After Meetings

"Young Palace Master's power…" A 5th rank open heaven coughed. "Is quite something else. Just how deep does it go?" He muttered. 

"Master, what do you mean? Were you not able to sense his limits either?" A Dao Seal Realm asked, still attempting to recover from their trembling. 

"I felt the same overwhelming sense from him that I felt only from High Rank open heavens. No, this felt… Even more terrifying. I can't explain it, but… It felt like he…" The 5th rank explained. 

"It felt like the Young Palace Master was holding back a considerable force. One that I can not comprehend. Something closer to the 8th rank…" A 6th rank interjected. 

The 5th rank, his disciple and several others in the area, gulped audibly. And then silence fell at the sudden realization of the possibility of a Great Emperor being comparable to an 8th rank open heaven. 

"Isn't the Young Palace Master a Great Emperor? How does he do it?" The 5th rank murmured, breaking the silence. 

"He did beat all three of the Palace Master's Direct Disciples in a 3 on 1 fight. I watched it. And even calling it a fight is a bit of a stretch. The Young Palace Master was like a fish in water. Or even better. All three of the Palace Master's Disciples are 7th rank open heavens. All three of them are next level in terms of power." A Dao Seal Realm explained to some of the others.

"Ah, who cares about the specifics? The Young Palace Master is naturally going to be a freakishly powerful man. He already has ten wives to prove it too." Another Dao Seal sighed. 

"Sister is right, for now let us think about how we can best beat the crap out of those Myriad Demons cave Heaven. Their Disciple once invaded Star Boundary. And now they dare act so arrogant, let us go knock some sense into those fools." A young Dao Seal said, hitting his fists together a couple of times in excitement. 

"Let's consider this practice. This time though, we don't have to pay to beat the tar out of the opponent. Hehehe, the Young Palace Master really knows how to make a woman's day." An eager woman of the Dao Seal Realm smiled with a clear intention to fight and fight as hard as possible. 

"Senior Brother and Senior Sister, remember we aren't allowed to kill them, alright." Their junior brother reminded the two highly eager cultivators. 

The two just turned and looked at their junior brother. The look on their junior brothers face was a stark difference from his words. Even a small bit of killing intent was leaking out. 

"You are the last person who should remind us of that. Matter of fact, you need to remember we aren't allowed to kill them." The Senior Brother said. 

"Oh, Senior Brother, that may be so, but…" The junior brother's face contorted slightly. "We can still make them bleed." He said covering his face with a single hand glancing at his senior brother. "Now doesn't that sound like fun." He chuckled. 

"Heh, you're right. Let's have some fun with this." The Senior Sister said. "Oh I wonder how much I can see them bleed. I do hope they entertain me for a long time to come. Oh how fun." She giggled sinisterly. 

"If any casualties happen it will definitely be by their hands." Someone else sighed, and then flew away. "Time to start having fun." He smirked, as a few others followed him. 

~ In A Meeting Hall ~

"The speech wasn't the best, but I don't think that matters." I sighed, sitting down on my prince's throne. 

"I'm impressed that anyone would actually want to be married in such a way. That was quite the shock." Zhao Ya said aloud, glancing at Zhao Ye Bai. 

"Ahahaha, Senior Sister, the situation this time is different. All of those couples were already requesting to be wed. And since this moment of conflict will last an undetermined amount of time. It is only natural to seal the deal as fast as humanly possible. That is, if they truly do love each other. And I even hemorrhage those special pills this time. Giving out two of the ones I make is not something I relish. Each one of those is time taken from my cultivation. So I'd like to ration the little I have left now. And save them for those more important to me. And for rewards." I explained, raising my brow. 

"It's just the… Romance felt…" Zhao Ya started. 

"Oh don't you worry about that. The real romance starts after today. That I can assure you of." I chuckled. "Now then, we are currently in a state of activity just below warring. As a result, the 7th ranks will be sent out to ensure our Disciples safety. I will act if the need arises." I explained. 

"I see…" Zhao Ya murmured. 

"Don't get so down, I'm sure Senior Brother Zhao Ye Bai will get it through his thick skull soon." I sighed. 

"Wait? Get what, through my skull?" Zhao ye Bai panicked in confusion. 

"Really Junior Brother? How are you going to make him realize when he acts so…" Zhao Ya mentioned, slapping the back of Zhao Ye Bai's head. "Stupid sometimes." She added, blushing. 

The rest of the room just let out a collective sigh. I looked at Zhao Ye Bai, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Senior Sister, shall I just take the direct approach? After all, I'm not embarrassed in the slightest?" I asked. 

"No!" Zhao Ya turned the deepest shade of red. 

"I see, then let's at least give brother Zhao Ye Bai a decent hint." I said. On this note, I stood up and placed a gentle hand on Huo Lei's cheek, leaning in with a kiss. "I love you, with a depth the Dao can not comprehend." I said. 

"Ugh, am I the only one in this room that doesn't have a lover?" Xu Yi grumbled, taking mental notes. 

"Wait? What do you mean Junior brother? Sister and I don't have a lover either." Zhao Ye Bai asked, confused, which was instantly followed up with another slap. 

"Why must you be so dense?" Zhao Ya shouted with tears forming.