Sweet revenge

"There you are, I thought I was wrong," Lyn smirks handling the flowers she has picked for Moesha to hold.

"How did you find this place?" The male voice said nervously. "Am I not lucky? I was just walking around and stumbling on this place just like that," she said folding her fist and taking slow steps closer to him.

"What is this you are holding?" Lyn chuckled taking his bag and emptying everything on the floor.

"You..." he tried to fight back but Lyn pins him on the floor with one leg. As she picks up the pouch of gold coins.

"It seems someone is in a hurry to run away," Lyn teased.

"Let me go!" He yells, Lyn shakes his head throwing the pouch of gold coins to Moesha who happily catches it with one hand in the air.

"That's mine you bitch," he whines. "Not anymore and where I'm sending you, you won't need the money now tell me what do you think will be enough punishment for trying to touch me?" She said pulling out her small dagger.

After what happened to her she carries a dagger with her everywhere she goes. She had one under her dress on both thighs and one up her sleeve.

Jetaime arrived right in time and almost wanted to rip his head off but held back when he heard her confident voice. she was handling it well he thought.

"Let me go," Prince Dewey sobs nervously when he saw the dagger.

"That didn't answer my question. Hmm cutting off your fingers and roasting them for you to eat or perhaps your balls. Won't you be glad to know what your balls taste like? I could also pile off your skin you and I will so much enjoy you screaming in pain, how nice that will be." Lyn asked with a soft smile as she swings the dagger cutting off his little finger and he moans in pain as blood begins to ooze out.

"You evil witch, you think the monster king will spare you? You are just some slave of his. I am a Prince of this land," Princess Dewey cries holding his bleeding hand.

"Yes, and I'm the evil queen of the monstrous king don't we make a perfect couple?" She said making Jetaime smiles from where he was hiding. We are more than perfect he thought.

"What do you think your brother the king will do to his brother for trying to touch his queen? I really what to imagine if he will chop off your whole arm or fingers. Well, I guess we will never know?" Lyn smirked and was about to chop off another finger of his when he heard a voice and froze.

When Princes Dewey realized the king was there he pee in his pant out of nervousness. He was running away from him now thanks to Lyn he has gotten hold of him. He hates Lyn even more.

"His head," Jetaime hissed staring at Lyn while she tossed the dagger in her hands. She wasn't nervous but angry he interrupted her revenge.

"What?" Lyn mumbled confused. "The punishment for touching the queen is not chopping off his finger or fingers or the whole arm and neither cutting off his balls but his head!" Jetaime roared making Lyn smiles at the sound of it.

Prince Dewey knew he has met his end, nothing was going to stop the king now, when he realize the king had his eyes glued on the queen he manage to get up and started running away. The guards tried to run after him but Lyn stops them.

"Killing him will be way too easy and no fun at all. I like torturing them it's sweet and very satisfying," she said with a smirk putting the dagger back in its hold.

"Everyone leave!" Jetaime ordered while everyone walks away leaving just the two of them behind.

"You really know how to get into trouble don't you?" Jetaime said as he close the gap between them.

"You can't blame me. Blame them those beastly beasts keep trying to wake my sleeping beast how is that any of my fault," Lyn said feeling no remorse for cutting off the finger of a Prince but Jetaime just fell in love with her completely.

"Lyn, why didn't you tell me the truth about the incident? You don't trust that I can get justice for you?" Jetaime was angry she didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth.

"What will you have done if I had told you the truth huh? Will you punish your family for me, a slave?" Lyn replied angrily.

"A slave? Is that how you feel?" Jetaime was hurt. He did everything to make sure she felt comfortable and at home but to think all this while she thought she was his prisoner broke his heart.

"You never wanted to marry me! You never wanted me to be your queen! I'm here because it's fun for you and once you get bored you will send me packing. Don't you even think for a second I'm happy being your queen? You can feel free and send me to the Kagon anywhere is better than having to see your face," Lyn yells as she walks out of him.

"Lyn! Oaklyn don't you dare walk out on me!" Jetaime yells making her halt.

"Watch me," Lyn said walking away. Jetaime failed to realize his words hurt her feelings. She was just playing with him and he threatened to send her to the Kagon.

"Oaklyn! I command you to stop right now!" He roars once more but Lyn didn't stop and kept walking away. He run and grabbed her hand and turn her to face him.

"No one walks away from the king, If I command you to stop you stop, if I tell you to sleep you sleep do you understand me Queen Oaklyn Jetaime Kemal!" Jetaime yells as his grip tightens around her arms.

Lyn had never seen him like that before, he was never this mad at her before now she was more confused about his behavior. He was angry she admits that but his attitude towards her was something else. he was indeed a monster when he is angry.

Jetaime glanced at her and realized she was nervous. He quickly loosen his hand around her arm and whispered. "I'm sorry... I ... didn't...know what... please forgive me. I might have scared you," he said pulling her close to him and wrapping his hands around her.

Lyn was unable to fathom what had happened and what was going on. She didn't move her hand while Jetaime hugs her tightly.

"It's getting late, let's head back to the Palace and get you out of these clothes they are stained with blood, " Jetaime said now in a calmer voice. Lyn still couldn't move. Jetaime had to carry her in his arms and takes her away from there.

"Arhhh, my lady," Moesha mumbled when she saw the king carrying the princess.

"If you don't want the king to send you away you better stay put!" Byron mumbled as he expected Moesha to hold her tongue.

"But the queen looks frightened," Moesha mumbled. "She will be fine and you, are the Princess of Malavon, not a fragile princess how come she..." Byron wondered how Lyn handled Prince Dewey even though he is the chief of command and the personal guard of the king will never have such a nerve to touch someone with royal blood. He must indeed stop listening to rumors.

"Everyone has an unleashed beast in them don't you wish to kill someone so badly that it makes your heart thump violently each time you see them?" Moesha asked.

She was even more deadly than the queen. Her facial expressions even made Byron step back from her. Women of Malavon are not to be messed with, he thought walking away because she was telling the truth.