Explanation & Consummation

"What did you call the ancestors just now?!" The Dragon's and Phoenix all exclaimed In shock.

"Father! They don't know about Sun's Burning Shine and Moon's Nether Glimmer. I thought you were going to tell them this as well." I said, face palming.

"Leiji? Tell me straight l. What is it that we don't know?" The Dragon Emperor asked, raising his brow.

"Sir Emperor, the two existences can be said to be the elder siblings of the Ancient Divine Spirits. So it's not technically wrong they are the ancestors… at least in some way. However, it will take some time to explain this story. It all started…" I said, and then delved into a whole explanation about First Light, the Ancient Divine Spirits and the world at large.

~~A Long Explanation Later~~

The stunned look on everyone's faces was absolutely priceless. The expression of their shock needed no words to explain just how surprised the Dragon and Phoenix Clans Members were. The silence was long. The people in the room all took this time to process the information. Some ever had a hard time accepting this information but, the more they thought about it, the more it made sense.

"This… Are you certain? This theory topples what we had all been taught for so long. Are you saying that my people have been wrong in their teaching?" The Dragon Emperor asked, adding weight to his question.

"What's wrong with being wrong if you didn't know? I know I wouldn't have figured it out if I hadn't found all the pieces and put them together." I said. "Being wrong out of ignorance is not a problem. It is being unwilling to be right out of ignorance that is a problem. And I have never once purposely tried to disrespect others. Regardless of their Race, gender or age." I added.

"Hmm, good. I'll hold you to that. Now then. There is still some time left before you leave. But… you Are not allowed to leave until that marriage of yours. This old heart of mine won't be swayed until then." The Dragon Emperor stated, crossing his arms.

"Ahahaha, if Brother Emperor hadn't said it. I would have. So then… go now. Once you've done that we will allow you to leave for the 3000 Worlds in accordance with our agreement with the human race." The Phoenix Empress said, sternly and unyielding in her words.

I and my now 6 wives left the meeting hall and headed to the Parasol Tree. The Bing sisters wanted to see the inside of a nest. And the Phoenix ladies wanted to consummate in their nest.

"It's a shame you can't go back to your mother's nest now. I would very much have liked to see it." Feng Qiang said.

"Such is the case with things. But, you won't need to worry about this much longer. My mother is a nice person. I'm sure she will open it up for you after she returns." I said.

"I'm quite excited to meet my mother-in-law after hearing such things." Chi Qiu smiled.

"I… I am too. Ever since I was born I had always wanted to see her. But, the time wasn't right. Thankfully I had some mothers help to fill the void left behind. I don't know where I would be right now without that kind of love. It is absolutely crucial to a child's development." I said, and then a tear welled up. "But now that I have fully realized my Phoenix Source… It feels like a giant void has appeared in my heart. It was because of this I was forced into a difficult state while breaking through before. To the point where I had no energy to keep up with our deal. So I was quite happy everything worked out in the end. Otherwise there is a good chance you'd be sharing me with more ladies…" I added.

"Awe, you've never seen your mother. That must be rough on both of you. I'd be willing to bet she is crying right now herself. After all, she missed out on you growing up. That's not going to be easy to make up for." Bing Xue sighed.

"I'd argue it isn't possible to make up for such a thing. I know I won't let my children grow up that way. It would be too painful. I couldn't bear it. Mother-in-Law is definitely a lot stronger than me." Bing Hua commented.

"I wonder if there will be a way to get that bond between you two. After all, you never had your mother feed nor cuddle you." Che Xiu said, in a worried tone.

"Husband! What if you use the secret techniques of the Dragon and Phoenix Clans? Wouldn't there be a way for you to become small again? You've always been good at manipulating cultivation techniques. And you're probably one of the best users of time principles." Huo Lei asked, in a cheery tone.

"I… I've been working on something already… I don't know if it will work though. But either way, I will see Mother as who I am now. And… I'll apologize for not coming home sooner." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. "This body really has a heavy effect on my mental state. Even though I am reincarnated, Su Yan is my mother. And this body is crying out for her, to the point I can't help but be influenced. I guess they are right, the body affects the mind. The reverse is also true. But this time is different. I really see Yang Kai as my father… So it will only be natural for me to want my mother. Who could blame me? A Mother and Child's bond is sacred. Even more so than the bond between Father and Child." I thought.

Chi Qiu opened the door to her nest first. And we all entered, the seven of us consummated our marriage. After we did, the nests of both Feng Qiang and Chi Qiu had merged together in the Parasol Tree. The first recorded event of its kind. So instead of hopping to the other nest we just continued. Making sure to roost when needed. We did this for 15 days. In other words half a month.