Sun & Moon Trip (6)

"Leiji, you should practice that later. For now though, it's probably for the best if you don't over do it. You are unnaturally mighty for a Great Emperor, that's certain however, you are still unable to pull much power out to feed that ability. Once you achieve the Open Heaven Realm you'll have a significantly more vast pool to draw water with." Feng Ying commented, trying to get her own motherly advice after seeing what Smiles had done. 

"Understood mother Feng, I won't use this for anything other than control practices. Ideally I'd like to make it more chaotic and thunderous. Sadly, this kind of power doesn't seem to flow that way. It is similar though, so I give it about 5 years of training before it's battle worthy." I explained, sweating. 

"No, no, that was a really good little brother. How exactly did you make the two energies fuse together so well and for so long?" Moon's Nether Glimmer asked, with sparkling eyes. 

"It was much better than what my sister and I have managed to do when we tried fusing together before." Sun's Burning Shine also said, with a bashfully similar look to his sister's.

"Hmm, I'm not sure how effective my methods would be for someone as strong as yourself. But in my case instead of keeping the power I was using constant for each of them, I let them fluctuate. So the only times the two powers were equal would be for so short a moment that it's impossible for any problems to arise. Though... the amount of control needed, well to put it bluntly, the two of you have next to zero control when compared to the wealth of energy you command." I explained, nervously, scratching my cheek. 

The twins, both winced and recoiled at hearing those words. "Wait, how do you know how much energy we possess?" Sun's Burning Shine asked, staring at me, intently. 

"That's right, both of us are far above the Giant Spirit Gods. Yet you spoke as if you knew the actual limits of that strength." Moon's Nether Glimmer added, with a fiercely intense look on her face too. 

I wrapped my arms around them and whispered. "There are many reasons why I have that knowledge. However, it was only limited to knowing that you are 2 of the currently 4 Supreme Existences in this world. And that both of you were born out of the last dying will of the First Light, at least that explains the situation well enough for now. Please let this be enough for now. If I say anything else, it could become confusing since I am still not yet strong enough to accurately measure your limits". 

"So, there is more to it then. But all we have to do is practice controlling our power?" Sun's Burning Shine asked, tilting his head back in thought. 

"Is there really nothing else we have to do? Is it really that simple?" Moon's Nether Glimmer asked, tilting her head to the side. 

"If you need an example... Hmm, is that Universe World over there important? It will make the perfect target, since I won't kill anything in a dead world after all." I asked, pointing at the nearby Universe World. 

"Uhm... I don't think it would be a problem. It's not like it can be used for much else aside for filling the Giant Spirit Gods' bellies." Sun's Burning Shine replied with a raised brow, interested in what I was saying. 

"Well then, I'm not sure how helpful this will be for the others present, but you might as well witness it. After all, I am confident in my Energy control more than anything else. It takes quite a bit of effort to control Thunder & Lightning. Truly not an easy combination, my performance thus far, on the battlefield should have more than proved the might of my lightning, it is equally difficult to wield." I explained, with a light smirk. 

"Go ahead son, I think this will be the first real glimpse your mother will see. So show off a bit this time." Yang Kai said, cheerfully forcing my hand a bit.

"Don't listen to your father this time, Leiji'er, take it easy. If you go too hard this time I might just smother you the whole trip back." Su Yan said, with a pleasant smile, one that hid an immensely fearful feeling. "But do your best." She added gently clapping her hands together. 

"No need to worry mother, After that light show earlier I am already running a little on the low side. So I will only demonstrate the severe gap between an uncontrolled attack, and a properly controlled attack. It should be a simple enough demonstration that even at their strengths, Brother Huang and Sister Lan should manage to benefit from it. Of course, this is just a theory at this point. And it will be up to the two of them." I explained, cupping my hands and bowing to Su Yan. 

I then turned and pointed my finger at the designated Universe World. "Watch closely, this one will be a nearly comparable level of control to the level of strength I can sense from you. Though it is scaled down by magnitudes, so keep that in mind." I smiled. 

The twins nodded, and watched eagerly. Eyes peeled and not willing to miss a single moment. And then, I fired off what could only be considered a wild and unrefined attack. I controlled it just enough to make it land on the target, but there was barely any damage. 

"Now pay attention even more closely. You wouldn't want to miss this one." I smirked, my face turning into one resembling stone cold confidence. 

At the tip of my finger appeared a singular tiny ball of lightning. A highly chaotic element, yet it was in complete and total harmony. There wasn't even a single fluctuation radiating off in any direction. It was a perfectly controlled attack of the most chaotic element in the entire 3000 Worlds. Even Ink Force is more stable depending on the perspective. I smirked, and let the attack fly, Sending out a beam of perfectly controlled lightning, hurtling straight for a slightly different spot on the same Universe World. The others watched in surprise, including the ones who had seen my previous accomplishments were stone cold silent.