Migrating Thunder Temple Village

"So the time has come? Young Master, is about to grow to a higher realm?" One of the original Monster Race villagers sighed with a tear. 

"I am now a Great Emperor of my Father's home universe, Star Boundary. Currently we are there and he has already moved Night-Love City out of his Small Universe. I came here now because there will not be another chance after this. Though I will leave it up to you to choose." I added with a motion of my hand. "Everyone is free to make their own choice in the matter. But you must make the decision within the hour. Worry not about provisions nor housing. I have already prepared several dwellings, the village in my realm is small, but large enough to accommodate everyone here with ease." I continued. 

The villagers looked around at each other. Almost as if they were in a state of confusion and yet, not, at the same time. Like they had heard something they thought was odd. Almost incomprehensible to their brains. The few, who didn't, wore expressions like they were thinking. Only to find themselves getting clobbered on the back of the head by a bunch of women. Presumably their wives, or relatives by some manner. 

Huo Dai, the de facto head of the village stood at the stone fountain the village made for the sake of decoration and a source of emergency fresh water. She smiled, and then looked up towards me. Her expression was one of conviction.

"Dear Son-in-law, Everyone here save for a few men that don't know their place, have sworn an oath of absolute loyalty to you. The oath differs from person to person. However, what doesn't change is the willingness to go wherever you, the Master, goes. My vow is through my daughter, whom you've taken to be your first wife. And a deep sense of gratitude that could never be paid in full." Huo Dai started to explain. "Everyone in this village has Master Leiji to thank for our current condition. You rescued us, gave us a place to live. And in the future you'll give me grandchildren. So how could any of us ever abandon you?" She added, with a smile, her tails beat the air behind her once she thought of grandchildren. "Also, even if there are a few who might be against it, they are just the men who came here. They will come along regardless so long as the women and children go with you. After all, without Master Leiji here this is a matriarch village. Those men won't disobey their women." She said with a glint in her eye. 

"Oh, I see. In that case, everyone should gather at once and enter my Small Realm immediately. It's best if you do so quickly. My father can not handle my existence inside his small universe for too much longer as it is. Hence the time limit." I ordered. "Also, if there is something you must bring, but don't have the ability to do so yourself I'll take care of it. I only need to be informed. My goal is to make sure you and your descendant's lives' free from any more evil. You've experienced more than your fair share of it." I added

The villagers dropped what they were doing and gathered their things. Making sure to not leave anything or anyone behind. Monster Race, Human Race, Half Human Half Monster Race and even Monster Beasts all quickly readied themselves. And soon the transfer began. The nearly 3000 villagers had been brought out and moved to my Small Realm. 

~~Inside My Small Realm~~

The Villagers looked at the buildings with awe. They were each made with the faint aura of a dragon's protection, and a phoenix's embrace. Every single one of the homes was like this. With the carving of a dragon and a phoenix on entrance ways, and the vastness of the village. It gave off a clear indication of my intention for this place. And soon the women's eyes flared with an expectant look. The men quickly realized what that look meant. 

"Worry not, men, provided you procreate within the confines of a home your stamina will not deplete. Furthermore, I have created another thing in each of the buildings. Something you'll find very helpful in your procreation." I said, having my words carry into the distance. 

"Leiji, I want to ask if you can do something for me." Huo Dai spoke up with just a few other people around her. 

An adult man, an adult woman, and 3 small children were in a group standing together with Huo Dai. They all had different looks. The three children looked up in awe, their faces filling with a child's pride and happiness, pure, devoid of any hidden meaning. The man's face looked tired as if he had been through a lot over the years I had been away. And the woman seemed to struggle holding back her anticipation. 

"Hmm, the 6 of you wish to follow me out of this world don't you? The three of you are fine, but the three children with their parents would most certainly miss them." I said, with a small smile, indicating that I already guessed whose children they were.

"Leiji'er these three cuties are my husband's children. I wish to take them with me. Two of them are Beguiling leopard's babies, but this one is mine." Huo Dai said, hefting up one of the little girls. "She isn't very old but thanks to her mixed blood she was born in human form. Isn't she just adorable?" She continued. 

"So then, these three little ones are my wife's little siblings. Since that is the case it would be wrong of me to refuse. Far be it from me to part family." I smiled. "Beguiling Leopard, I know you have no direct relation with me. But I will still treat these children as my own siblings." I added. "But for now, if you want to leave you'll need to carry the young ones. Right now we are currently flying so it would be dangerous to just let them outside." I finished with a fair warning. 

"We can wait a few moments longer. I'd like to be able to see my daughter in the comfort of a home. So until then, I'll assist in assigning the village leader." Huo Dai said, bowing her head slightly.