Fighting Words

~~No-Return Pass Open Area~~

Yang Kai and I were training in an open area. The Dragon Emperor was personally teaching the Dragon Clan's methods to us. I need almost everything Since Yang Kai hadn't taught me anything about the special abilities yet. And Yang Kai needed some extra guidance on some of the newer methods. Fortunately, at least in my case. Most of the methods were similar to the Phoenix Clans… The ones I had just basically been handed on a silver platter. 

"The two of you are learning quite fast. It's simply an outstanding event to watch. I haven't seen anyone this talented in all my years, Yang Kai. And it's only even more impressive when I look at Leiji. He simply breaks my mind. Has the human race really advanced to this level?" The Dragon Emperor commented. 

"Sir Dragon Emperor praises us too much. But as for the human race as a whole. I'm definitely an outlier. And my son… Well, he shatters the common sense of those around him. I had to take him out of my Small Universe once he began promoting to the Emperor Realm. Since it caused me some instability." Yang Kai said, with respectful tone and casual posture, wiping the sweat from his face and torso. 

"I can see that. He's impossible to make sense of just by looking at his cultivation realm. If I am not mistaken he is still just a young dragon. But his overall strength feels magnitudes more threatening. Since it looks like you're done for now. Mind sharing some of your war stories?" The Dragon Emperor smiled. 

"I'd love to. But most of the ones with my son involved have been more recent ones. And it just so happens I have something else I'd like to ask Sir Dragon Emperor about. It should be something you will enjoy as well. And I'm sure Lady Empress will be quite interested in it as well." Yang Kai said. 

"Shush. I want to see how your young boy does against the two coming after him now." The Phoenix Empress said, pointing down to the training area. 

"Yang Kai, I haven't seen him fight. And from what I've heard it is hard to believe. I promise I won't interfere if you can say that he will be fine." Smiles said, with a concerned glare. "Hmm… so that's what that mother's caring feels like." She thought. 

"Believe me when I say this. Those two could be 10 and it wouldn't matter. But Sir Dragon Emperor… You should warn those boys. To not provoke my son's killing instinct. Or they will suffer serious wounds at best. My son has enough power to threaten a Feudal Lord on his own. Perhaps even kill it given the right circumstances or a little luck." Yang Kai said, calmly sipping a drink from his cup. 

I was floating in the lotus position meditating. "Hmm, it seems I have a couple of guests." I said, making it sound like I was surprised. "What do I owe this visit to?" I asked, already knowing the details due to Huo Lei sending me the information through our connection. 

"You've tried to steal our women… AND DARE TO ASK WHY WE ARE HERE!" They said in unison and transformed. "We will teach you a lesson to never mess with Dragons!" They roared out, with a… rather weak roar. 

I turned to look at the dragon emperor. "Sir Dragon Emperor, this junior has a… presumptuous question… But, what are impure dragons doing here? I thought all dragons here had pure sources?" I asked, confused. 

"Pfft! *Cough Cough* They are indeed pure dragons. It's just that they were born weaker than usual. It happens from time to time. Unlike impure dragon sources their problem can be reversed once the Dragon Pond opens. So don't cause any irreversible harm to them." The Dragon Emperor laughed, spitting up his drink in surprise at the question. "He clearly knew this already and just did this to rile them up. He is indeed skilled… This should be interesting." He thought, narrowing his eyes. 

"Oh! It's good that misunderstanding is cleared up. Otherwise I might have accidentally forced them to pay the ultimate price. After all…" I said, turning my head to face the two weaklings. My eyes flashing with powerful lighting. "It's not a good idea to earn a dragon's ire… Lest you suffer their fury." I coldly stated, transforming into my dragon body. I then let out a mighty roar that put their combined roar to shame several times over. 

"What! How are you a dragon?" One of the two brothers asked in surprise.

"You came to fight me without knowing my strength? Perhaps being stuck in No-Return Pass has really weakened your mind too much. The first thing anyone should do is to get at least a mild understanding of the opponent. Without this even if I was weaker than the both of you… I'd still have the advantage. And here I thought I was going to have some fun… turns out it's just two wastes who think themselves kings just because their lineage was royal." I sighed, uninterested in fighting. "Go back now, lest you suffer an accident. You aren't even worthy to be my opponent if there were ten of you, let alone just the two of you." I added with a stern glare showing my disappointment. 

"Don't look down on us! We are Dragons! The strongest Race among the Ancient Divine Spirits! How could an imposter defeat us! You even dared to steal our women with that damn game! What does the Phoenix clan even see in you?" One of the two brothers said. 

"Even the Phoenix Clan isn't as strong as my Dragon Clan! Their women run everything and their men are weak!" The other brother shouted. "So what could a human imposter do?" He added.

"Hmph! I know that one of my Phoenix Clan's Young Phoenix can beat both of them. Let alone Leiji." The Phoenix Empress said, with a grin hiding her disgust for this kind of speech. 

"Ahahaha! Idiots!" I said, then transformed into Phoenix form. "Let's see you back up that nonsense you're spewing." I said, as my eyes glowed with furious pressure. And then I vanished from sight.