The Alchemy Class (1)

"You must have paid attention in your mandatory lessons. That's good, keeping up on important things and understanding who is who is an integral part to society. I am indeed the Temporal Thunder Great Emperor. And I am also currently in charge of all the matters regarding my High Heaven Palace, all in my father's stead." I said, confirming my identity while not ignoring the potential for a learning opportunity. 

"""WOAH! Greetings Lord Temporal Thunder!""" 

After the sudden greeting of hundreds of children, I noticed that all of them were different in various ways. Some reacted in awe, seemingly sensing the most minute fraction of my power. Others were shocked that I would be the one to appear, even though I was really the only viable person that the special guest could have been. That is, unless it is Yang Kai, he is after all, the only other one that would render such a reaction. 

"Lord Temporal Thunder is so handsome." The woman instructor said, blushing a bit at the sight of me. "I am unworthy of this feast for the eyes…" She murmured quietly but not quietly enough. 

"I knew the Great Emperor Realm was powerful but, I could at least feel like I could last for at least 3 breaths. Yet… In the presence of this Great Lord I might as well be no better than an ant on the ground… No, I'd be lucky to be equivalent to that height." The man instructor sighed, then looked over to his lover. "I heard that… You're going to make me jealous of a man I have no hope of competing with. So unfair." He said, dramatically. 

"What? Oh, no, it's just… Senior Brother, just look at Lord Temporal Thunder. What woman wouldn't be enamored by his appearance. There… Is so much depth behind him and power to boot. His wives sure are lucky women. Though, I know I don't have any hope of being with him. But, I wouldn't leave you even if I did. You've been good to me my whole life. The love I have in my heart is meant for you and you alone." The woman replied nervously, and from the heart. 

I continued scanning the room with my eyes. And then smirked lightly. "I am here to see you all with my own eyes. The future backbone of the human race is none other than all of you. And I'll give you all a lesson today on the alchemy pill you're going to specialize in." I said, and then snapped my fingers. "However, I don't like seeing hungry faces, so have some of these. Delicious steamed buns. There is plenty to go around so don't be shy about it." I explained. 

All of a sudden the room filled with a mix of delicious flavors. There was sure to be a flavor that pleased anyone and everyone. The result of this was a bunch of children grabbing buns, each with their own different reactions. But one walked up to me instead, then looked up. 

"Is it really okay?" the little boy asked nervously.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked, with a smile.

"Mother said not to be greedy… We are poor and don't eat everyday…" The boy replied, tearing up. 

"Mother Xia, the children are being fed properly aren't they?" I asked, placing my hand on the child's head.

"Yes, they are receiving no less than three bowls of rice a day, each with one serving of meat, an egg and a fish. This is a total of 21; bowls of rice, servings of meat, fish and eggs per week for each child. They also have plenty of opportunities to be rewarded with more food and even contribution points. However, this child is new. He came here with his elder sister, their mother was…" Xia Ning Chang explained, stopping once she knew I had gotten the picture. 

"Hmm, it seems even with my sense, there is a bit of oversight. How is the elder sister?" I asked.

"She is currently serving as an apprentice maid for one of our women alchemists, since she was too old to be trained in this class. She is also receiving enough payment to feed herself and her little brother if the need ever arose." Xia Ning Chang explained.

"I see, so then, they haven't been here long enough for the first payment to be received." I sighed, looking back at the boy. "You've been sharing your meals with your Elder Sister haven't you." I said, the boy nodded, as tears became more common. "That's noble of you, caring for your family is important. Though not everyone does it. You can eat as much as you want and you can take some back with you to give to your sister." I added, lifting my hand from the boy's head. 

His face brightened up and grabbed a bun, ate it and then did it again. "So yummy! So much! Thank you Great Sir!" The boy cried. 

Most of the other children didn't bother making fun of him. This was because most of them were like him. Surviving on nothing but scraps and luck. To them it was fortunate that they were chosen to come and study here at High Heaven Palace. 

"It's funny, they think they are lucky to come here. Yet it's my human race's lucky break instead." I muttered to myself. 

Xia Ning Chang placed a hand on my cheek and smiled. "It's through the effort put in that results are made. These children will undoubtedly live good lives. And it is their good fortune to have come here. But, it is also my human race's fortune. So don't sell yourself short. Be a big brother your future brothers and sisters can look up to. Not, that you'll have a problem doing that." She said softly. She really acted like my mother at that moment. 

"Mother Xia, is right. And yet, I can't help thinking how lucky I am. I'll make sure that our High Heaven Palace is more than strong enough to ensure a bright future, no matter what it takes." I smiled back, enjoying the feeling. 

And then I noticed out of the corner of my eye there was an interesting development that would warm anyone's heart.