(Trouble in the Resistance part 2.)

Chapter seven:

The Rebel soldiers inside of the Jedi academy had talked about this fight for the past two hours. Bets had been placed and none were on Ushar.

The lightsabers spun around so much that it made it look like four lightsabers were being used. So far the fight was going in Cale's favor.

He was backing Ushar near a X-wing that had been left on deck. Ushar Force Jumped onto it and Cale followed. Ushar was slashing his crimson red lightsaber from the right to the left but nothing worked. Rey had taught Cale well.

Ushar Force Jumped behind Cale and spun around to block his attack but the attack never came because Ushar slashed through the wing of the X-wing and it fell with Cale with it. It looked as if it would fall on top of Cale but he Force saber threw Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber into the air and cut the wing in two so it didn't touch him.

Ushar got angry it was time to cheat.

He slowly opened a pouch and Force Jumped up and slowly grabbed another crimson red lightsaber from the pouch. Cale blocked both sabers barely and said. "You never said we could use two lightsabers."

"I never said we couldn't either." Replied Ushar. Cale tried to block both saber attacks but it was getting harder and harder. Cale used Force Grip to grab a piece of the X-wing and threw it at Ushar but he Force saber threw his crimson red lightsabers to cut it to pieces.

With Ushar distracted Cale Force Sped towards him and hit his right arm with Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber. The arm dropped the crimson red lightsaber and went numb. Ushar backed away blocking Cale's attack. Ushar had no choice he would have to use his ace.

He had planted a blaster near the battle just in case it didn't look like he would win. Ushar used Force Grip to aim the blaster and fired. Cale fell to the floor surprised by the attack. Ushar then Force Pulled Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber that Rey had given to Cale and slashed it so it could never be used again.

"No." Cale groaned.

"Look at Rey's apprentice now." Ushar grunted the last word as he kicked Cale across the floor. Ushar took his one good arm and used blue Force Lightning to strike Cale.

Cale screamed in pain as his body began filling with blue electricity. The Rebel soldiers raised their guns and said. "Drop your lightsaber and put your hands in the air."

"You would choose this weakling over me?" Replied Ushar.

The Rebel soldiers just stood there. "Drop your lightsaber, they yelled. Ushar Force saber threw his crimson red lightsaber at the door lock and the door closed. "I've gotten so sick and tired of your praise." Ushar shocks Cale some more than stops.

"All Rey could talk about was how you were the Resistance's prodigy." Ushar shocks Cale some more.

"Well you can't become a Jedi knight if you're dead." Ushar lifts his crimson red lightsaber as the door opens. "This is the end." Said Ushar.

Ushar brings his crimson red lightsaber down only to meet another yellow lightsaber.

Ushar looks up to see the wielder and is terrified by her.

Her heroism symbolizes the death of most Stormtroopers it was her the scavenger girl from Jakku, Rey.

"Rey you weren't expected to be back for another couple of hours." Said Ushar.

"Don't change the subject Ushar. You tried to kill my apprentice and to me that is unforgivable." Replied Rey. Ushar's crimson red lightsaber powered down and Rey picked up Cale and carried him over to some Rebel soldiers.

"Take him to the medical wing and see if he's alright." Ushar said in a mocking tone. "You baby him way to much Rey."

Rey turned around slowly he could almost see the anger radiating off her. Rey walked up to him and got in his face. "Watch what you say to me or you will end up dead." Rey said in a deep dark voice.

"Your wouldn't dare touch me." Replied Ushar.

"You won't talk your way out of this one." Said Rey.

"Supreme Leader Snoke wouldn't let you... Ushar was cut off by Rey. "I will take Supreme Leader Snoke's displeasure if it keeps you out of my sight forever." Rey reignites her yellow lightsaber and Ushar reignites his crimson red lightsaber.

Ushar tries to use blue Force Lightning on Rey but she blocks it with her hand, while using Force Tutaminus. Ushar also used Dark Healing to heal the hand that Cale had damaged earlier. With his hand healed he tried to defeat Rey the best he could but to no avail.

Rey was matching Ushar's moves with just one hand. Tired of fighting, Rey Force Pushed Ushar against a wall and Force Choked him.

"Look at Supreme Leader Snoke's favorite now." Rey said in a mocking tone. Rey then Force saber threw her yellow lightsaber piercing Ushar's chest. The fourth Knight of Ren's head then fell. Rey Force Pulls Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber towards her and places it on her belt.

She then walks off and turns to a Rebel soldier. "Get that filth out of my sight." Said Rey. The trooper salutes and says. "Yes ma'am."