(The death of Emperor Palpatine.)

Chapter eighteen:

Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin looked at the place and it was filled with machiners. "What is this place?" Said Rey Palpatine. "I don't know." Replied Cale Lestin.

They then walked further into the room and saw the throne of the Sith. They then looked at the back of the arena.

"Long have I waited... They heard a menacing voice. Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin then looked back at the throne to see Emperor.

"For my grandchild to come home. I never wanted you dead. I wanted you here. Empress Palpatine." Said Emperor Palpatine.

"You will take the throne. It is your birthright to take the throne. It is in your blood to rule the dark side." Replied Emperor Palpatine.

"We didn't come here to take the throne. We came here to kill the Sith." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Yes Jedi's?" Replied Emperor Palpatine.

"Yes." Said Rey Palpatine.

"No. Your hatred, your anger. You want to kill me. That's what I want for you to kill me. And my spirit will pass on to you as all the Sith lives in me. You will be Empress. We will be one." Replied Emperor Palpatine.

Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin then looked at the arena and saw all of the Sith. "With your anger, you will kill me. You will also kill Cale Lestin and take the throne. His powers will pass on to you too." Said Emperor. Rey Palpatine then looked at her apprentice Cale Lestin.

"Rey, no. We are going to kill him. Together." Replied Cale Lestin.

"I will never kill my friend!" Rey Palpatine told Emperor Palpatine.

"Weak. Just like your parents." Replied Emperor Palpatine.

"They were strong." Said Rey Palpatine.

"The only family you have left is me. Strike me down and kill Cale Lestin." Replied Emperor Palpatine. Rey Palpatine then looked at Cale Lestin again.

"No, I won't kill Cale!" Said Rey Palpatine.

Emperor Palpatine then pointed at the sky and they saw all of their friends fighting the Final Order.

"Since Rey is weak, Cale Lestin you will strike me down and my spirit and all of the Sith will be with you. You can save your friend's... Emperor Cale." Replied Emperor Palpatine. Cale Lestin then ignited Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber.

"No!" Said Rey Palpatine as Cale Lestin just Force Pushed her away..

"Yes, strike me down with your anger." Replied Emperor Palpatine as he closed his eyes.

Cale Lestin then put Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber behind his back as Ben Solo appeared.

"No!" Said Emperor Palpatine. Cale Lestin then pulled Rey Palpatine back to his side and ignited Ben Solo's crimson red cross guard lightsaber. And they were ready to defeat Emperor Palpatine's bodyguards.

Cale Lestin then Force Pulled one of the guards towards him and stabbed him in the heart. He then did a backflip and stabbed another guard in the chest.

Ben Solo then appeared out of knowhere and stabbed one of the guards. The three of them then turned around to face Emperor Palpatine.

Emperor Palpatine then lifted up his hand and the three of them began to float. Their lightsabers then fell out of their hands and Emperor Palpatine pulled the three of them towards him.

"The life force of Rey's and Ben's bond.... is a dyad in the Force. A power over life itself. Unseen for generations." Said Emperor Palpatine as he Force Drained the life force out of them.

They then fell to the floor. Unconscious...

Rey Palpatine then opened her eyes and saw that her apprentice Cale Lestin and Ben Solo was still unconscious on the floor beside her.

"Be with me..." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Be with me..." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"Be with me...." Said Rey Palpatine.

"These are your final steps Rey. Rise and take them." Replied Anakin Skywalker.

"Rise." Said Luminara Unduli.

"Rey." Replied Asoka Tano.

"Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did..." Said Anakin Skywalker.

"In the light. Find the light." Replied Aayla Secura.

"You're not alone, Rey." Said Mace Windu.

"Alone, never have you been..." Replied Master Yoda.

"Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you..." Said Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"The Force surrounds you, Rey..." Replied Adi Gallia.

"Let it guide you...." Said Kanan Jarrus.

"Feel the Force flowing through you, Rey." Replied Luke Skywalker.

"Let it lift you..." Said Princess Leia Organa.

"We stand beside you, Rey." Replied Asoka Tano.

"Rey." Said Mace Windu.

"In the heart of a Jedi lies their strength..." Replied Luminara Unduli.

"Rise...." Said Adi Gallia.

"Rey, the Force will be with you... Always..." Replied Kanan Jarrus.

Rey Palpatine then stood back up and turned to face Emperor Palpatine. "Let your death be the final story of the Rebellion." Said Emperor Palpatine as he shot purple Force Lightning at Rey Palpatine but she reflected it with her yellow lightsaber.

"You are nothing. A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me. I am all of the Sith!" Said Emperor Palpatine.

"And I... am all of the Jedi." Replied Rey Palpatine as she brought Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber to her side and deflected the purple Force Lightning back at Emperor Palpatine as he disintegrated into nothingness.

Rey Palpatine then fell to the floor unconscious.