Yang Leiji & Future Mothers

"Very well, I'm sure some of them are at least mildly confused about the situation. Especially Martial Aunt Gu Pan, hahaha. Anyway, I think it would be a great idea for mothers to converse with my wives. I'm sure the time together will be treasured." I said, chuckling a little bit as I bowed again. 

Xiu Che hopped off my back and gave me a kiss for good luck. This was followed up by 9 more kisses, one from each of my wives. Su Yan, seeing this, smiled softly at me. 

"Son, Shang Qing Luo has convinced some of them already. So go in there with that in mind. I'll be waiting to see how you do." Su Yan said, sipping more wine. 

"I'll be sure to do my best, mother. Anything less would be an embarrassment. And I can't have that now can I?" I said, smirking slightly.

Su Yan smirked softly at my smirk and then smiled. Getting the true confirmation from her through the connection we have, I vanished from the room without making a sound or even changing the flow of energy around me. 

"Holy! How did he do that!?" Yu Ru Meng asked in shock. "I mean, wow that was impressive." She added, attempting to cover up her surprise. 

"Don't worry too much mother Yu, my Husband... Grew quite a bit on our lovely trip. We all did for that matter." Huo Lei giggled a response out with her tails swaying back and forth. 

"I see... Well then why don't the 10 of you tell us all about it. All the juicy details please." Yu Ru Meng said, quickly changing the topic. 

"Sister Ru Meng, don't think it's a bit unbecoming for us to talk about all the details?" Tao Ling Wan said, in a soft voice. 

"Of course not! How else am I supposed to know if our Leiji is treating his women right?" Yu Ru Meng answered with a truly lustful look on her face. 

"So that's how it is... Well let us start at the beginning. We started like this..." Xiu Che giggled, with a similar look on her face, as she began relaying the details of the trip around Star Boundary in great detail. 

~ In A Large Meeting Hall ~

This hall was filled with women, all of them were here responding to an invitation. I was about to appear before them all but... I wanted to get a rough idea about their current mindsets before making myself known. 

"Young Master, most of the ladies here seem to be excited. But there are a few who seem pensive. Though I don't think anyone here isn't capable of being one whom you call mother, in the very near future." Feng Qing said, after taking a look through the room herself. 

"Good, then it seems I just have to act the right way. I seriously want this to work, my Father deserves this. Stealing a maiden's heart is no small matter. And each of these Ladies were at the necessary social level to match with my father. He shouldn't have turned them away." I replied, resolving myself. 

Fortunately it seems that Mother Shang Qing Luo is still here. It looks like she is quite good at convincing others. I wonder... Oh, she is probably talking about what they will be able to do with my father and what he will do to them. Welp, here I go...

"Greetings, Mother Shang, and all those who will receive this title in the very near future." I said, appearing in the seat at the head of the room. 

"Oh my, you're back already son? Didn't you want to stay out and play some more?" Shang Qing Luo asked, switching gears quickly. 

"Worry not Mother Shang, I had plenty of fun for the moment. But it's not about me, it's about my wives. I am very similar to my father in that regard. When the time comes I'm sure you'll get a full detailed brief of what we did and where. I'm certain you'll enjoy the story." I said with a smile. 

"Oooh, even the juicy details?" Shang Qing Luo asked, with an interested look. The room audibly gulped. 

"Indeed, I have very little issue with those details being shared among my family. After all, it will only expand our horizons." I chuckled. 

"Excellent! Now then, for those of you don't know who this young man is. He is my son, Yang Leiji, he isn't my blood relative but I view him as if he were." Shang Qing Luo said with a wave her arm introducing me. "And with that, I'm going to talk with those daughter-in-laws. Good luck son!" She added dashing out of the room. 

"Alright, then I shall begin. For starters, I will not beg you to stay here. It must be your decision. For it is anything but yourself making up your own mind, the moment my father comes out of seclusion you will be instantly set away again. And that is a pain I do not intend on putting any of you through. I hope you can understand this." I said, after Shang Qing Luo left. 

"You speak as if Yang Kai hasn't agreed to this matter already? But Lady Shang Qing Luo was assuring us that there wouldn't be a problem. Is this true, young man?" Yang Yan asked, with a look of curiosity appearing on her face. 

"My father is a bit...Indecisive when it comes to matters of the heart. Which is why each of you must be steadfast and resolute for this to work. If you are worried about whether or not he harbors feelings for you or not... I'll go ahead and confirm that he indeed does harbor feelings for each of you. And Martial Aunt Yang Yan, the feelings he has for you are quite deep. They even rival Mother Shang Qing Luo's or even Mother Xia Ning Chang's. So there won't be any problems with that at the very least." I answered with a smile. 

"Hmm, then why did you go this far? And can you explain why doing this won't cause any problems? And while you're at it, explain why you know these things about your father. It seems like it would be stuff hidden deep within one's heart." Yang Yan asked, with a blush coming across her face.