3 Disciples Set Off

"I guess Sister Smiles smelled the steamed buns and came running over." Xia Ning Chang said in a warm, cute voice. 

"You and I both know that Little Leiji's steamed buns are delicious!" Smiles retorted walking into the room quickly, now realizing her cover had been blown. "I stopped myself when I saw them all enjoying the buns." She added with a confident look. 

"So are you saying you don't want any?" I asked. 

"Woah, now hold on a moment I never said that! Oh, does that mean you have more of them?" Smiles said in a bit of panicked blush. 

"I don't have many to spare now. But, a few wouldn't hurt. Anyway, why did you really come? It surely isn't just for steamed buns." I asked. 

"Oh, nothing serious, I just heard about that one mission. And wanted to talk with you about it." Smiles answered, clearly hiding other thoughts. 

"Very well, I have finished up my business here as it is. However, given the lode on my plate would you mind if we discussed it while we walked?" I asked. 

"It's unusual but it will do." Smiles said, pausing. "Give me some of those steamed buns and I won't mind." She added with a smile. 

"Mother Smiles… Alright. Then I'll leave things here in the hands of the instructors." I said. "Oh, you two, take this… You may use it starting about 30 days from now. Just make sure you go through the proper methods." I added handing an item to the two instructors. "And now, to all of you children, grow up smart and strong. The work you'll do in the future is of the utmost importance. And sooner rather than later, you'll have juniors. Many many juniors. Good luck to you." I smiled, walking out of the room. 

~ Walking Through High Heaven Palace ~ 

"Do you think those three are ready for such a mission?" Smiles asked, happily putting away her steamed buns. 

"Absolutely not. They are incredibly far from being capable of besting Wu Kuang, as they are now that is. But, even if they were, it isn't him I fear. After all, the message he reads from me will undoubtedly get him to return here of his own volition. I'm more worried about Shattered Heaven denizens. All of them have different reasons for being there. But it honestly doesn't matter to me. It's the fact that many of them are undoubtedly Ink Disciples." I explained. 

"Oh, that only breeds more worry then. No wonder you gave them so many powerful trump cards. Should I follow them and make sure things are fine? I don't expect it will take much longer than a couple of years at the most." Smiles asked. 

"Well, I don't think you'll have to worry that much. But, you should know that my father is still in seclusion. Besides that, I can't give any orders to any of you. Save for one. And that is only because Hua Qing Si is the current Head Manager. If not for that, my hands would be tied to get anything done." I sighed. 

"So you want me to go, but also don't want to order me to go. Wait, does that mean Yang Kai is coming out sooner than a few years?" Smiles asked, shocked. 

"HAHAHA, no. Definitely not happening. Barring some miraculous situation, he won't be leaving Seclusion for quite a bit longer. Rather, I want you to go so you don't remain idle for too long. If you do go I'll make sure your belly is full before the steamed buns disappear." I said. "But, like I said, I can't order you to go, Mother Smiles." I added, with a shrug as I heard her gulp. 

"Twist my arm why don't ya. Fine , I'll look after the three of them. And I'll do it in secret, there aren't many people who know who I am or what I look like anyway." Smiles said. 

"That's great! Now then, I must finish my rounds of the Palace. And then I'll return." I said, handing a ring full of goodies for Smiles. 

"Oh this ring… It even stops time inside. Which means it will still be hot and steamy food. Excellent. Absolutely excellent." Smiles said excitedly, then flew off. 

"Alright, time to finish the last of the rounds. And then… We shall see what comes next. Should I try communicating with Senior World Tree? Or send Disciples out to locate specific things. There is so much to do and I still need to properly learn how to use these divine Ability Manifestations. And I have to… Build up my final trump card." I mused softly, as I walked with the regal aura I must have given my position. "Should I find some promising talents that can learn my Thunder and Lightning Dao?..." I mentioned slightly louder than I was meaning to. 

~ Several Days Later ~ 

"Junior Brother Yang, we are going to depart now." Zhao Ya said, speaking for herself, Zhao Ye Bai and Xu Yi. 

"I see, I wish you luck. You don't need to worry about this in particular. But, if you happen to hear anything about the things on this list, Bring back any useful information or bring back some of the thing itself. But, remember, this is not the main task you are to complete. If you can not find anything, that is fine too. A successful result is bringing Wu Kuang back so I may speak with him. Anything more is just extra contribution points So not that huge of a deal. You three should also come back in one piece as well. My father would be quite livid otherwise." I said, explaining as I handed them a list. 

Without looking at the list, Zhao Ya spoke. "We will do our best! So that next time we can defeat you Junior Brother. Now, you know what you have to do, right?" She asked. 

"Go with the blessing of the High Heaven Palace. Be resolute in the face of danger, knowing that we have your back." I said, releasing a warm ethereal aura that washed over the room. 

"""Thank you for the blessing of the Palace. We will be off!""" The three of them said in unison, bowed and left, not wanting to wait a moment longer.