Hua Qing Si & Li Shi Qing (2)

Li Shi Qing stood there, stunned. It was difficult to tell what she was feeling, other than confusion of course. And then she smiled lightly. 

"You're a good son. I… I'll trouble… Thank you." Li Shi Qing said. "Oh, there was one request that…" She added. Handing a request scroll to me. 

I took the request and read it. Then again. "I see, this one… I'll try to reign it in a little. It's hard to remember minor matters like this after performing such feats." I said, with a nervous twitch. "But, is my upper body really that appealing? There is a giant thundering Tattoo, something seen as an inferior thing." I asked. 

"If you took your shirt off, I would be shocked if women didn't flock to you. Don't you know that it's just as enticing as a woman's body is to a man?" Hua Qing Si said. "Especially the more reserved ladies like Sister Li Shi Qing. She can't even mention a man going shirtless without turning red in the face, see." She added. 

I looked back at the now beat red face of Li Shi Qing. She was even covering her face in embarrassment. "It's just so… revealing." She said with a high pitched voice and then a pout. 

"Hmm, I see, I guess I can understand why this is a problem, but… I don't understand why it's completely the same. And I doubt I ever will. Perhaps if I reincarnated as a woman next time around… Not sure how I'd handle that exactly… Thanks for bringing this up to my attention. Though I'm afraid it will be difficult for the immediate future. Without all Great Emperors present, my task is drastically increased. You remember the open heaven break through, right?" I asked. 

"Yes I do, it felt… awful, I went into seclusion as soon as I could and stayed laying on the floor naked for three days straight, just to cool off." Hua Qing Si said, plainly. 

"Achem, I see, okay then. Imagine the heat you felt that time, then magnify it by infinity. And then an order of up to 11. That is how hot I actually get when laying new veins. As it is now, I'm shocked I kept anything on." I explained. 

"Really! I see then… Let me ask you this. If a woman were to do the very same thing you do? What would you do?" Hua Qing Si asked. 

"Oh? I supposed a woman would be charged with something at that time then… I'd intervene on their behalf. But, I doubt… Oh, I see what you mean. I'll do that from now on then." I said with a chuckle. 

"At least you understand. Seriously, showing off such a chiseled perfect body like that… It's both a shame and blessing at the same time." Hua Qing Si sighed. 

"Well, in any case, there isn;t any need to worry about it. Once I finally have more time to master my elements… I doubt managing a little bit of heat will be an issue." I said. 

"Still so easy going huh. Very well then, I'll drop it for now. Let's discuss how to handle the remaining, respectable requests." Hua Qing Si said, with a light sigh. "Hmm, all of these are wedding invitations… And then this pile here… Ah, you'll go through with this one?" Hua Qing Si asked, completely red in the face. 

"Hmm, that pile is part of the things, I won't be considering. I agree with the concept of what they are going for. And it may seem a little wrong but some believe it works. However, asking this of me is not proper. That is a request for my father or grandparents to perform. I have no right to do so, as I do not stand above them." I answered. "And I don't want my mothers to do any of these."

"I see, so then this pile is for your father to look through first then. Good, You may be strong. But to truly bear witness to a conception. One must be the Heavens over all. And thus taking this request would dishonor your parents and grandparents all at once." Hua Qing Si said. 

"Wait… What? Someone wanted Leiji to bear witness to a conception? What does this mean?" Li Shi Qing asked, curiously. 

Hua Qing Si and I both let out a sigh. And then I gave Hua Qing Si the look to tell Li Shi Qing. "What? Why don't you tell her?" Hua Qing Si said growing red. 

"Ahahaha, because something like this, it's best for it to come from another woman. And if the mere mention of a shirtless man is enough to get someone like her all embarrassed… I'd very much rather not explain the ins and outs of what conception means." I said, preparing some tea as I spoke. 

"Ah, shirtless… Shameless!" Li Shi Qing said, thinking she understood. 

"Fine, I guess she will find out at some point anyway. Might as well be from a future sister wife." Hua Qing Si sighed. "Sister, conception is the act of rearing children. An action where a man and woman physically become one. And enjoy each other's bodies, whilst purposefully producing what will grow into a child in the future." She explained. 

"Ah! They wanted Leiji to watch that! What kind of ritual is this?" Li Shi Qing exclaimed in an entirely different tone than her usual self. And ran over to me then pressed my head into her chest. "It's okay, you don't have to do those kinds of things." She said, patting my head. 

"Wow, it seems like you're already loosening up quite a bit, Sister Li." Hua Qing Si said. 

The door opened and Xiu Ding Ai came running in. "BIG BROTHER!" She yelled in a putty tone, upon seeing what was happening. "No fair! I want a hug too!" She mumbled. 

"Then what are you waiting for? Come over here." I said. 

"Yay!" Xiu Ding Ai exclaimed joyfully, running over. 

"Husband, I didn't realize that you had gotten Mother Li to warm up so much in such a short time. That's good." Xiu Che said, walking up slowly after Xiu Ding AI, basically tackle-hugged Li Shi Qing and myself.

"It is good, I'm glad this experience has been good for her. She deserves to be herself." I said, being released from the hug in favor of Xiu Ding Ai.