8th Rank Yang Leiji

I had held back my breakthrough for a few reasons, but one of these was to increase the potency of the breakthrough. A method that seemed to work for other realms. And then I also want to make sure that everyone that needed to, had arrived. 

Yang Kai returned, the heads of the three fools tied together on a string. And in his other hand were the Small Universes of the three 8th ranks. Luo Ting He's eyes bulged. 

"I should have expected such fools wouldn't be a problem for you, but was it best to…" Luo Ting He started questioning, stopping once she saw the murderous eyes. 

"They should count themselves lucky that I killed them so quickly." Yang Kai answered, opting to ignore the other potential question, but only for a moment. "As to your question, they raised their hand aiming for my son. Even if they are utter weaklings by comparison, I won't ever let that happen again on my watch." He answered, turning to look directly at my cocoon. "Right now, my son is about to do something others may think impossible. What kind of father would allow such distractions?" He further added. 

"I… I understand. But 3 8th ranks would have been a nice addition to our forces." Luo Ting He responded, thinking of a way to bring her thoughts out without totally contradicting Yang Kai. 

"Normally, you'd be right. But those three committed an unforgivable sin." Yang Kai replied, with a sideways glance. "That, and have they ever helped in the first place? It doesn't seem like it to me. Besides, take a look at their small universes. They were nothing more than idiots. They may have been 8th rank, but they'd have succumbed to the ink force within seconds. And I doubt a situation like that is a good idea." He explained, handing over the small universes for Luo Ting He to look at. 

"Oh my, you're right. They would never be able to resist the Ink Force from a feudal lord, let alone a territory or royal lord. Such weak minded idiots had this many holes and pathways to being corrupted…" Luo Ting He said, struggling not to stammer. "It's a good thing you killed them. Once this is over we can help assist in taking control of the Shattered Heaven." she added. 

"I'm sure my son has a plan to deal with that criminal ridden place. And he would appreciate the assistance." Yang Kai smirked. 

Just then my breakthrough truly began its final phases. I could no longer hold it back. "I hope everyone who needs to see this, have arrived. Because I can not keep it from happening any longer." I spoke softly within my Knowledge Sea.

The Spherical bursts of power stopped, and then after a couple of breaths, a massive chaotically moving shockwave radiated. The distance everyone was at was barely enough, and the 8th rank's small universes quivered in the presence of this single shockwave. It was truly a wave so strong it caused some to speak a phrase: That would have obliterated a 7th rank had they been in front of me. 

Following up the shockwave, seemingly infinite world birthing storms of chaos appeared in the void. Each paired with their one degree of twists and turns. It was a terrifying sight to be sure. One that made the Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress look through the gate to witness what was happening, as the effects of my breakthrough were causing mass devastation to the ink force surrounding the No Return Pass. 

Arcing bolts of lightning emitted from my Open Heaven cocoon as the entirety of the void filled with chaotic lighting. In nearby Territories, people were falling to their knees under the sheer pressure such a force released. The Void howled with wind, crackled with lightning and pounded with thunder. It was as if the very area was being reforged. 

The lightning continued to extend outwards, through Territory Gates and further. Stopping at nothing to spread its influence. An unrelenting, unstoppable force. Each Territory it went through began generating new world birthing storms from the outside chaos. 

Smiles, who was watching the effects happen from Star Boundary simply giggled. Su Yan, holding Xingjuan looked out at the impressive display, Xingjuan tried reaching out for the sparks knowing who was causing them giggling as babies do all the while. 

"It's probably for the best, to not go outside right now." Smiles mentioned. "He's breaking through in the Spatial Territory. That's so far away from here I struggle to believe it." She added. Su Yan simply smiled in response. 

~ Spatial Territory ~

The stormy effects of my breakthrough were undoubtedly strongest here. Causing the 8th ranks nearby to witness something truly fierce. And while they were all struggling to keep themselves together, Yang Kai simply stared into the center of it all, watching closely. He was also helping to protect the fledglings of course. 

Then just as suddenly as it had begun, it ended. My cocoon melted away and I appeared from within, an 8th rank open heaven realm. But I was far from done, I looked at my hand in awe of the strength I now possessed. 

"What I had before might as well have been a dung beetle to where I currently am now." I chuckled nervously. "Though… I almost regret this action now. I'm less sure of victory over that Inky bastard." I mentioned in a low voice and then made a fist. "I still have to fight him regardless. Now it's time to reach the peak." I continued, with conviction as I assumed the Lotus position once again. 

Four comically large bolts of lightning originated from me each in a cardinal direction from myself. They each reached down to the Ink Giant's body and began the arduous process of refining away the evil, leaving behind the purest energy. 

Those who witnessed the breakthrough were breathing heavily except for 2. Yang Kai and Qing Ning. No one could really blame them honestly. What they just witnessed was a power even a 9th rank wouldn't possess. So it took them a moment to regain their composure. 

The Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress went back to check on something else, abandoning their view from the gate. What had happened, was a complete annihilation of the ink force surrounding them. Even grass began to grow.