(Darth Revan's robot.)

Chapter twenty nine:

Meanwhile back at the Yuzhan Vong, General Pryde went to report to The Son.

"So it appears that Darth Plagueis has returned, General Pryde." Said The Son.

"Yes, my Master. And it appears that Kara Sinn betrayed us." Replied General Pryde.

"You will take her place." Said The Son.

"Yes my Master." Replied General Pryde even though he was trying to hide his excitement.

"Do not fall me." Said The Son.

"I won't my Master. And you won't regret your decision." Replied General Pryde as the hologram of The Son disappeared.

The next day in the CIS... Zorii Bliss smiled as she looked at Poe Dameron who laid next to her. Zorii Bliss then snuggled up against him before saying.

"I suppose that we should go see what everyone is doing." Said Zorii Bliss as she got up from the bed and started to get dressed.

They then found Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin sitting together, and was looking out a window and at the stars.

Rey Palpatine was still trying to make friends with The Daughter and the rest of the Separatist, but making friends wasn't exactly her strong suit.

Rey Palpatine knew that it would time to get to know The Daughter. So she just sat there in silence.

If it was just here and her apprentice Cale Lestin she could have talked about their first mission together, but that would be a very touchy subject for The Daughter. And if it was just her and The Daughter then they could talk about girl stuff.

As Hego Damask walked into the room, Kara Sinn took a deep breath of relief.

"Hego Damask, it's good to see you." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Yeah, we've been sitting here in awkward silence." Replied Cale Lestin.

"Assessment, it's time for breakfast, Master's." Said a strange droid.

"That's Hk-47 he's a hunter killer series assassin droid that belonged to Darth Revan." Replied The Daughter.

"Darth Revan? It's amazing that it survived this long, but as Luke Skywalker used to say never undermine a droid." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"Let's eat. I'm starving." Said Rey Palpatine as she smiled at her apprentice Cale Lestin and took his hand in her's.