Nest~~

"It's cold here, but it's not bad. I'm not hurting anymore? Hmm, this must be the nest of my mother's source. So that's what happened. Seems like my original thoughts had been right on the mark." I said, still in my phoenix form.