Flower Shadow Appears Again

~ High Heaven Palace's Throne/Meeting Hall ~

"Hey, how did it go? Was there a wa…" Luo Ting He asked, a little excited. It was as if she had some ulterior motive. "From the looks on your faces… It doesn't really seem like there was an improvement." She sighed, after noticing the difficult look on their faces. 

"Well, it's not certain yet but that isn't the reason we look like this." The Supreme Elder commonly throwing sexual advances my way, said, crossing an arm under her breasts and supporting her other elbow, gently tapping her cheek with her supported arm. "That Array… It was so advanced it left us at a complete loss. He even thought of the most efficient way to channel the world force into the array. It flowed so naturally I wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't pointed it out." She said with a hot and heavy breath. 

"Uh, sister, are you alright? You seem a bit… Off?" Luo Ting He asked, curiously taking a step forward. 

"Oh I assure you, I'm fine. Just the skill needed to set up something like that… Makes me quiver. I just get all hot and bothered." The hot and bothered Supreme Elder lady said with lust carrying in her voice and visible in her eyes. 

"Senior Sister! He's a boy several generations away from you." Luo Ting He argued, with a worried look. "What do you think Yang Kai will think when he finds out you've been lust to ride his son?" She added, with a flushed face.

"Achem…" I cleared my throat. But, I was ignored by the very same lady lusting for me.

"Is it really a problem? What's wrong with having a little fun with him? And he may be young, but he sure isn't a boy…" The Array Master Woman said, looking at me and beating her eyelashes. "He's a young MAN. And a good looking one too. I just want to do so many things. You don't mind an older woman do you?" She continued, with an overly sexualized walk. 

I remained stagnant. "Apologies but this needs to end. I can promise you this, my father already knows what you've been trying to do. He has a few words saved up for you." I said, stone faced. "I'll give you the highlights. Achem, "You can't have him!" He says. Now then, is there anything else you need right now? I have other pressing matters to attend to. It's quite the busy time… Hmm, why did they come here now?" I said, sitting down on the throne and began to ponder. 

When suddenly, the doors popped open and standing there was Flower Shadow, Xiu Ding Ai and a rather exhausted Bustling World. Flower Shadow wore a look indicating she was rather satisfied, holding her belly gently. Xiu Ding Ai however didn't waste a single moment. She ran right through the crowd of Supreme Elders and flew right into my lap. 

"Big Brother! I did it! I broke through!" Xiu Ding Ai exclaimed, with a twinkle in her eyes. 

"I see and that's why you came to find me. Even though you should have consolidated your cultivation first. Even if I can help you. You really should practice consolidating yourself." I said, rubbing Xiu Ding Ai's head with a firm praise, balanced with instruction. 

"I know, I just…" Xiu Ding Ai said, poking her fingers together all cute like. "I wanted to see Big Brother as soon as I could. Cause I wanted to say, I'll catch up! I'll catch up to my Big Sister!" She said with an adorable determined look. 

"Pfft, Sorry Martial Grand Nephew. Ding Ai is excited for a different reason as well. And it is also why I didn't tell her to stay behind. The fault lies with me." Flower Shadow giggled, covering her lips with her fan.

I looked at Flower Shadow and instantly noticed two glaring issues that have to be resolved. "I see… You must've had it rough, Martial Grandpa… Ahahaha, very well, it seems like I can't fault you… After all, Ding Ai here would never forgive you if she had to stay behind while you came to see me. And you're both having the same problem. Though yours is threatening lives not of your own." I said, not leaving anything out. 

"Wait!? There's more than one!????" Bustling World shouted in surprise, then fell into an unintelligible stammering. 

"You could even see that with those eyes?" Flower Shadow asked with a smile. 

"Of course I can. There are very few things I can not see nor discern in this world." I said, standing up. "Ding Ai, hold onto my back for a moment." I said, as I appeared directly in front of Flower Shadow. "Now, understand that Even with my power, it won't be safe for any longer than 5 years at most. So you'll have to stabilize yourself in that time, understand?" I asked.

"I understand. I just don't want my babies to suffer." Flower Shadow answered, moving a small portion of the cloth over her dantain.

"This will hurt for a moment. But it will quickly fade." I said placing the tip of my finger on Flower Shadow's exposed belly skin. She nodded in understanding. 

In the next moment a tiny spark flashed and went into Flower Shadow. She cried out in a pained gasp for a moment before stumbling for a moment as she recovered. Every single one of her pours was spilling out sweat like it was going out of style. 

"Thank you. I can feel the turmoil subsiding." Flower Shadow said, breathing hard. 

"Master? Are you alright now?" Xiu Ding Ai asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, now we just have to bring him back to reality. He's been a philanderer for quite some time. Suddenly being told he is having two children must have shocked him to the core." Flower Shadow giggled with a smile. 

"Oh I wouldn't worry about him. He's just trying to get special treatment out of me. He knows good and well that having kids is also a part of what makes the world… Bustling." I said, chuckling all the way. 

"You're so much like that brat of a father you have. I can't get anything past the two of you can I?" Bustling World said. "My Cultivation also just instantly stabilized too… So there's that." He continued, making a quick check of himself.