
"Are you sure you're alright? You took in quite a lot of our Source energy… Far more than expected." Sun's Burning Shine asked, a little bit concerned. 

"Yeah, I feel fantastic actually. I'm half surprised you two were able to do it. You've both improved your control a lot since the last time I saw you." I answered, chuckling as I rubbed their heads. "Hmm, you still need to improve a bit more. But at this pace you might be able to make a trip out of here in around a thousand years or so. Which is quite impressive considering how strong you both are." I smiled, lifting my hands up. 

"You're really alright? That was easily several 9th rank crystals worth of energy in terms of amount anyways." Moon's Nether Glimmer asked, grabbing my hand, teary eyed. 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine now. That damned Royal Lord did quite a number on me. Such an injury is going to take a lot to heal. Otherwise my Mother's hug would have been more than enough. Sadly, this time, it wasn't. But thanks to you two and your improved control, I don't have to be unconscious for a couple of years." I smiled, with a thumbs up. 

"So, if you're fine… Do you mind stopping this Chaotic Storm you created? Seriously, it spans a radius of about 2 Great Territories." Sun's Burning Shine said, pointing. 

"Hmm? Oh! Yeah, you had to use a bolt to finish the connection… Yeah, My Dao is supercharged now too. Pretty sure I might be able to kill at least one Royal Lord with this power. Going to be quite handy if another foolish one shows up." I said, raising my hand, snapping my fingers and the storm returned to me. All in an instant. 

"HOLY SHIT! Just… Just what was that?" Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master Lei, asked, panicked having sensed the faintest hint of the level of Dao I possess. 

"Ahahaha! That, right there… Hmm, is a sample of the currently known peak of this Dao." I smiled. "I wouldn't usually say that but, considering the change I feel… Hmm, I wonder… Can I do that now too?" I thought, and pointed my finger at the Hall Master. And then I smirked… "Ahahaha, I can… It might be a mere imitation but wow, it worked. Congrats, you'll be safe from Ink for basically forever now. Unless a Royal Lord comes to burn through that personally, you'll be able to generate the effect on your own over time." I chuckled. 

"Leiji! Don't just go doing 9th rank stuff willy nilly like that!" Smiles said, having seen the exact thing I just did. "But, I can see why you did it." She sighed. 

"Hmm? I was just curious. And he was the only one here that it would actually work on anyways." I said, poking my fingers together. "Now though… Mother." I said, changing topics and walking before Yang Kai and Su Yan. I kneeled down and bowed. "Child begs forgiveness for worrying the parents." I said, in front of everyone. 

Su Yan came down and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close. "Don't ever scare me like that again! I thought I was going to lose you." She said, trembling. 

This put me in a tight spot. On the one hand I could make the promise. But, then I'd definitely be lying. As that is something no man, knowing they are going to that battlefield, would ever promise. False hope is no hope at all. 

"I'll do my best to never worry you again, Mother. But to ask me to make it a promise… I simply can't do so. While I may reach a point where even Giant Spirit Gods fear me, there is an enemy that definitely won't." I explained, hoping to temper her expectations. 

"Then promise me that you'll do absolutely everything in your power to come home." Su Yan said, hugging me tighter. 

"Son, when we return we are going to throw a feast. A rather large one. Celebrating victory and marriage. I've got a lot of them to prepare for, don't I?" Yang Kai said, standing Su Yan and myself back up. 

"That's true, but… Father, don't forget about the other task you've got queued up afterwards." I said with a smirk, finally being released from my mothers hold. 

"Ha, that's right, I won't forget about that. At this point I doubt I'd be able to resist any longer anyways." Yang Kai said, patting me on the shoulder. "But tell me, how do you want the problem with Myriad Demons to be resolved? From what I saw, the fights between disciples had already shown benefits in their fighting ability. It seems a waste to just end it there." He asked. 

"If it were up to me, I'd create something like the Asura Arena, only with team battles. And then create divisions from the future High ranks to fight. Creating a way for them to grow accustomed to fighting a horde while alone. But, this would require all the Forces to gather for it. Which means… Ink Clan can't be kept a secret any longer." I explained. "Also, the fact it was kept a secret just screams coward to me. Like why would we willingly suppress future 9th ranks? Those people would have zero need of the Ink Force and thus no desire to use it. It honestly doesn't even make it faster either." I added, stretching a little bit. 

"You're completely right. But do you know the terror of a Royal Lord level threat running amok?" Mo Sha Divine Monarch said, then immediately regretted his words. 

"Uh? Maybe you missed it earlier, but… That was a Royal Lord. And correct me if I'm wrong, but that makes the second one you've somehow let slip under the radar this entire time?" I retorted. "So yeah, I'm pretty sure I have first hand experience in this regard. But if, nearly dying, while fighting a Royal Lord led army, whilst making sure the Territory's people didn't suffer. Unless that somehow doesn't count as me knowing the terror?" I said, with a clear and well deserved glare towards Mo Sha. 

"I, Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master Lei, have a request for High Heaven Palace's Palace Master Yang." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master Lei said, cupping his hands, bowing. 

"Hmm?" Yang Kai went, as his brow raised from the suddenness of the situation. 

"Perhaps, my Husband and I should hear your request together?" Su Yan said. "Oh and him too." She added pulling me in close.